NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia
« February 2014 |
| April 2014 »
Ship of Fools Volume XIX No. 13: March 28, 2014 It’s not even April Fool’s day yet and Congress is already pulling a fast one on taxpayers. A fast two, in fact. First, Congress is intent on taking up the tax extenders package, a bill filled with tax break zombies that seem to live past their annual or biennial expiration – it seems for perpetuity. Ranging from boons for NASCAR track owners, to credit for giving away spoiled food, to helping line the pockets of major rum producers – many of these provisions are questionable. This hodge-podge of breaks and carveouts often hitches on as a caboose to whatever legislation seems to be moving through the Capitol. At least in this Congress, there seems to be precious few legislative trains leaving the station, so they are moving forward in the open. Senator Ron Wyden (D-OR) said the tax extenders were...
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New Teen Pop Sensation Zach Matari will commence on the rising Anti Bullying “Teen Nation Tour” in May Zach Matari I'm honored to be a part of Teen Nation Anti Bullying Tour. New York, NY (PRWEB) March 28, 2014 Since the start of the tour in 2012,Teen Nation Tour has been working as a peer to peer community service program to educate and entertain young kids about bullying in a way students can relate – through music. The tour travels to schools across the country and features young emerging recording artist like Zach Matari. Commencing May 12, 2014, the tour will take the new pop sensation, Zach Matari city to city including stops in Pittsburgh, PA, Philadelphia, PA and Atlantic City, NJ. The Teen Nation Tour will allow Zach Matari to be hands on and support this great anti bullying cause, something Zach feels strongly about, that no kid should...
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Above, the grandiose plans for the Southport area included 1000 homes, a marina and shops on 130 acres. Some of those buildings were going to be constructed on the old GAF property, which was owned by the Gloucester Point group. That 10-acre plot goes on the auction block on April 15. Image by Alberto & Associates UPDATED: APRIL 2, 2014 UPDATED: APRIL 4, 2014 Related: You Need to Speak Up By GLOUCESTER CITY NJ (March 31, 2014)--The Gloucester Point property, at the intersection of Charles and Water Streets, will be put on the auction block on April 15. The 10-acre site was the home of a GAF plant for many years. That plant closed around 1987, and it set empty until 1996 when Gloucester Point purchased it from GAF for $450,000. A few years ago the City of Gloucester purchased the old Harshaw Chemical/AMSPEC site, which is adjacent to...
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PUBLISHED October 19, 2007 by Bill Bates Runners and walkers get ready as Engine 452 prepares to "sound the siren" to officially start the 6th Annual Heroes to Hero 5K Run/Walk on Saturday morning. Large Turnout for This Year's Heroes to Hero 5K Run/Walk MOUNT EPHRAIM NJ (October 13, 2007)--On Saturday, October 13 many residents from Gloucester City joined residents over in Mount Ephraim along with neighboring communities along with runners and walkers from neighboring states and countries that joined firefighters, family, and friends to participate in the Heroes to Hero 5K Run/Walk from Mount Ephraim Fire Department to Gloucester City Fire Headquarters. A sea of participants cross Kings Highway as they are about to walk under the two aerial apparatuses arched with the American Flag courtesy of Pine Hill and Barrington Fire Department. The race is organized months in advance by 11 committee members that meet once and sometimes...
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The Gloucester Township Police Department will be participating in the statewide 2014 “U Drive, U Text, U Pay” Distracted Driving Enforcement Campaign. This campaign takes place between April 1st and April 21st, 2014. As part of the initiative, the department was awarded a $5,000.00 grant by New Jersey Division of Highway Traffic Safety. The grant will be used to conduct high visibility patrols targeting motorist who engage in dangerous distracted driving behaviors such as talking on hand held cell phones and sending text messages while driving. This statewide campaign is part of a national effort to raise awareness to the dangers of distracted driving. April has also been designated as National Distracted Driver awareness month. In 2012, 3328 people were killed in distracted driving crashes. An estimated 421,000 people were injured in motor vehicle crashes involving a distracted driver. For additional information on the dangers of distracted driving, visit NJ...
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MARCH 28, 2014 BOSTON, MA TOP STORY: Off-duty ICE deputy field office director saves family from car wreck Shards of glass still lodged in his hands and a throbbing pain in his shoulder, Chris Cronen sat in a hospital emergency room the evening of March 9 a hero. Cronen, the executive deputy assistant director for the Office of Firearms & Tactical Programs with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), is temporarily assigned as the acting deputy field office director for New England. His new post brought him to a suburb of Boston earlier this year after a 5-year tour at ICE headquarters in Washington, D.C. Exploring his new surroundings on a weekend trip through New England, Cronen exited the Bedford, N.H., Toll Plaza and came across a mangled SUV lying on its passenger side. As one of the first responders on the scene, Cronen heard two young boys crying out for...
