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Gun Crisis in Philadelphia

Top 5 stories to watch for in NW Philly

January 27, 2014

Here's a look at what's to come:

1. Crime in and around Queen Lane Station in Germantown has always been a bit of a problem. Over the past two years, though, some neighbors say it's gotten worse and they're tired of it. To that end, they've suggested that the Philadelphia Police Department set up a mini-station on the second floor of the train station. It's unclear if the idea has enough traction with city officials to move forward. Check back next week to learn more.

2. After 25 years in business, Video Library in Mt. Airy is closing. The business simply isn't financially viable anymore. Residents haven't been regularly renting videos for some time. Check back next week for more details.

3. More than 40 years ago, a group of burglars broke into a Federal Bureau of Investigation office in a suburb of Philadelphia and stole almost every document inside. Some of the documents, sent to the press, revealed information about the FBI's spying tactics. The burglars were never caught, but some of the participants recently came forward after all this time. One of them now lives in Manayunk. Check back next week to learn more.

4. For the past two years, students at Henry Houston Elementary in Mt. Airy have gone without a library. That's when the school's librarian was cut. A local Town Watch group and others, including Houston's principal, want to change that. Check back next week for more details.

5. On Wednesday night, Northwest Neighbors of Germantown will host a community meeting. The group will tackle a host of issues, including crime around Queen Lane Station and the future of Queen Lane Apartments, which has sat shuttered for two years. Check back next week to learn more.

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