NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Obituary: Mark B. Matteucci, age 59, of Bellmawr NJ |
FCFP to Grant $300,000 to Little League Baseball

Replacing the President’s Sequester with Responsible Spending Cuts, Not More Tax Hikes

House Republicans Weekly Remarks
FEBRUARY 17, 2013 |

"There is a smarter way to reduce the size of government than to slash defense spending, threaten national security and hurt military families," says Rep. Martha Roby (R-AL) in the Weekly Republican Address.  “In fact, the Republican-led House has already voted twice to replace the president’s sequester with targeted spending cuts based on real budget priorities." Watch her here and read more below.

  • "Do Senate Democrats support President Obama’s agenda?" asked Speaker Boehner. If the president wants more ‘stimulus’ spending, more tax hikes, and a national energy tax, Senate Democrats ought to “go ahead and take it up." The GOP will be focused on creating jobs and addressing our debt.

