NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

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November 2013

Memorial Garden and Gazebo Dedicated In Honor of Pearl Kowalski |

THIS ARTICLE WAS POSTED HERE on January 11, 2007 Pearl Kowalski Honored By William E. Cleary Sr. (January 11, 2007)GLOUCESTER CITY NJ ==This past November Gloucester City Board of Education dedicated a memorial garden in honor of Dr. Pearl Kowlaski, a long-time Gloucester City resident who was a teacher at Gloucester City High School in the 50's. Pearl's family approached the board recently and offered to fund a memorial garden in her honor. The gazebo was built using an $8,000 grant. Dr. Mary Stansky, School District Superintendent, delivered the following address at the dedication ceremonies. "Thank you for coming today,... Read more →

Look Hard Enough, You’ll Find a Sign

October 7, 2007 Bills Point of View: Gloucester City NJ (posted here October 7, 2007)--Great-Grand "Pappy" Cleary told me a tale about a time when horse and wagon were the means of transportation in Gloucester City. He said residents were not allowed to park on the buggy path on two days of the month. Pappy said, "On those days between the hours of 1 PM - 3 PM employees from the Public Works Department could be seen walking the cobble streets with a broom cleaning up after the horses." I thought the story was just a tale. That is until... Read more →


Posted here November 2009 and 2011 By CNB Sports / GHS Contributor GLOUCESTER CITY NJ--Each year it arrives, it arrives to quick. Each year we wait to reflect on our gifts and each year we realize the end of an athletic career has come for many athletes throughout the nation. Yes, it’s Thanksgiving Day, a day rich in tradition, a day we give thanks and to family and friends. But too many Thanksgiving Day is about football High School and Professional. The memories of their own past careers or of fellow students are remembered. On Turkey Day, listen to the... Read more →

Rams Stun Arch-Rival Gloucester High in Thanksgiving Day Thriller! |

POSTED HERE November 22, 2012 By Gus Ostrum (November 22, 2012) GLOUCESTER CITY NJ-To a man, this was the game the seniors wanted to win badly. Consider it mission accomplished! Bolstered by the presence of healthy running back John DeLaurentis and solid overall games from quarterback Micahel Davis and teammates Matt Davis and James Higginbotham, Gloucester Catholic upset city rival Gloucester High 22-15 in a West Jersey League Thanksgiving Day football classic. "The seniors all said to a man that this was the one they wanted to win," head coach Tony Garczynski said following the huge triumph. "I told them... Read more →


Posted here November 2008 GLOUCESTER CITY NJ--Note: A series of articles about the history of the Gloucester Catholic vs. Gloucester High football games was published in a booklet released in 1993 entitled "TheRenewal of Friendship”. This great history of the series was put together by members of the Gloucester High Alumni Association. Drawing on front cover of booklet by Todd Whitten ***** Lions Rettew and Brennan Star Gloucester City NJ--Gloucester High's "Raiders", led by the brilliant running and pass catching of Bart Rettew, the pass catching of Dink Brennan and the fine arm of Harry Purnell, won their first city... Read more →

Turkey Day Football: Gloucester City HS vs Gloucester Catholic HS (see 2011 video)

SEE 2007 RAMS/LIONS PHOTO ALBUM (photo credit Bruce Darrow) Note: This article was first posted here November 2006. And each year prior to the annual Thanksgiving contest We run it again since it is timeless. Who wrote it? We don’t know anyone by the name of Lea Koros. It was sent via E-mail to us prior to the November 2006 game. Thank you Lea for the great article. Does anyone have a prediction on who will win this year? By LEA KOROS Special to (November 2006) GLOUCESTER CITY NJ--With the Lions / Rams game less then a week away... Read more →

LETTERS TO EDITOR: Question for the New Mayor and Council |

This article was posted here February 3, 2007 Bill, GLOUCESTER CITY NJ--I enjoy your column and am now an addict of your website! I am very concerned about your "Jeer" in last week's News about the Kilcourse administration agreeing to build an office building on the "Oh! Hara's" parking lot! First of all, this is a public lot, for all the businesses in the area, and also the residents use it since (1) Oh!Hara's customers park on the streets as well as in the lot, and (2)we (residents of the 100 block of Hudson)have to park there when a storm... Read more →


The following article was posted NOVEMBER 7, 2006 on by William E. Cleary Sr. GLOUCESTER CITY NJ (November 7, 2006)-- Chatham Square Apartments home to 100 residential units, located on Rte. 130 and Klemm Avenue, has been fined $96,000, plus $17,000 per day until the violations are corrected, for numerous housing violations by the Gloucester City Municipal Court. The Municipal Court issued its decision on October 24, 2006. The court action is the result of the ongoing efforts of the newly formed Property Maintenance Task Force, which involves representatives from the Fire, Police and Housing Departments who meet regularly... Read more →

