NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

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November 2012


photo credit Karen Stebbins of South Jersey Cares The Thanksgiving dinner that South Jersey Cares originally planned to host for Hurricane Sandy victims on Saturday, November 24th was cancelled. Karen Stebbins explained, “The cancellation was due to circumstances beyond our control as the families we were supposed to host were unable to make it.” As for the donations, she added: “We sent all the donations to Union Beach, which was in desperate need. Also, we were able to put together a few packages to deliver to local families in need right before Thanksgiving.” SEE ARTICLE Related articles Paulsboro train derailment: N.J. environmentalists call for better oversight JR's Angels, named after South Jersey 9/11 victim, continues to lend a helping hand Earthquake felt in South Jersey Camden City officials file plan to lay off 265 police officers Read more →

Facebook Powerball frenzy: Purported winner offers to 'share' $1 million

Copyright Image Click to View Karen Bach, director of budget, products and communications of the A His name is Nolan Daniels, and he’s just about to give some random dude or dudette $1 million. Or so he claims. Purporting to be the second Powerball winner in Wednesday’s $588 million payout, Mr. Daniels posted a Facebook photo late Thursday of himself holding a ticket showing the winning numbers. The photo is the only one visible on Daniels's account, which dates to 2008. “Looks like I’m not going to work … EVER!!!” the smiling purported winner exclaimed. The numbers on his ticket – 5-23-16-22-29-Powerball 6 – correspond to the winning combination, but the ticket has not been publicly verified. To make the Facebook announcement that much more bizarre, Daniels vowed to give $1 million of his winnings to a “random” person who “shares” his photo. That set off a frenzy Friday as... Read more →

Red Cross Is A Welcome Sight For Sandy Clean Up Crews

Photo and Story by Dan Bedell Navigating past mountains of mud-caked, molding furniture, appliances, drywall, flooring and other debris that line almost every street in Jersey shore communities like Seaside Heights has become routine for emergency response vehicle (ERV) teams with the American Red Cross. Their efforts are clearly appreciated by home and business owners, staff and work crews hired in the weeks since hurricane Sandy to rip out furnishings, walls, flooring, fixtures and insulation in a race against time to reduce the risks of rot and mold. “Here, you look like you could definitely use more of these,” shouts ERV driver Dale Kiriaze of Reno, NV, offering safety masks to grimy-faced workers who applaud the truck’s arrival after steering around debris, potholes and puddles from a steady rain. “Just promise me you won’t go using them to rob a bank,” he adds, drawing a much-needed chuckle from weary workers... Read more →

Damminger's Statement on Conrail Bridge Collapse in Paulsboro | cnbnews

Statement from Gloucester County Freeholder Director Robert Damminger regarding the Conrail bridge collapse in Paulsboro “There are many agencies involved in today’s event. The priority of course is the health and safety of our residents and the impact on our environment,” stated Freeholder Director Damminger. “As we learn of information we will be sharing it. Gloucester County has all of its assets on the ground and will continue to work to protect our citizens.” Due to the Conrail bridge collapse near East Jefferson Street the County has been apprised that by its Harzardous Materials team that: 3 cars overturned into the Mantua Creek and were leaking; 1 is identified to be carrying Vinyl Chloride; 2 of the cars’ chemicals are unknown A decon unit has been positioned in the field An Environmental Company has been called out to the scene by CSX to place booms in the creek. 18 people... Read more →


photo credit and caption Anne Forline GLOUCESTER CITY NJ-Talented Students - All smiles after giving reports about their school to the Gloucester City Board of Education are, from left: Matthew Cruz from Mary Ethel Costello School and Jacey Wagner from Cold Springs School. Not pictured is Gloucester City High School student representative, Brett Kraft. Related articles A Buck Swimming in Delaware River Visits Gloucester City's Proprietor Park | cnbnews Gloucester City School Board Addresses School Choice, New Middle School Gloucester City High School Test Scores And Graduation Rate Continue To Improve Gloucester Catholic custodian charged with making hidden videos of students, teachers October 2012 Cheers and Jeers | cnbnews Gloucester City Sophomore Wins Back-to-School Contest | Rams Stun Arch-Rival Gloucester High in Thanksgiving Day Thriller! | Read more →