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CHESTER, PA (03/25/2014)(readMedia)-- Stephanie Smith of Brooklawn, N.J., a junior management/marketing major at Widener University, presented research titled "Experiencing the Business and Social Culture of Spain" during the university's annual Honors Week March 17 to 21. Students who present during Honors Week are recommended by Widener faculty members for their outstanding undergraduate research efforts. Smith was recommended to present during Honors Week by Mary Shoemaker. Widener University is a private, metropolitan university that connects curricula to social issues through civic engagement. Dynamic teaching, active scholarship, personal attention, leadership development, and experiential learning are key components of the Widener experience. A comprehensive doctorate-granting university, Widener is comprised of eight schools and colleges that offer liberal arts and sciences and professional and pre-professional curricula leading to associate's, baccalaureate, master's, and doctoral degrees. The university's campuses in Chester, Exton, and Harrisburg, PA, and Wilmington, DE, serve approximately 6,300 students. Widener is proud to...
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UPDATED: 5:30PM By William E. Cleary Sr./ BROOKLAWN NJ (March 29, 2014)--Long-time Brooklawn resident and councilman In October 2013 the Brooklawn Tree Commission honored Tom by planting a tree on Arbor Day. He is pictured with his wife, Dee Tom MacAdams died today, Saturday. The 60-year-old MacAdams was suffering with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) and other ailments. Always with a smile, Tom would go out of his way when he saw you to shake your hand and ask how you were doing. Whether you were a doctor, a lawyer or candlestick maker he treated everyone the same. MacAdams served 18 years on the governing body. No doubt he would have continued if it wasn't for the injuries he suffered in a traffic accident. He was also one of the founders to the Brooklawn Wiffle Ball Tournament, an annual event that has rasied thousands of dollars for local charities. Our condolences...
Read more → announces rankings of best Philadelphia restaurants for March 2014 BOL 10 Best Philadelphia Fine Dining Restaurants Declared by for March 2014 (PRWEB) March 24, 2014 The independent authority on affluent living,, has ranked the list of the March 2014 best Philadelphia restaurants in the affluent living industry. The listings are ranked at the start of each month in order to account for the latest developments and achievements of the best performing Philadelphia restaurants. The independent research team at analyzes and names the Philadelphia restaurants included in the examination process each month in order to assist businesses in selecting their best fit Philadelphia restaurant. The 10 top Philadelphia fine dining establishments for March 2014 are: 1- Vetri 2- Butcher and Singer 3- The Farmers Cabinet 4- A.Kitchen 5- Barbuzzo 6- Gemelli on Main 7- The Dandelion 8- Talula's Garden 9- Il Pittore 10- Fish Philadelphia luxury restaurants...
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by Genevieve Wood March 25, 2014 at 11:38 am President Barack Obama and feminist Gloria Steinem before Steinem received the Presidential Medal of Freedom in 2013. Photo: Paul Hennessy/Polaris/Newscom Liberal feminist icon Gloria Steinem turns 80 today. She once said that “A feminist is anyone who recognizes the equality and full humanity of women and men.” Yet for all her talk about equality and rights, one right she worked diligently to deny millions of both sexes was the right to be born and celebrate birthdays of their own. Once again, in her view, a “woman’s right” trumped the rights of another—in this case, an unborn child. The fact the Supreme Court is hearing a case today about employers being forced to include abortion-inducing drugs in their health plans—even if it violates an employer’s conscience—is in many respects a testament to the work of Steinem and others. It’s a good example...
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ADVERTISEMENT (space donated by By MyrnaLaboureyas Tempe, AZ (March 24, 2014)--Hillary Clinton again hinted that she may run for president in 2016 on Saturday night, telling an audience in Arizona she was “very much concerned” about the direction of the country and was considering “all kinds of decisions” about her future. The former US secretary of state and first lady, who was beaten by Barack Obama to the Democratic presidential nomination in 2008, said at a Clinton Global Initiative event at Arizona State University in Tempe that she was particularly keen to tackle climate change. Following a discussion with her husband, Bill, and daughter, Chelsea, which was chaired by the talkshow host Jimmy Kimmel, Clinton was asked by a member of the audience: “Ms Clinton, if you won’t represent women in politics in America as future president, who will?” She replied: “Look, I am very much concerned about the...
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by Charles Ornstein ProPublica, March 24, 2014, 8:30 a.m. After signing up for coverage and disclosing they were smokers, about 100 New Hampshire consumers, including Terry Wetherby, find their new Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield policies canceled because they were charged incorrect “non-smoker” rates. Retired New Hampshire nurse Terry Wetherby doesn’t hide the fact that she smokes. She checked the box on HealthCare.govsaying she uses tobacco and fully expected to pay more for her insurance policy under the Affordable Care Act. “It’s not a secret at all,” she said. Terry Wetherby (Photo courtesy of Terry Wetherby) Wetherby dutifullypaid the premiumAnthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield charged her for January and again for February — and believed she had coverage effective on Jan. 1. Then when Wetherby went to pay her March premium, she was told she couldn’t. A check arrived in the mail refunding her February premium with a...
