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Black Police Officer Gives SICK Reason for Targeting "White Boys," Media Silent

Michael Cantrell
April 24, 2015 12:09 pm

From Yahoo News:

Jeffrey Walker told jurors that the Philadelphia Police Department drug squad targeted white “college-boy … khaki-pants types” who were “easy to intimidate.”

That matches the description of some of the drug dealers who have testified at the six-week police corruption trial that the squad stole as much as $110,000 at a time during violent, no-warrant raids.

Lead defendant Thomas Liciardello always got a cut of the stolen money, while the others split “jobs” that they worked, Walker said. The city’s police brass often celebrated the squad’s work with splashy news conferences to announce large seizures.

“They liked that, as far as the bosses and supervisors were concerned. It made them look good. It was nothing but a dog and pony show,” Walker testified.

Walker had nearly 24 years in when he was arrested in an FBI sting in 2013. He was making $119,000 a year, and padding overtime for court appearances and undercover work. The illicit drug money provided yet more “gravy.”

Walker also admitted to “roughing people up,” and even dangled an individual over a high-rise balcony to retrieve a passcode for a palm pilot.

It’s absolutely astounding that all of the race hustlers who claim to be fighting for “equality” are nowhere to be found when a racist black cop is targeting white kids, when we all know darn well they’d be all over this if things were the other way around.

Racism is racism, regardless of the skin color of the perpetrator, and it’s always wicked and evil.



