The bionic dog: Mixed-breed Naki'o lost his paws to frostbite but can finally walk again after being fitted with four prosthetic limbs | Mail Online
Monday, April 29, 2013
A mixed-breed puppy had a tough start to live after losing all four of his paws and the tip of his tail to frostbite.
Naki’o was left abandoned at a foreclosed Nebraska home when he was a young and was found alone, frozen into a puddle of icy water in the cellar.
When he was eventually discovered, he was taken to an animal rescue center and under their care his paws healed to rounded stumps.
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Naki'o was left abandoned at a foreclosed Nebraska home when he was a young and was found alone, frozen into a puddle of icy water in the cellar
Naki'o is the first dog to be fitted with a complete set of bionic paws that work naturally to allow him to run, jump and even swim
It was a tough existence for Naki’o, he couldn’t walk and play with other dogs due to the pain it caused him and instead had to crawl along on his belly.
Fortunately for Naki'o he meet veterinarian assistant Christie Pace of Colorado Springs, Colo. who was looking for an animal she could help.
Submitted by John Branin