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By: Ryan Reclaim, March 23, 2014 at 4:29:34 EDT Cape May LBGT Gay Community Find Gay LBGT Information for your stay in Cape May this Summer Gables of Cape May – GABLES of Cape May County was organized in 1995 as part of an effort to establish an organization in every NJ County with a similar mission. At present, GABLES is a Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender (GLBT) group at the furthest point in South Jersey. We currently have over 200 dues paying members. GABLES is an I.R.S. registered not-for-profit 501(c)(3) corporation. GABLES publishes a bi-monthly newsletter and maintains a popular website, we also publish a news update via email to interested recipients. GABLES will provide speakers for groups and organizations interested in learning more about GABLES or about the diverse LGBT community. Greater Atlantic City GLBT Alliance – .The Greater Atlantic City GLBT Alliance is open to any business or...
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GTPD Media Release March 26, 2014: The Gloucester Township Police Department’s Investigation Bureau - Special Investigations Unit recently concluded a thorough investigation into the sale of Controlled Dangerous Substances from a local residence in Gloucester Township. During the months of February/March of 2014, a local drug dealer was the focus of a prolonged police investigation. Eric P. Fleming, a 20 year old male from Gloucester Township, was reported to be distributing Controlled Dangerous Substances (CDS), specifically marijuana, from a residence on the unit block of Roosevelt Avenue in Gloucester Township. Information was received that Fleming was distributing significant quantities of marijuana from his residence in Gloucester Township. On 3-25-2014, the Gloucester Township Police’s Special Investigations Unit executed a search warrant at unit block of Roosevelt Avenue in Gloucester Township. Several ounces of marijuana, hashish oil, numerous packing materials, prescription pills (Adderrall), and significant quantities of U.S. currency were recovered. Fleming...
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UPDATE: March 26, 2014 at 2pm TEENS ACCUSED OF TEMPLE UNIVERSITY ATTACK CHARGED AS ADULTS NORTH PHILADELPHIA - March 26, 2014 (WPVI) -- The District Attorney's Office has charged three teenagers as adults in connection with attacks on students near Temple University's campus. 16-year-old Najee Bilaal, 15-year-old Zaria Estes, and 15-year-old Kanesha Gainey have been charged with Aggravated Assault, Conspiracy, Possession of an Instrument of a Crime, Terroristic Threats, Simple Assault and Recklessly Endangering Another Person. The girls have all been arraigned. Bail for Gainey was set at $75,000, and bail for Estes and Bilaal was set at $100,000 each. via +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ RELATED: WHEN WILL THIS MADNESS STOP? ANOTHER SENSELESS MUGGING .... By CNBNews PHILADELPHIA PA (March 26, 2014)—The five girls who were involved in a series of three attacks near Temple campus Friday night, March 21, 2014, surrendered to authorities today, according to . Police released a...
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AssociatedPress March 23, 2014 at 17:51:02 EDT Animal rights activists say three brown bear cubs have been rescued from captivity, after authorities were tipped off by citizens who spotted photos of the cubs on Facebook. (March 23) This article, Raw: Activists Rescue 3 Bear Cubs in Kosovo, is syndicated fromAP Video and is posted here with permission. Copyright Associated Press 2014
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Road Rage* (Photo credit: PDXdj) Road Rage Prevention and Awareness With the recent crime committed against one of our elderly community members over a senseless road rage incident, we encourage all of our township residents to read the following tips to avoid becoming a victim of ROAD RAGE. PLEASE SHARE WITH YOUR FRIENDS. In recent years, aggressive driving and road rage has increased on streets. When provoked, angry drivers have been known to commit acts of violence, including assaults and murder. It is important to recognize the warning signs of aggressive driving in order to avoid becoming involved in a potentially hazardous situation. Examples of aggressive driving include: tailgating, cutting off other vehicles, careless lane changes, speeding, and running red lights. Extremely aggressive driving can lead to road rage. Signs to be aware of include: obscene gestures, verbal assaults, intentionally crashing into other vehicles, and threatening to use weapons. In...
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(April 5, 1978 - March 22, 2014) Shawn Michael Healy, passed away at the age of 35 on March 22, 2014, of Woodbury. Beloved son of Diane Healy of New Jersey and his Father Kevin Healy and his wife Donna of California. Dear brother of Chad. Loving grandson of Theresa Hennessey. Dear cousin of Kelly and Godfather of Jonathan O’Brien and Jonathan White. Loving nephew of Noreen, Maureen, Elizabeth, Kathleen and Noelle. Also survived by many family members and friends. There will be a viewing from 2 to 4pm and 6 to 8pm Thursday at GARDNER FUNERAL HOME, RUNNEMEDE. Funeral Service 8pm at the funeral home. Interment private. Family requests in lieu of flowers donations be made in Shawn’s memory to Make a Wish Foundation, 1347 Perrineville Rd., Monroe Twp., NJ 08831. Family and friends may share memories at Related articles Gertrude J. Carbone, Longtime Bellmawr Resident, Camden Catholic...
