NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Gloucester County Grand Jury Indictments, Week of May 12
The New Canal's Liquor's and Domino's Pizza Grand Opening Ceremonies/CNBNews Archives

Gloucester City Police Arrest a Voorhees Man and a Homeless Man for Burglary/


Eric A. Ulak
GCPD photo
GLOUCESTER CITY NJ --On May 16th. at 4:15 a.m. an officer on patrol observed a suspicious male walking with a backpack in the 800 block of Chambers Street. The male then walked up onto the porch of a residence and stood on the porch. The officer approached the male and asked him if he lived there and he replied that he did not. The male was found to have an outstanding warrant for his arrest.
While searching the backpack, the officer recovered camera equipment and a pay stub belonging to a resident of the 900 block of Morris Street. The resident was contacted and positively identified the backpack and its contents, which were stolen from inside his parked vehicle at his residence.
Eric A. Ulak (34), a resident of Voorhees, was arrested and charged with Burglary and Theft. He was later remanded to Camden County Jail after failing to post $2,500 bail. At this time the investigation is still ongoing as to whether this suspect is responsible for committing the car burglaries in the same neighborhood on May 11th.
GLOUCESTER CITY NJ--On May 8th. at 9:39 a.m. employees of the Gloucester City Highway
Jimmy E. Ricks
GCPD photo
Department observed a suspicious male enter the rear enclosed porch of a residence in the 300 block of Greenwood Avenue, remove a bike and ride away.
They notified police and followed the male until an officer caught up with the male on Klemm Avenue at Orlando Avenue. Jimmy E. Ricks (26), currently homeless, was arrested and charged with Burglary and Theft. He was remanded to Camden County Jail after failing to post $5,000 bail.
source GCPD