Respond to Speaker Boehner’s comments reported today in The Hill 11/28/12: “We’re not going to grow the economy if we raise tax rates on the top two rates,” the Speaker added. “It’ll hurt small businesses. It’ll hurt our economy. That’s why it’s not the right approach.” NEW JERSEY –New Jersey Small Business owners today criticized Speaker Boehner’s comments that raising taxes on the wealthiest 2% of Americans would hurt America’s economy and hurt America’s small businesses. To the contrary, 97% of small businesses would be unaffected by allowing the Bush-era tax cuts to expire for the wealthiest 2% of Americans. Most of New Jersey’s small businesses would benefit from Congress doing the right thing – extending the tax cuts for the middle-class and allowing the Bush tax cuts to expire for the wealthiest 2%. “As a small business owner on the Jersey Shore, what I need the most right now... Read more →

'Fiscal cliff': Obama, Republicans revert to campaign mode | cnbnews

Three weeks after winning reelection, President Obama is returning to the campaign trail. But instead of stumping for himself, he’s pushing for tax hikes on the wealthy, in the name of deficit reduction. The president’s trip Friday to a toy factory in suburban Philadelphia will cap a week of outreach to various constituencies on issues around the “fiscal cliff” –the broad tax increases and spending cuts that kick in with the new year if Congress doesn’t act. On Tuesday, Mr. Obama met at the White House with small-business owners from across the country, and his economists released a report saying a tax increase on the middle class would harm small businesses. On Wednesday, the president hosts two events – one with middle-class Americans, another with business leaders. The point of all three meetings is to highlight how these groups would be affected by an expiration of the Bush-era tax cuts.... Read more →

Holocaust Survivor Gives Lecture at Bellmawr Library | cnbnews

PHOTO CREDIT AND CAPTION ANNE FORLINE BELLMAWR NJ-Scary Childhood – Holocaust survivor, Fred Behrend, recently lectured at the Bellmawr Branch of the Camden County Library. Mr. Behrend is shown displaying his family’s “megillah,” or scroll, that dates back to the 1640s and recounts the story of Queen Esther. Behrend said that his family was only allowed to take “worthless” items with them from Germany. SEE ARTICLE Related articles A Holocaust Survivor Speaks Of Israel As Being Like Nazi Germany Bellmawr Swears In New Councilman Joshua Tregear Give the Gift of Reading this Holiday | cnbnews TIPS AND SNIPPETS: Long Overdue; No Pot for Bellmawr; Poo Poo Ruins Camden County Park United States Holocaust Memorial Museum Announces 20th Anniversary National Tribute And Tour Read more →

Enbridge Rail and Canopy to Join Together to Bring Crude Oil to Philly Area Refineries

CALGARY, ALBERTA--(Marketwire - Nov. 26, 2012) - Enbridge Inc. ("Enbridge") (TSX:ENB) (NYSE:ENB) today announced its U.S. subsidiary, Enbridge Rail (Philadelphia) L.L.C., has entered into an agreement with Canopy Prospecting Inc. ("Canopy") to create the Eddystone Rail Company to jointly develop a unit-train facility and related local pipeline infrastructure near Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to deliver Bakken and other light sweet crude oil to Philadelphia area refineries. The project is expected to handle 80,000 barrels per day (bpd) in the third quarter 2013 and can ultimately be expanded to receive up to 160,000 bpd for subsequent transport by barge or pipeline to nearby refineries as early as mid-2014. Enbridge will own 75% of the joint venture and serve as operator during construction and operation of the facility. The total estimated capital cost of the project is approximately US$68 million, including interest during construction. Project scope includes leasing portions of Exelon Generation's Eddystone power... Read more →

Kelly Osbourne Feature Story Launches Today On

PR Newswire Association LLC. November 26, 2012, 5:31:00 PM EST NEW YORK, Nov. 26, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --, the online destination for stylish living, debuts today its latest cover story with a feature on Kelly Osbourne. Osbourne sat down with the website for an interview and photo shoot at her childhood home, the legendary Sunset Marquis Hotel in Los Angeles. "My dad was always recording here, and I lived in villa 2A," says Osbourne. "When I was about 13 or 14, I would sneak out of my hotel room, climb down a tree and go into the bar in my pajamas and clean the glasses so they would give me Malibu Pineapple," she says. "If there were an Eloise of this hotel, it'd be me." Ten years after the debut of The Osbournes, Kelly talks through her evolution from rebellious teen to fashion star. Of her current project, part of... Read more →

$1 Million in Grants Awarded to Organizations that Target Prevention of Child Abuse and Neglect in Pennsylvania