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PHILADELPHIA PA (MARCH 24, 2014)--Philadelphia is launching a program to fight the digital divide in an unlikely place. Starting this spring, city officials are planning to provide Internet access to inmates in a classroomlike setting at six jails. They can only log onto approved sites and will be under close supervision, however. Prisons Commissioner Louis Giorla said many inmates are computer-illiterate and the program will help them obtain vital skills. He said prisoners will use the Internet to apply for jobs and, if all goes according to plan, access Web-based education services. "The thinking is this — that recidivism is reduced when the inmates take part in programming," he said. "For instance, our inmates who obtain a GED, their recidivism is about 10 to 15 percent lower than our recidivism in general." Giorla emphasizes that no taxpayer dollars will be used to fund the initiative. This article, Some Philly inmates...
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update: March 28, 2014 By CNBNews Former Gloucester City (NJ) resident Vince DiGiacomo died today, March 25, 2014 from cancer with his family by his side. He was 72. Vince was born and raised in Gloucester City. He attended Saint Mary’s Grammar School, and graduated from Gloucester City High School with the class of '61. He served in the United States Air Force during the Vietnam War. He was also one of the original members of the now defunct Gloucester City A.C, Hawks and was an active member of the Gloucester City High School Alumni Association. He was a member of the UA Local #322 Plumbers and Pipefitters Union, Winslow NJ. “Vince was a great dancer, a good pool shooter, loved to play the guitar and sing,“ said Bill Cleary, a longtime friend. “His Mom and Dad, Mary and Al DiGiacomo, along with his brother Aldi, and sister Helene were...
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A BLOG BY DAVE DAVIES AG Kane should stand on her own feet This is how crazy it is: The attorney general of Pennsylvania comes to a newspaper editorial board meeting Thursday and brings a lawyer, who says she won't say anything because he's advised her to shut up. Shame on You (Photo credit: CNBNEWS.NET) Note to Attorney General Kathleen Kane: The lawyer works for you, not the other way around. Deal with this yourself, and you'll be better off in the long run. Kane was embarrassed by a Philadelphia Inquirer story last week, which pulled the curtain back on a ghastly mess in her office -- an investigation under way before she arrived that apparently caught several public officials taking cash, an investigation she shut down because, she says, it was badly managed, compromised by a sweetheart deal with a criminal-turned-informant, and a stone loser if it ever got...
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(January 11, 1929 - March 24, 2014) Alice Marie Breitenstine (nee Neuberger), on March 24, 2014, of Runnemede. Age 85. Beloved wife of the late Paul Breitenstine and longtime fiancée of the late Charles Kummer. Devoted mother of Maryann D’Andrea (Domenick), Paul (Victoria), William (Linda), Kevin, Kurt (Terri), Janet McCarthy (Michael) and Beverly Forline (Joseph). Loving grandmother of 13 and great-grandmother of 3. Daughter of the late Anthony and Irene Neuberger. Dear sister of Eugene Neuberger. Also survived by many nieces and nephews. Alice enjoyed working Bingo and was an assistant CCD teacher at St. Maria Goretti Church. She loved spending time with her family, chatting with people, animals, shopping, going out to eat, going to church and visiting the casinos. There will be a viewing from 6 to 9pm Friday eve and 8 to 9am Saturday morning at GARDNER FUNERAL HOME, RUNNEMEDE. Funeral Mass 10am Saturday at Holy Child...
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NEWS RELEASE LINDENWOLD NJ (MARCH 24, 2014)--On Thursday March 20, 2014 the Lindenwold Police Department executed a search warrant at the Belmont Apartments located at 2007-2009 White Horse Pike. The search warrant ended a four month investigation into the sale of narcotics at the apartment complex conducted by Lindenwold Detectives. During the investigation, detectives were able to seize 38 bags of suspected crack cocaine, 3 small bags of marijuana, 168 packets of suspected heroin, 2 Oxycodone tablets, 16 Morphine tablets and 8 Alprazolam tablets. Also seized was $2,721.00 in suspected proceeds. The following people were arrested in connection with the investigation: Helen Williams, 52 of Lindenwold, NJ charged with Conspiracy to distribute CDS, Possession of CDS. She was remanded to the Camden County Correctional Facility in default of $20,000 (10%) bail. Gene Thornton, 34 of Voorhees, NJ charged with 3 counts distribution of CDS and 2 counts possession of CDS....
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(November 7, 1924 - March 23, 2014) Nicholas J. Antinone, on March 23, 2014, of Runnemede. Age 89. Beloved Husband of the late Tess (nee Belfiore). Devoted Father of James Antinone (John Clark) and Diane Antinone. Loving Grandpop of Paul Campbell and Daniel Streck and Great Grandpop of Moriah and Seleste. Dear Brother of the late Frank Antinone and Connie Colaizzi. Also survived by many loving nieces and nephews. Nicholas proudly served his country in U.S. Army during World War II. He was a member of the Knights of Columbus. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the viewing from 10 to 11am Wednesday morning at GARNDER FUNERAL HOME, RUNNEMEDE. Funeral service 11am Wednesday at the funeral home. Interment St. Joseph’s Cemetery, Chews Landing. Funeral services under the direction of the Gardner Funeral Home, Runnemede In lieu of flowers donations may be made in Nicholas’ name to American Parkinson Disease...