Gloucester City Can Flourish Using Residents’ Gifts And Talents

August 03, 2010 By Kellie Ferry Gloucester City Councilwoman August 3, 2010 GLOUCESTER CITY NJ--Community. Howard Thurman once said, “Community cannot for long feed on itself; it can only flourish with the coming of others from beyond, their unknown and undiscovered brothers.” I could not agree more. Walking through the streets of Gloucester City, I find it hard not to fall in love. It elates me to see the old buildings and beautiful homes and hear the chirping of birds and laughter of children playing outside. It comforts me to know that wherever I go I will be greeted by... Read more →

CNBNews Point of View: A Visit To 1999 ; The subject, Gloucester City's Waterfront

This article was posted here on October 30, 2006 By William E. Cleary (October 30,2006) GLOUCESTER CITY NJ--Albert Countryman first worked for the Gloucester City News in 1991. One of his first assignments was to write an article about the development of the City’s Waterfront. When he returned to work for the paper in 1999, I asked him to do another article about the same topic. The purpose was see what progress had been made with the redevelopment plans in the eights years he was away. That article was sent to me recently. There was no name just the... Read more →

The Challenge; How To Enhance Gloucester City’s Image? |

The following article was posted here September 7, 2006 By William E. Cleary Re: the Letter to the Editor, “Guest Opinion Writer Should Promote, Not Criticize, City” (August 31, 2006 Gloucester City News) (September 7, 2006)GLOUCESTER CITY NJ--On June 27 a community workshop entitled Enhancing Gloucester City’s Image was held. Council member Patrick Keating asked those in attendance for suggestions on what improvements could be made. After I watched the seminar on Channel 19 I was inspired by Keating’s call for help and took a tour of the City to see what if anything needed to be improved. I... Read more →


Posted on September 21, 2006 By William E. Cleary Sr. (September 21, 2006) GLOUCESTER CITY NJ--On the left is George F. Cleary Sr. with his longtime friend John Lincoln (known to my brother, sister and I as Uncle John or Uncle Link). The occasion was the celebration of the swearing in ceremony of the new Democrat council members held in January (year unknown). Both my Dad and Uncle John were staunch Republicans and the sign behind them read Democrat Headquarters, Gloucester City. In fact, Dad and Uncle Link in the early 50’s ran for council on the Republican... Read more →

The Top Coach, Disturbing News, City Apts For Sale, Arizona, OPRA, Pupil Costs, Eating Out

This article was posted here on March 23, 2009 TIPS AND SNIPPETS by William E. Cleary Sr. (March 23, 2009)Sean Gorman (photo) has been named The Coach of the Year by the Philadelphia Inquirer and the Gloucester County Times newspapers. Gorman coaches the Gloucester CityHigh School Girls Basketball Team. Under his guidance, Gloucester High captured the school’s first South Jersey title in girl’s basketball and reached the Group I state championship. The Lions record for the year was 27-3. Gorman is a 1998 Gloucester City High graduate who is a guidance counselor at the school. His assistant coach this season... Read more →

Bill "The Pen" Cleary

Saturday, November 2, 2013 By JOHN REYNOLDS Diary of a Madman Browsing the web the other day, checking up on the goings-on around town on my favorite local website, I was saddened to learn that after October 31, 2013, Bill Cleary will stop publishing new content to his site, ClearysNoteBook. The only independently run, small-town news source in South Jersey is shutting down. His site's been running since 2006 when he launched ClearysNoteBook onto the Internet after spending almost 40 years in the newspaper business in Gloucester City. Bill must be past retirement age, so I wasn't surprised that he's... Read more →

Former Gloucester City Mayor vs The Gloucester City Police Department |

The following article was posted here January 01, 2007 Former Gloucester Mayor Gorman Fighting A Legal Battle With The City That Elected Him; Battle is Over City Police Department Records By William E. Cleary Sr. Reporter's Note: Since 2004 former Gloucester City Mayor Robert Gorman has been fighting a court battle with the City of Gloucester and the Police Department over information that he feels should be released under the Open Public Records Act (OPRA0. In doing research I found a recent decision handed down on the proceedings that is dated December 14, 2006. A link to that decision appears... Read more →

CNBNEWS Point of View: Government & Real Estate Development, A Bad Mix

The following article was posted here February 9, 2009. By William E. Cleary Sr. (February 9, 2009)GLOUCESTER CITY NJ--As you are aware Gloucester City came to an agreement recently to purchase the Amspec Chemical site (22 acres) for $5 million. We just learned that the City has been trying to obtain the ground since December 15, 2005. Under a recent court settlement the City, who had previously deposited $1.68 million with the court, will now pay Amspec an additional $550,000. The remaining balance, approximately $2.77 million will be held until the property’s environmental issues are resolved. The property must be... Read more →

