NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Celebrating 40 years of Episcopal women priests
Senator Booker's Staff Will Be In Woodbury To Help Area Residents With Federal Issues

State Senator Norcross in Favor of Bail Reform

User33450-1400030781-media1_fdfdfd_221_240_PrsMe_(TRENTON) – Senator Donald Norcross (D-Camden/Gloucester) has released the following statement after the Senate voted to approve S946 and SCR128, which create a program of pretrial release for non-violent offenders, and allow for the denial of bail to the most violent ones:

“Today the Senate voted with unanimous, bipartisan support to implement significant bail reform in our state. These measures will help protect our communities against violent criminals, and provide common-sense alternatives for non-violent offenders who cannot afford bail.

“The reforms that were approved by the Senate today have been championed by multiple organizations, religious and civic leaders, and members of our communities across the state. They are the result of extensive discussion and cooperation among many interested stakeholders to build the best possible criminal justice system for our residents.

“Though the Assembly did not vote on these important reforms today, I am hopeful they will act quickly to ensure we don’t miss the very real August 4 deadline.”