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PUBLISHED September 03, 2007 CNBNEWS Point of View: BY WILLIAM E. CLEARY SR. CHEERS to the townships of Cherry Hill and Evesham who recently passed a Pay to Play Reform ordinance. The new law sets maximum amounts professional businesses may contribute politically to a municipal candidate. Hopefully other communities such as Audubon, Gloucester City, Bellmawr, Brooklawn, and Mt. Ephraim will follow suit. CHEERS to those responsible for cleaning up the Gloucester City Marina. For years overgrowth in front of the Marina parking lot blocked the view of the Delaware River. With the debris gone there is a beautiful view of the river and Philadelphia skyline. JEERS to the City of Gloucester City for continuing its practice of placing it's Legal Notices in a paper that is published and circulated in another state. Most recently, (August 30, 2007) a legal appeared pertaining to the creation of a Senior Citizens Community Center...
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by J. Christian Adams Pennsylvania Democrats were caught on surveillance tape reportedly accepting cash bribes in return for opposing voter ID in the Pennsylvania legislature. Gifts of Tiffany’s jewelry were also given to Democrat legislators from Philadelphia, reportedly in exchange for “NO” votes on a Pennsylvania voter ID bill that passed in 2012. Despite this evidence, Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane has not charged any officials. Kane is a Democrat. Kane’s excuse for her inaction? Racism: some of the legislators caught on tape accepting bribes were black Democrats from Philadelphia. From the Philadelphia Inquirer. In a statement to The Inquirer on Friday, Kane called the investigation poorly conceived, badly managed, and tainted by racism, saying it had targeted African Americans. Those who favored the sting believe Kane killed a solid investigation, led by experienced prosecutor Frank G. Fina, that had ensnared several public officials and had the potential to capture...
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Susan Lynn Stacy, (nee Dussell) age 47, of West Deptford, suddenly on March 23, 2014. A memorial ceremony will be held on Saturday at 1:00 pm at the National Park First Baptist Church, Hessian Ave. & Red Bank Ave., Thorofare, NJ 08063. Guests are welcome to call after 12:30 pm. Funeral services under the direction of the McGuinness Funeral Home. Related articles Obituary: Katie Lynn Ruggiero, of Gloucester City, age 27 After Life – A Funeral Planning Guide
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By JACK BOUBOUSHIAN CHICAGO (CN) - White Sox Hall of Famer Frank Thomas sued Reebok, claiming it re-released his signature "Big Hurt" shoes without his permission. Frank Thomas sued Reebok International in Federal Court. Thomas, a 6-foot-5 first baseman and designated hitter, was elected to the Hall of Fame this year. He had a .301 lifetime batting average, with 521 home runs and 1,704 runs batted in over a 19-year career, 16 years of it with the White Sox. Nicknamed "The Big Hurt" by broadcaster Ken Harrelson in 1992, Thomas was a five-time All-Star, four-time Silver Slugger winner, and two-time American League Most Valuable Player. "Over the years, Thomas has licensed various aspects of his identity, and the Big Hurt Mark in connection with the commercial endorsement of products," the complaint states. "In 1995, Thomas licensed aspects of his identity in connection with his endorsement of Reebok products. However, in...
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GTPD Media Release: GLOUCESTER TOWNSHIP (MARCH 23, 2014)--At approximately 05:27 A.M. the Gloucester Township Police Department (GTPD) received a call from a Public Safety Officer from Camden County College, (Blackwood Campus), who reported a suspicious subject was observed operating a motorcycle throughout the campus. The Public Safety Officer was able to obtain a New Jersey registration number and provide it to the GTPD. After searching the immediate area, it was determined that a tool bag was stolen from a maintenance truck owned by the college. The tool bag had numerous tools inside, which were valued at approximately $1500.00. The suspect, John Rohlfing Jr. was later located at his apartment at the Autumn Ridge Apartment complex. He was interviewed and connected to burglarizing the vehicle and stealing various items. All of the stolen property was recovered and returned to Camden County College. Arrested: John H. Rohlfing Jr. - Age 30 -...
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BY ALISON BURDO FOR NBC PHILADELPHIA She wants to return to classes PHILADELPHIA PA (MARCH 24, 2014)--A brutal attack dislocated the teeth and fractured the jaw of a 19-year-old Temple University student, but the terrifying incident won't stop her from finishing her courses this semester. "I'm definitely going to go back to class," said the victim, who asked not to be identified. "I don't want this to stop me from finishing classes." Her father, however, is unsure if his daughter should return to Temple. "I'm afraid for her to go back there," he said. "But I'm going to leave that up to her." He added that he is prepared to offer a $500 reward for information that leads to an arrest. The student was walking with her boyfriend near the intersection of 16th and Norris streets around 6 p.m. Friday when a group of about a dozen kids ranging in...