TIPS AND SNIPPETS: 19 Commercial Properties For Sale in Gloucester City |

The following was posted here on January 26 , 2009 By William E. Cleary Sr. GLOUCESTER CITY NJ (January 26, 2009)There are 19 commercial properties in Gloucester City according to the real estate web site . Included in that number are *six taverns. The properties are : 1. 217 Third Street at Powell Street, asking price $124,950. 2. 138 N. Broadway, (next to pizzeria) asking price 149,900 3. 301 N. Broadway, (car lot) asking price 24,000 4. 308-310 N. Broadway (Davalls Plumbing Supply) 200,000 5. *401 N. Broadway (O’Donnell’s inc. LL) 495,000 6. *200 S. Broadway (Twin Bar... Read more →

Gloucester City Memorial Athletic Assn “Mustangs” Celebrate 60TH Anniversary

+++++ (Posted on CNBNEWS.NET August 24, 2006) GROWING UP GLOUCESTER By Bart Rettew THE BEGINNING - 1946 (August 24, 2006)GLOUCESTER CITY NJ--The year was 1946 and WW-II was over. Many veterans were now returning home to resume their lives that were interrupted by the War. A group of young, local former high school athletes got together and started what was known as, and still is, the Gloucester City Memorial Athletic Association. The club was formally organized on Tuesday, June 18, 1946 at the Dixie Hotel at Burlington and Ridgeway streets in Gloucester as reported by Bill Flynn, the meeting chairman.... Read more →

1960's Gloucester High Gridiron Coach to be Enshrined in College Football Hall of Fame

**** This article was posted here July 10, 2011 By William E. Cleary CNBNEWS.NET (July 10,2011)Gloucester City NJ--Former LaSalle Football Coach Bill Manlove (photo) will be heading to South Bend, Indiana this week for the College Football Hall of Fame ceremonies being held July 15-16. He is one of four coaches that will be enshrined. Knowledgable South Jersey football fans will remember Manlove as the head football coach at Gloucester City High School in the 1960‘s. A graduate of Temple University, Manlove taught math at GHS. Along with coaching football he also coached Lions freshman basketball. Former Gloucester City Mayor... Read more →

Nov. 7th Gloucester voters sent a message; The Democrat’s Party Machine Was Broken!

NOTE: We will no longer be accepting photos, announcements or press releases for publication. However, over the next year we plan on re-publishing some popular articles from our CNBNews Op-Ed, the CNBNews Point of View, and the CNBNews Tips and Snippets categories. Comments will be open. RELATED: THANK YOU! GOOD BYE! **** The following was posted here November 13, 2006 UPDATED November 7, 2013 CNBNEWS POINT OF VIEW: By William E. Cleary (November 13, 2006) Gloucester City NJ--Some die hard Democrats in Gloucester City would tell you what happened in Tuesday’s election was a fluke. To have three unknowns (William... Read more →

Letters to the Editor: A Picture Is Worth A 1000 Words |

The following was posted here on September 26, 2006 Bill, (September 26, 2006)GLOUCESTER CITY NJ--It’s refreshing to click onto your website. Yes, I agree “there are always two sides to every story”. The hard part is reporting the story in the most unbiased way possible and then and only then can the reader form his/her own opinion. On the subject in question. So far you have been successful in doing this. The record will show that the county-backed local democratic machine has held power 37 of the last 40 years in our community! Amazing! Independents gained control for three years... Read more →

Why Are You Running For Mayor? James Give Details For Seeking Office |

This article was first published on October 30, 2006. by William E. Cleary Sr. (October 30,2006)GLOUCESTER CITY NJ--William James candidate for Gloucester City Mayor in the November 7 election further explains his reasons for seeking the city's highest office. His statement reads as follows: " It’s time to put the cards on the table. After months of door knocking, sign fabrication, sign and T-shirts acquisitions and distribution, and introductory pamphlet distribution, the issues must be put to the people and it is my responsibility as a mayoral candidate to do so. As the Independent candidate for mayor in column... Read more →

Our Justice System is Failing Society |

The following article was published on CNBNews on February 23, 2009. ******* By William E. Cleary Sr. CNBNEWS.NET Point of View GLOUCESTER CITY NJ--On February 15 (2009) Gloucester City Police received a call that Christopher Demunguia, 35, a suspect who was wanted on a $50,000 warrant for an Aggravated Assault charge, was sitting in a bar located on King Street. According to the weekly police report Gloucester City Ptl. Little and Ptl. Wall approached the male to place him under arrest and the male attempted to assault Ptl. Little. The male then assaulted Ptl. Wall and a struggle ensued.... Read more →

You Don't Forget That First Impression | cnbnews

Published May 10, 2013 RELATED ARTICLE: CNBNEWS Point of View: Bring Community Pride Back to Gloucester City The Gloucester City water tower, Broadway and Jersey Avenue (photo credit "I am only one, but I am one. I cannot do everything, but I can do something. And because I cannot do everything, I will not refuse to do the something that I can do. ~Edward Everett Hale (1822-1909) BY BILL CLEARY A close-up of the Gloucester City water tower property (photo credit GLOUCESTER CITY NJ--As you drive north on Broadway from Brooklawn into Gloucester City, the first thing... Read more →