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CNB Hunting/Fishing Delaware: NREC Fish & Wildlife Natural Resources Police Blotter


Reminder for the week: Prepare for the season by signing up for a boating safety course


DOVER (April 24, 2015) – To achieve public compliance through education and enforcement actions that help conserve Delaware’s fish and wildlife resources and ensure safe boating and public safety, DNREC Division of Fish & Wildlife Natural Resources Police officers between April 13-19 made 1,392 contacts with anglers, hunters, boaters and the general public, including 112 vessel boardings for boating safety and fishing regulation compliance checks. Officers responded to 53 complaints and issued 35 citations, seven of which were related to the C&D Canal Conservation Area and associated recreational trail, where there is an increased Fish & Wildlife Natural Resources Police presence.


Citations issued by offense type included the following, with the number of charges in parentheses:


Wildlife Conservation: Operating a motor vehicle off an established roadway on a state wildlife area (2)*, damaging state property (1)*, New Castle County.


Fisheries Conservation: Recreational: Fishing without a license (21), New Castle, Kent and Sussex counties; Possession of undersized white perch (4), New Castle County; Illegal use of cast net in tidal water within 300 feet of a dam or spillway (1), and setting/tending more than two recreational crab pots (1), Sussex County.


Boating and Boating Safety: Operating a vessel with insufficient number of life jackets (1), operating an unregistered vessel (1), and no boat ramp certificate (1), Sussex County.


Public Safety: Possession of drug paraphernalia (2), Sussex County.


* These citations were issued at the C&D Canal Conservation Area. In addition, the following citations not marked with an asterisk also were issued at the C&D Canal Conservation Area: Fishing without a license (2) and possession of undersized white perch (2).


Are you AWARE?

With spring finally in the air – and as part of the National Association of State Boating Law Administrators’ (NASBLA) “Spring Aboard” campaign for boating education –  DNREC’s Division of Fish & Wildlife Natural Resources Police reminds boaters to prepare for boating season by enrolling in a boating education course through Delaware’s Office of Boating Safety and Education.


Courses cover the rules and regulations of Delaware’s waterways, including: appropriate speed limits; responsible boating skills and awareness; and how to distinguish navigational aids and water depths; weather tips; information about basic engine mechanics; required and/or recommended safety equipment; what to do if a Fish & Wildlife Natural Resources Police officer stops your vessel, and the dangers of boating under the influence.


Delaware’s 8-hour basic boating safety course, which fulfills Delaware’s mandatory boating safety requirement, is offered in multiple locations statewide in one to four sessions. Upon completing the course, boaters receive a boating safety certificate, which they should carry with them while boating as proof of course completion.


Several providers also offer a Delaware-approved online version of the boating safety course. As an added incentive during NASBLA’s “Spring Aboard” campaign, will offer a 50-percent discount to students who complete their online boating safety course between April 20 and 26. For more information, visit


Delaware’s Office of Boating Safety and Education also provides volunteer instructors to private and non-profit organizations, schools, clubs and the general public to educate boaters on skills and seamanship and to encourage them to be safe, knowledgeable and responsible.


For more information, including Delaware’s boating safety class schedule, access to the online Delaware Boating Handbook and other boating information, please click Delaware Boating Safety, or contact Delaware Boating Safety Officer Cpl. John McDerby at 302-739-9913 or email [email protected].


DNREC’s Division of Fish & Wildlife recognizes and thanks the majority of anglers, hunters and boaters who comply with and support Delaware’s fishing, hunting and boating laws and regulations. Citizens are encouraged to report fish and wildlife and boating violations to the Delaware Fish & Wildlife Natural Resources Police by calling 302-739-4580. Wildlife violations may also be reported anonymously to Operation Game Theft by calling 800-292-3030 or online at

April 13-19