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Linda J. Pohle (nee Houston) of Conway, SC, formerly of Sea Isle City, NJ, passed away Wednesday afternoon, March 19, 2014, while surrounded by her loving family. She was 65. A loving woman with a huge heart, Linda loved helping other people and was devoted to her family. She was born in Woodbury, NJ on April 6, 1948 and was a graduate of West Deptford High, Class of 1966. Linda loved to travel and she did so extensively, along with her husband Gerry, to many destinations worldwide. She enjoyed sampling the varying cuisines from country to county and often tried to recreate them at home. Reading a good book, laughing with friends old and new and spending time with her family were just a few things that Linda loved to do. She touched many lives and will be sadly missed by all. Family She is the beloved wife of Cortland...
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Newsworks/March 24, 2014 An unusual trio is in Rome this week. They're trying to convince Pope Francis to come to Philadelphia next year. Philadelphia Mayor Nutter says he, Archbishop Charles Chaput and Gov. Tom Corbett are in the Vatican to work out logistics for the World Meeting of Families that will be held in the city in September 2015. "The sheer possibility that Pope Francis might come to Philadelphia could obviously enhance the World Meeting of Families event," Nutter said. "It will be a spectacular event in any manner, there are just a lot of details." Nutter says he doesn't expect the Pope to commit to the event at this point. "It's unreasonable to expect that 18 months or so in advance that someone like Pope Francis is going to say they are going to any place in particular," he said. "President Obama doesn't make that kind of announcement either."...
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Hidden New Jersey:Sunday, July 28, 2013 Ask just about anyone where America's "Golden Door" of immigration stood in the late 19th and early 20th century, and they'll bring up Ellis Island. Most Americans, however, don't realize that there were several other, smaller immigration facilities at ports and border crossings around the country. Among them was the port of Philadelphia station at Gloucester City, New Jersey. The former Gloucester City Immigration Station is now home to a port-related business. Standing rather plainly at the city's port, the three-story, white block building lacks the grandeur of its cousin near the Statue of Liberty. In fact, if you didn't know its history, you'd have no idea that it was anything more than a very sturdily-built office building. When I visited to get a lay of the land, I had to do a quick check on the smartphone to compare an old historic photo...
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PUBLISHED HERE September 10, 2007 September 9, 2007 "No matter what you do, it is wrong, and a lot is driven by politics. My blood pressure medicine has quadrupled since I started this job. " Dr. Mary Stansky by Debra Nussbaum WHEN school starts in Montgomery Township in Somerset County on Monday, Samuel B. Stewart will begin serving his second year as interim superintendent while the Board of Education launches its second search in 20 months for a permanent superintendent. As New Jersey public schools reopen this fall, almost 40 of the state’s 570 districts that have superintendents will be using interim superintendents. In the last five years, superintendents have turned over at a rate of between 11 and 21 percent a year, said Mike Yaple, a spokesman for the New Jersey School Boards Association. The average stay for a superintendent has decreased to 2.75 years, according to Mary T....
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United States Capitol Building (Photo credit: Jack Says Relax) March 21, 2014 TAXPAYERS FOR COMMON SENSE--While madness sweeps the nation, things are fairly quiet here in Washington. The nation’s capital sent George Washington and American Universities to the big basketball dance and also sent lawmakers home on weeklong recess. But when Congress returns next week things should pick up through the summer until the August recess and the inevitable pre-election slow down. Considering they didn’t do that much during the first session of the 113th Congress, lawmakers have a lot of work ahead of them in the second session. The real challenge will be whether they can do their work responsibly. Recent indicators are not good: while large bipartisan majorities did come together to enact a five year farm bill and undo flood insurance reforms earlier this year, neither piece of legislation was fiscally responsible or good policy. Let’s take...
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By DAN MCCUE SACRAMENTO (CN) - The Japanese owners of the 7-Eleven convenience store chain stalked and intimidated older franchise owners in a calculated campaign to take over their successful stores, a franchisee claims in court. Adnan Khan sued 7-Eleven, a wholly owned subsidiary of Seven-Eleven Japan Co., which in turn is a wholly owned subsidiary of Seven and I Holding Co., in Federal Court. Khan describes himself as the successful operator of five 7-Eleven franchised stores in Southern California. During his almost 34 years in the business, he says, he spoke on behalf of 7-Eleven franchisees and was a founding member of the chain's political action committee, serving as its president and as its chairman. But Khan says his career with the company took an unexpected and at times frightening turn after the Japanese company that rescued 7-Eleven from bankruptcy in the early 1990s, Ito-Yokado, began to focus more...
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UPDATE: For six years Hank wrote a column for CNBNews "When East Meets West". He died in August 2012 at the age of 75 published July 2007 By Hank Miller Being so many miles away from Gloucester City on a rainy Sunday afternoon with the flu in Kitakyushu City, Japan with time to think of my past. I began thinking of when I was a boy in Gloucester and recalling the things that my good friend Eddie Williams had mentioned in one of his most recent letters from his home in Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. The things we enjoyed and did back then we can never forget; it was a time when people had time to enjoy and a time when few people had television sets. We enjoyed the donuts at Mosteig's bakery at Brown and Bergen streets, (where my mother worked for many years). Of church on Sunday mornings. Playing...
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Thomas D. Guida (May 22, 1935 - March 22, 2014) Thomas D. Guida, Sr., on March 22, 2014, of Bellmawr. Beloved husband of the late Jane (nee Frugoli). Loving father of Thomas, Jr. (Linda), Eric (Joan), Michael (Dolores), Carolyn Sweeten (Jim) and the late Lisa Guida-Wydock (the late John Wydock). Devoted grandfather of 7 and great grandfather of 3. Dear brother of Carl Guida and the late Vince. Also survived by many loving family and friends. Thomas was a member of Teamster Local #830, Philadelphia, PA. Relatives and friends are invited to attend the viewing from 9 to 10:30am Wednesday morning at GARDNER FUNERAL HOME, RUNNEMEDE. Funeral service 10:30am Wednesday at the funeral home. Interment Holy Cross Cemetery, Yeadon, PA. In lieu of flowers donations may be made in Thomas’ name to American Diabetes Association, 150 Monument Road, Bala Cynwyd, PA, 19004. Family and friends may share memories at
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TRENTON – Acting Attorney General John J. Hoffman announced that a prominent Atlantic County attorney who specializes in elder law and the owner of an in-home senior care company were arrested on charges they conspired to prey on elderly clients and steal their life savings. The two women allegedly stole over $2 million from at least 10 victims. The company owner’s sister and a former employee also are charged in the investigation by the State Police and the Division of Criminal Justice. The following two women were arrested yesterday in the ongoing investigation. They are charged by complaint with first-degree money laundering, second-degree conspiracy and second-degree theft by deception for allegedly stealing from the victims, who lived in Atlantic and Cape May counties. Barbara Lieberman, 62, of Northfield, the attorney, was arrested at her home on Northwood Court. Search warrants were executed there and at her law office on New...
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by Nina Martin ProPublica, March 20, 2014 The story of Tamesha Means and her miscarriage three years ago, if it happened the way her lawyers claim it did, is truly awful: Means was 18 weeks pregnant when her water broke and she was rushed to a hospital in Muskegon, Mich. The fetus wasn’t viable, and the pregnancy — Means’ third — was doomed. But doctors at the hospital, part of the Catholic healthcare network known as Mercy Health Partners, didn’t tell her that, Means’ lawyers say. Instead of the normal course of treatment — inducing labor and terminating the pregnancy to stave off potentially risky complications — Means was allegedly kept in the dark about her condition, given painkillers, and sent home. Bleeding and wracked with pain, she returned to Mercy twice over the next day or so and received more or less the same response, her lawyers claim. Just...
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LINK SUBMITTED BY KAT Rome (AFP) March 21, 2014 at 11:45:33 EDT Vincenzo Pinto/AFP/File A nun walks near homes in Onna, Italy, on September 15, 2009 in Onna A Catholic nun has become an overnight pop sensation after stunning the jury of Italy's "The Voice" television talent show with her version of the Alicia Keys song "No One". Sister Christina Scuccia, a 25-year-old Sicilian, bopped about on the stage in her black habit and a large cross necklace on Wednesday night's show, sparking wild cheers from the audience and stunned reactions from the four judges. The nun, who has an easy smile and is a member of the Ursuline Sisters of the Holy Family, said: "I came here because I have a gift, and I want to share that gift." One of the judges, Italian rapper J-Ax, said he was "moved to tears." She said she had been inspired to...
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PUBLISHED HERE September 23, 2007 The Number 19 By Bruce Darrow GLOUCESTER CITY NJ (September 2007)--Saturday’s weather called for early fog giving way to perfect late morning sunshine, the playing field was decorated in honor of Marc Ryan as a Marine Flag flew beneath the American flag. This true story of an American Hero was beginning to unfold in the City of Gloucester. As the family, of Gloucester’s Fallen Hero Marc Ryan, Mother Linda, Father Tom, Sister Lauren and Brother Chris gathered in the GHS gymnasium for the retirement of Marc Ryan’s football number 19 the early clouds gave way to an unsuspected down pour outside. As the GHS Families and friends surrounded the local media outlets covering the dedication, Principal Jack Don presented the Ryan Family to the public. A composed Linda Ryan spoke of her son Marc Ryan’s tenure at GHS. As Linda spoke the quietness was only...
