NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Gary Gross Sr., Owner of ECarol Insulators Succumbs, Former Gloucester City Resident
GLOUCESTER CITY NEW JERSEY: Juvenile Delinquents Destroy Lions Club Rest Stop



Our Gloucester Cityl wasnt even safe now there going to build $300,000 houses where a industrial site use to operate.

And to worry about Holt another joke.... how much does he owe the city in back taxes and bankrupcies?

Then there is the site where the new school is supposed to be built. Guess I should look into getting a job with the EPA because there going to be here for a long while.

Lori Walker said...

The EPA was nice enough to speed things along for the schools that want to build on toxic sites. Last year they raised the allowable particulates in the contaminated soil and ground water so they don't have to dig as deep or filter as much. Wasn't that nice, you really ought to read the EPA web- site of the news releases they put out. They get buried in the back of newpapers like the Asbury Park Press. It was in North Jersey they wanted to build a school on a contaminated site and just couldn't get it clean so the EPA changed the rules and low and behold the school was able to be built. Please watch these people they are, after all, only doing their job. If they like their job as much as the rest of us do, we should be very worried.

charlotte said...

i moved here almost 4 yrs ago. the biggest mistake i ever made. and im not planing on being here for a 5th year.
In mid 2004 i became very sick it took my doctor awhile to find the cause. it was a very rare tumor in my pancresas they sent it to a specialist in italy because it was so rare. it almost killed me. 
i went down to 73lb no its not a mistake. i have NO DOUBT WHAT SO EVER that it was caused by all the toxins in this death trap we call gloucester city. theres so much down deep in the soil the laws of nature and gravity make it impossable to clean up. thank you again US goverment for allowing radio additive chemicals to kill us when you where well aware of the dangers for over 20yrs but did nothing im sorry you did do something you kept taking the special money instant i feel sorry for the poor saps buying a house here for any amount but worst when paying up to 300,000 poor poor fools

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