Brooklawn NJ: Large Water Main Break, Service Is Down, Boil Water Alert Has Been Issued
Thursday, June 26, 2014
BROOKLAWN NJ (June 26, 2014)--Some residents in the Borough of Brooklawn have been without water since 10:30 AM. A large water main break is responsible for shutting down service. Donna M. Domico, Public Works Supt., released the following notice in response to the break. She is warning residents who do have water to boil it first before drinking it.
To the residents of Brooklawn:
Brooklawn Water Department is providing notification that a water main break has occurred at 610 New Broadway, nearest cross street is Chestnut St., (near the area of the Broaway Bridge construction).
Some customers within our service area to be without water.
A potential or actual threat to the quality of water being provided to you currently exists. As a precaution, we are implementing system wide boil water advisory until testing of the water supply is deemed satisfactory.
The Brooklawn DPW crew has already begun repairs and hope the water pressure is restored as quickly as possible. We will make every attempt to keep you advised of the progress.
For more information go to the borough's website: