Gloucester City Preparing for Layoffs, PBA Local 40 Successful in Winning Grievances, Libertarian Party Files OPRA Request with City
Tuesday, December 03, 2013
March 08, 2009 The article was originally posted on March 9,2009 CNBNEWS TIPS AND SNIPPETS BY WILLIAM E. CLEARY SR. GLOUCESTER CITY NJ (March 8, 2009)A source told me recently that Mayor and Council have requested all departments to put together a list of names of three people with the less seniority. The list is being formulated in case it is necessary to make cutbacks in the City's workforce because of the lack of money. According to my source department heads have passed the request down to the individual union leaders for the fire, police, highway, and water employees. Officer William Johnson Jr. , president of PBA Local 40 was asked to clear up some of the rumors surrounding the grievances filed by the union. "We have filed over 13 grievances in the past year and a half. These grievances were filed in response to changes in working conditions that... Read more →