Delaware River Basin Commission Upcoming Meeting Agenda
Saturday, May 31, 2014
The next public hearing and business meeting of the Delaware River Basin Commission will be onTuesday, June 10 and Wednesday, June 11, 2014, respectively. Both the public hearing and business meeting are open to the public and will be held at the Washington Crossing Historic Park Visitor Center, 1112 River Road, Washington Crossing, Pa.
Public Hearing: June 10, 2014
The public hearing on June 10, 2014 will begin at 1:30 p.m. Hearing items will include draft dockets for the withdrawals, discharges, and other water-related projects listed below (all pdfs) and for resolutions: (1) extending the commission's Monitoring Advisory Committee; (2) authorizing the Executive Director to contract for laboratory analysis of ambient main stem and tributary samples for acute and chronic toxicity; and (3) authorizing the Executive Director to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for Repairs and Improvements at Blue Marsh Dam.
Written comments on draft dockets and the resolutions scheduled for hearing on June 10 will be accepted through the close of the hearing that day. After the hearing on all scheduled matters has been completed, the meeting will include an opportunity for public dialogue.
Draft dockets and resolutions scheduled for hearing are posted on the commission's website ten days prior to the hearing date. Additional public records relating to the hearing items may be examined at the commission's offices. Please contact Project Review Section assistant Victoria Lawson at 609-883-9500, extension 216, with any questions concerning these items.
The public is advised to check the commission's web site periodically prior to the hearing date, as items scheduled for hearing may be postponed if additional time is deemed necessary to complete the commission's review. In reviewing docket descriptions, also be aware that project details commonly change in the course of the commission's review, which is ongoing.
View Project Location Map (pdf 908 KB).
1. Berks-Montgomery Municipal Authority, D-1973-060 CP-3. An application to renew the approval of the applicant's 0.38 million gallons per day (mgd) Morysville wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and its discharge. The WWTP will continue to discharge treated effluent to Ironstone Creek at River Mile 92.47 - 54.15 - 4.0 - 4.1 (Delaware River - Schuylkill River - Manatawny Creek - Ironstone Creek) via Outfall No. 001, in Colebrookdale Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania. View draft docket.
2. Town of Bethel, D-1974-196 CP-3. An application to renew the approval of the applicant's existing 0.6 mgd Kauneonga Lake WWTP and its discharge. Treated effluent will continue to be discharged to White Lake Brook at River Mile 261.10 - 16.21 - 5.43 (Delaware River - Mongaup River - White Lake Brook) via Outfall No. 001, within the drainage area to the Upper Delaware, which is classified as Special Protection Waters, in the Town of Bethel, Sullivan County, New York. View draft docket.