NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Video: Struck Out, The Fall of the 1964 Phillies
Route 295/42/76 Public Information Meeting Thurs Feb 21 in Bellmawr

New Officers for Bellmawr Police Department

By Chris Concannon
Gloucester City News

Adding to their existing complement of officers, the Bellmawr Police swore in three new patrolman to its ranks during the January 24 Borough Council Meeting.

Anthony Grandinetti, Andrew Thomas and Matthew Wilhelm were appointed and introduced as the Borough’s newest Class I Special Officers.

Following the recent retirements of several senior officers, the three will help to provide the already high level of enforcement and security the Borough has come to expect.

In other Borough business, three property owners had portions of their 2012 taxes either refunded or cancelled, due to their being 100 percent disabled American veterans.

All business on the agenda was unanimously approved, including Resolution #01:45-13, where Mayor and Council resolved to support the Bellmawr School Board Bond Referendum, which will be presented to voters on Tuesday, March 12, from 5 to 9:00 p.m.

Mayor and Council also approved permits and raffle licenses for the following events:
St. Joachim (Annunciation) Parish, for a Mardi Gras social on February 9 at the Bellmawr Park Fire Hall;
VFW 9563, for a Beef and Beer Social, also on February 9, at the Bellmawr Ballroom on Lewis Avenue; Gloucester Catholic High School Baseball, for a Beef and Beer social Saturday February 16, from 6 to 11 p.m., also at the Bellmawr Ballroom; and St. Rita (Mary, Mother of the Church) Parish, for a St. Patrick’s Day dinner dance, on Saturday, March 16, from 6 to 10 p.m., at the Parikh Hall on Braisington Avenue.

For information contact Borough Hall at (856) 933-1313, or on the web, at