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(June 30, 1942 - March 20, 2014) Kenneth T. Shearer, on March 20, 2014, of Bellmawr. Age 71. Beloved husband of 52 years of Barbara D. (nee Backes). Survived by his loving chocolate lab Brinklie. Devoted father of Kelly Ann Shearer, Barbie Albano (Michael), Sandy Adomanis (Bill) and the late Kenneth J. Shearer. Loving grandfather of Billy and Charlie Adomanis, Brooke, Ryan, Paige, Megan and Jared Albano and Kenneth and Devon Shearer. Great grandfather of Triston Conner Adomanis. Also survived by one brother and four sisters. Ken proudly served in the U.S. Navy on the U.S.S. Ernest G. Small. He was a member of the American Legion and the NRA. There will be a viewing from 8:15 to 10:15am Monday morning at St. Joachim Parish, Annunciation BVM Church, 601 W. Browning Rd., Bellmawr, NJ 08031. Funeral Mass 10:30am in church. Interment private. Family requests in lieu of flowers donations be...
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March 18, 2014 at 5:23pm - Camden County Prosecutor Warren W. Faulk and Gloucester Township Police Chief Harry Earle reported two juveniles were waived to adult court and pleaded guilty Tuesday in the killing of a Gloucester Township man last year. Jevon Coleman Robinson, M/16, of Edgewater Park, pleaded guilty as an adult to Aggravated Manslaughter and Aggravated Assault Tuesday. He is expected to be sentenced to 23 years incarceration on the Aggravated Manslaughter offense, 85 percent of which must be served before he is parole eligible. He is further expected to be sentenced to 10 years incarceration on the Aggravated Assault offense, to be served concurrently to the first sentence. Isaac Mimes, M/18, of Willingboro, pleaded guilty as an adult to a count of Armed Robbery. He is expected to be sentenced to a term of 12 years incarceration, 85 percent of which he must serve before he is...
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Rennie Gibbs, a 16 year old in Mississippi when she gave birth to a stillborn child, is facing life in prison for taking cocaine during her pregnancy. Hers is among a burgeoning number of cases in which women are prosecuted for allegedly endangering their unborn children. by Nina Martin ProPublica, March 18, 2014, 12 p.m. (Michael Fürstenberg/Flickr) Rennie Gibbs’s daughter, Samiya, was a month premature when she simultaneously entered the world and left it, never taking a breath. To experts who later examined the medical record, the stillborn infant’s most likely cause of death was also the most obvious: the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck. But within days of Samiya’s delivery in November 2006, Steven Hayne, Mississippi’s de facto medical examiner at the time, came to a different conclusion. Autopsy tests had turned up traces of a cocaine byproduct in Samiya’s blood, and Hayne declared her death a homicide,...
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Sepsis, a serious blood infection, is a leading cause of death in U.S. hospital emergency rooms. But advances in technology are helping area hospitals target treatments more quickly and accurately. Current bacterial identification tests take 36 to 48 hours to yield results. But now, doctors at Jefferson University Hospital in Philadelphia have a new diagnostic tool in their emergency room arsenal -- MALDI-TOF -- promising to speed up that process. English: Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, 10th Street entrance. Philadelphia. CDC PHIL image library id #1741 (Photo credit: Wikipedia) "MALDI-TOF should improve the turnaround time by at least 24 hours," said Dr. Amity Roberts, director of microbiology at Jefferson. When a patient has serious infection such as sepsis, that time gained could save a life. "It makes a huge difference. For the most part, every hour of delayed treatment can increase the chance that the patient won't survive," said Roberts. How...
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Uploaded on Apr 19, 2011 Possessing hundreds of years of musical expertise among them, the Gloucester City String Band offers up a lively orchestral - like concert with timeless appeal in the Philadelphia style. The band was formed in 1988 by Mummer Ralph Anello for retiring Mummers who still wanted to play the music they loved. Most members are retired professional musicians and former Mummers who played with many award winning Philadelphia bands. The very talented Harry Rivell is the musical director whose variety of arrangements provide a challenge to the entire ensemble. Performances are conducted by John Juliano whose many years of musical experience ensure an evening of quality entertainment. Members of the Gloucester City String Band playing playing "All Dressed Up With a Broken Heart" featuring Bob Goslin doing vocal and Warren Rivell's alto sax solo. READ MORE via Related articles Gloucester City Father, Son Enjoy Being...
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Pete Rose, Major League Baseball’s all-time career hit leader, will return to Philadelphia and appear at Christ’s Church of the Valley in Royersford on Sunday, March 30, 2014, to talk about how everyone deserves a second chance. It’s time for Major League Baseball to give Pete Rose a second chance. - Pastor Brian Jones Philadelphia, Pennsylvania (PRWEB) March 12, 2014 Pete Rose, Major League Baseball’s all-time career hit leader, will return to Philadelphia and appear at Christ’s Church of the Valley on Sunday, March 30, 2014. Rose will appear live and be interviewed by Brian Jones, the church’s Senior Pastor, during each of the church’s three services that day: 9:00, 10:15 and 11:30AM. This event is free and open to the public. Pete’s visit marks his return to the Philadelphia area, where in 1980 he helped lead the Phillies to their first ever World Series championship. English: I turned a...
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