NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Prostate Cancer Screening Guidelines May Need A Little Help
New Report: Many Children Are Still Being Bullied

Pet Valu's 2015 Calendar On Sale Now! And the Winners Are...


The judges have spoken, and the 13 picture perfect pets have been chosen for Pet Valu's annual calendar. With the help of this fetching calendar, you can make sure to stay organized in 2015. Calendars are available at your local Pet Valu for only $5, just in time to make the purrfect stocking stuffer during the holiday season. All proceeds go to support groups that help put an end to animal cruelty.

 Join the fight against animal abuse and help animals find a home this holiday season. Pick up a calendar at your local Pet Valu and support worthy charities. Making a difference has never been this adorable!


Pet Valu is a leading specialty retailer of organic, holistic, and premium pet food, supplies and treats at competitive prices. Every Pet Valu team member is certified in pet nutrition and is ready to provide expert advice on how to best care for your pet. All pets are welcome at our stores, but must be leashed. For more information or a Pet Valu nearest you, visit or call 1-800-PET-VALU (738-8258).