PR Newswire Association LLC. November 26, 2012, 11:16:00 AM EST HARRISBURG, Pa., Nov. 26, 2012 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- Nine organizations have been awarded $1.08 million in Children's Trust Fund grants aimed at child abuse and neglect prevention programs for parents and families to create better outcomes for Pennsylvania children. Administered by the Department of Public Welfare's Office of Child Development and Early Learning programs, Children's Trust Fund grants focus on strengthening families, and building protective factors and resiliency within parents, caregivers and children in order to prevent child abuse and neglect. "One child abused or neglected is one too many, so we must focus on prevention programs that will help families with the important skills that they need to raise their children in safe and attentive homes," Department of Public Welfare Secretary Gary D. Alexander said. "These grants are about helping to strengthen the family core and the values in raising... Read more →

Congressman: Obama's Tax Increases Fund Government for Eight Days

President Barack Obama has proposed raising taxes on the rich to put America's fiscal house in order, but critics say federal spending is so massive that the wealthy don't have enough money to cover the nation's unprecedented debt. In an interview with MSNBC's Andrea Mitchell, Rep. Tom Price (R-GA) said President Barack Obama's plan to raise taxes on the wealthy would only generate enough revenue to fund the federal government for eight days. "The president’s plan to increase taxes on the upper two percent covers the spending by this federal government not for eight years, not for eight months, not for eight weeks but for eight days. Eight days only," said Mr. Price. "It’s not a real solution. So, again, I’m puzzled by an administration that seems to be more interested in raising tax rates than in gaining economic vitality." The problem is that the rich don't have enough money... Read more →

New Jersey Receives $31.1 Million from FEMA

Trenton, NJ – The Federal Emergency Management Agency today announced federal grants to State of New Jersey for emergency response efforts after Hurricane Sandy. The three grants total $31.1 million. FEMA’s share is $20.4 million which comes from the Public Assistance Program. The grants are to reimburse New Jersey for feeding and housing 8,000 utility workers, 725 survivors and 500 support personnel after the storm. Restoring power to affected areas was one of the top priorities after Sandy. Utility workers from around the U.S. answered the call, coming by the thousands to help New Jersey get back on its feet. The state set up two large emergency response shelters to house the utility workers, support staff and local survivors. Located in Linden and at the Monmouth Race Track, the two shelters provided mobile sleeping units, medical care, food, and water. Public Assistance is a program administered by the State of... Read more →


PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 27, 2012 – The Greater Philadelphia Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce today that J. William Mills, III, regional president for Philadelphia and Southern New Jersey, PNC, will receive the 2012 William Penn Award, the highest honor bestowed upon a business executive in Greater Philadelphia. The award, which has been given annually since 1949, recognizes an individual for his/her outstanding contributions toward the betterment of the region, professional accomplishments, and commitment to charity as well as to the community. Mr. Mills will be honored on Friday, April 19, 2013 during a gala event hosted at the Hyatt at The Bellevue. Mr. Mills has served the Greater Philadelphia community as both a civic and private sector leader for more than 30 years. Currently, Mr. Mills serves on the board of directors of Independence Blue Cross, The United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania, American Red Cross of Southeastern Pennsylvania and... Read more →

Catholic League: Obama Crucified |

November 27, 2012 Catholic League spokesman Bill Donohue released the following remarks today: Michael D’Antuono is a left-wing artist known for exploiting racial tensions (e.g, depicting George Zimmerman as a Klansman and Trayvon Martin as a generous child). But now he has succumbed to a new low. D’Antuono’s painting of President Barack Obama with outstretched arms wearing a crown of thorns, against the backdrop of the Seal of the President of the United States, is called “Truth.” [Click here.] It is being hosted by the Bunker Hill Community College Arts Gallery in Boston, Massachusetts. What makes this display so interesting is the flat denial of truth by so many artists and academicians, as well as their irrepressible hostility to Christianity. Yet when it comes to their savior, President Obama, they not only pivot, they proselytize. “Truth” was supposed to make its debut on April 29, 2009 in New York’s Union... Read more →

FFRF Assembles Alternative Nativity in Wisconsin State Capitol |

Atheists, clearly agitated that Christians purportedly “stole” various holiday traditions from pagans, have come up with a solution: A potentially-offensive “natural nativity scene” that removes baby Jesus and replaces traditional Bible characters with some eyebrow-raising alternatives. The Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF) is behind the spectacle, which emerged this week as part of a diorama inside the Wisconsin state capitol. The angel that typically graces the nativity is replaced with an astronaut. And the wise-men – prominent figures in the Biblical account of Jesus’ birth — are replaced with evolutionary theorist Charles Darwin, scientist Albert Einstein, anarchist Emma Goldman and author Mark Twain. The Statue of Liberty is also placed in the alternative nativity to purportedly symbolize freedom. Photo Credit: Freedom From Religion Foundation Rather than including Mary, whom the FFRF dismisses as “a mythical fertility figure,” the display includes Venus, the Roman goddess of love. And forget about Joseph... Read more →

