Haddon Heights: Permanent Radar Signs
Saturday, February 23, 2013
HADDON HEIGHTS NJ-You may notice several new permanent radar signs in town. The objective is similar to speed humps, to deter speeders. They hopefully will be activated soon, we are waiting for the PSE&G hook-up.
• Locations where speeding is a known issue
• Major roads with cut through traffic
• We did not want to place additional signage in a school zone(s)
• We did not want these signs near residences, some home owners do object.
Therefore, Stanfill Towers and the Devon Avenue sports complex were selected. You may notice Devon Avenue is in one direction. This direction was selected because: the complex is most active in the evening, and the majority of the flow in the evenings is southerly, due to motorists trying to circumvent 42 on the way home. (source South West Jersey Crime Stoppers)