NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Gloucester Catholic Sports: Lady Rams Improve to 3-0, GCHS Ice Hockey Defeats CBA
NORAD Shares Goodwill, Education While Tracking Santa



photo provided by Police Department


BROOKLAWN NJ-Early this morning a feight train stopped just short of 6a00d8341bf7d953ef011570f24e75970c-120wi hitting the above vehicle that was abandoned by the owner of the car. Brooklawn Police Chief Fran McKinney released the following statement about the incident.

"We had experienced severe flooding this morning at the Brooklawn Circle and at the Broadway Bridge. When this happens we allow local residents to cross at the Maude Avenue railroad overpass. We caution resident not to go around the barriers when they are down.  At 6:40 this morning this motorist decided to do just that. She decided to go around the barriers while trying to get from the West Side of town. While doing so, her vehicle got stuck on the tracks.

"The photo was taken while standing next to the engine of the early morning Norfolk Southern train. The Engineers managed to stop the train about 30 feet short of striking the unoccupied vehicle. The vehicle was cleared from the crossing but the actions of the suddenly stopped train caused the engineers to walk the mile long train into Gloucester City checking for any possible damaged due to the sudden stop. This crossing remains closed until it can be opened and safely manned by a police officer. We permit its use ONLY when the circle is flooded and Broadway at the border of Gloucester City is flooded.  This is a convenience for the residents living on the West side of town. We close it again when either one of the conditions are resolved.

"We want everyone to understand that this is a safety issue. The grade of the crossing is too steep to see a vehicle coming from the opposite direction let alone a pedestrian. We want the residents to understand that if this is closed it is either for a safety reason or there is another way to exit the West side of town, please be patient, it is not worth the possible consequences."

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