Letters: Honoring Sgt. 1st Class Kenneth Sineath |

Dear Neighbors, The Camden County Veterans Affairs Staff and I joined the family, friends and neighbors of Sgt. 1st Class Kenneth Sineath on November 17 to wish him well on his upcoming fourth tour of duty in Afghanistan. He has served honorably in three prior tours and is going back overseas to defend this nation against the global war on terror. This young man’s dedication to our country serves as an example to us all. He has demonstrated extraordinary honor and conviction, and we thank him for his continued service. The 28-year-old who joined the Army in 2002 is a Purple Heart Recipient. He also earned the Army Commendation Medal, Army Achievement Medal, Afghanistan Campaign Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal, Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Over Seas Service Ribbon, NATO Medal, Recruiting Badge Gold with three Sapphires, Recruiter Ring, Glenn E. Morrel Medallion for... Read more →

CERT Teams Always Ready to Offer Aid, Helping Hands to Red Cross |

Written by Alyson Westby Roach Among a sea of red-clothed volunteers delivering comfort and clean-up kits at a bulk distribution site in the Red Hook neighborhood of Brooklyn, one man alone stood out. Donning his uniform green vest, Devin Cohen, chief of the local Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), spent his day off chipping in with the Red Cross relief effort, now in its fourth week. Shortly after Sandy made landfall on October 29, Cohen was on duty, managing a shelter for special-need victims. Almost three weeks later, he was still responding, this time in Red Hook – one of the hardest hit areas of Brooklyn – which is still experience power outages scattered across the brownstones, apartment buildings and local businesses. “These days, it’s block to block,” Cohen said. “I was supposed to spend the day with my family, but we got an email asking us to send teams... Read more →

Rice Meets McCain to try to douse Libya row

WASHINGTON (AFP) November 26, 2012, 8:55:41 PM EST Timothy A. Clary/AFP/File US envoy to the UN Susan Rice, pictured in April 2012, is to meet Senator John McCain in an apparent bid to defuse a bitter row over Libya that could hurt her chances of becoming the next secretary of state. US envoy to the UN Susan Rice is to meet Senator John McCain in an apparent bid to defuse a bitter row over Libya that could hurt her chances of becoming the next secretary of state. McCain has led Republican attacks against Rice, accusing her of misleading the public over the September 11 assault on the US mission in Benghazi, Libya that left Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other Americans dead. "My concerns are obviously that she told the American people things that were patently false, that were not true,"McCain said, confirming Tuesday's meeting, which stoked speculation Rice is... Read more →

Boxer Hector 'Macho' Camacho dead | cnbnews

Hector "Macho" Camacho (Photo credit: MarkGregory007) David Trifunov November 24, 2012 12:18:00 PM EST Hector "Macho" Camacho has died after being taken off life support, a doctor said. David Trifunov Legendary Puerto Rican boxer Hector "Macho" Camacho has died after being taken off life support this morning. The director of the Centro Medico trauma center in Puerto Rico, Dr. Ernesto Torres, told AP the 50-year-old went into cardiac arrest in the pre-dawn hours of today, Saturday. He was then taken off life support and passed away. The sad news comes four days after the 50-year-old was shot in the face while sitting in a Ford Mustang in front of a bar in his hometown of Bayamon, Puerto Rico. He was declared brain dead two days later and his family has been in discussions about what steps to take, torn between keeping him alive or ending his struggle. Dr. Ernesto Torres... Read more →

ObamaCare Religion Issue Resurfaces

November 26, 2012 The U.S. Supreme Court today ordered the Fourth Circuit of Appeals to hear the constitutional issues involved in two provisions of ObamaCare, formally known as the Affordable Care Act. Previously, the circuit court ruled that a challenge by Liberty University to ObamaCare was premature, but now the high court has vacated that decision. Catholic League spokesman Bill Donohue addresses one of the provisions that will now be given a full hearing by the circuit court: The key aspect of ObamaCare for the Catholic community has always been the religious liberty issue, not the question of universal health care coverage; the Catholic Church endorsed universal health care more than 80 years ago. The contentious part of ObamaCare, as stated by the bishops, is the Health and Human Services mandate forcing Catholic non-profits to pay for abortion-inducing drugs, contraception and sterilization. There is reason to believe that despite the... Read more →

Face of Defense: Soldier Keeps 'Comms Up' for Exercise

By Army Sgt. Katryn Tuton 50th Public Affairs Detachment FORT BRAGG, N.C., Nov. 26, 2012 - It is an unusual Thursday morning when Army Spc. Sean Locke gets to skip physical training. Usually, he would be outside in the winter cold, more than likely running from one place to another and back again. Army Spc. Sean Locke establishes communications with the Fort Bragg Operations Center during an assault command post exercise on Pope Army Airfield, N.C., Nov. 15, 2012. U.S. Army photo by Sgt. Katryn Tuton (Click photo for screen-resolution image);high-resolution image available. But there is a good reason why he's not running at 6 a.m. In addition to being a computer systems repairer, he also is a member of Task Force Bragg's assault command post. The roughly 60 members of the ACP are a vital element of maintaining 18th Airborne Corps forced entry capabilities into a hostile country. They... Read more →

» Shapiro: The Death of American Religion » Commentary -- GOPUSA

In the aftermath of the re-election of President Barack Obama, conservatives searched the heavens and the earth for answers. Some suggested that Mitt Romney lost because Republicans didn't reach out more to Latino voters; some suggested that Romney lost because his "get out the vote" system fell apart on Election Day. Romney himself said that he lost because President Obama separated voting groups with particularly calibrated "gifts" designed to curry their favor. In truth, Mitt Romney lost for the same reason that traditional marriage lost on Election Day: America is becoming a less religious country. And that bodes ill for the future of the United States. It's not that religious voters didn't turn out for Romney. They did in droves. Fully 26 percent of voters -- 3 percent more than in 2004 -- were white evangelicals who supported Romney 79 to 21. Fifty-three percent of the electorate identified as Protestant;... Read more →

CHUCKLES: Problem Solved!

A man in Scotland calls his son in London the day before Christmas Eve and says, “I hate to ruin your day but I have to tell you that your mother and I are divorcing; forty-five years of misery is enough.” 'Dad, what are you talking about?' the son screams. “We can't stand the sight of each other any longer” the father says. “We're sick of each other and I'm sick of talking about this, so you call your sister in Adaire and tell her.” Frantically, the son calls his sister, who explodes on the phone. “Like hell they're getting divorced!” she shouts, “I'll take care of this!” She calls Scotland immediately, and screams at her father “You are NOT getting divorced. Don't do a single thing until I get there. I'm calling my brother back, and we'll both be there tomorrow. Until then, don't do a thing, DO YOU... Read more →

The Port Authority's Cloudy Future by Nicole Gelinas, City Journal

English: World Trade Center, New York, aerial view March 2001. Français : Le World Trade Center à New York. Vue aérienne datant de mars 2001. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) New Yorkers have watched One World Trade Center gradually define the downtown skyline. The massive glass-and-steel building should reach its full height and be ready for tenants within 18 months. But to those tenants, One World Trade may come to symbolize not victory over terror but rather their own miserable commutes. Most of the white-collar workers who will stream into the tower depend on subways, buses, tunnels, and bridges to get to Manhattan. And over the past decade, the government agency in charge of much of the region’s transportation—the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey—has neglected that core responsibility in favor of rebuilding lower Manhattan. The good news is that the World Trade Center project (technically, the first big phase... Read more →

Niemiec Up For Soccer News Net Player Of The Year |

November 26, Vote for Niemiec! PHILADELPHIA - Courtney Niemiec has been named one of 36 finalists for Soccer News Net's Women's College Player of the Year. The online fan vote will account for 40% of the total toward the selection, with the remaining 60% going to the website's editorial staff. Niemiec was one of only two players from the Atlantic 10 to be nominated and is the only representative from a school in Philadelphia. Niemiec was named the A-10 Defensive Player of the Year as well as a first-team all-conference selection for her standout play in the backfield this season, anchoring an Explorer defense that earned 10 shutouts this season. The junior played an integral role in La Salle's 17-5-1 showing this year, including an unbeaten 8-0-1 mark in the A-10 during the regular season and a 3-0 record during conference playoffs. Read more →

Louisville vs Rutgers Predictions: BCS Berth on the Line in Big East Battle |

Bookie The college football season is winding down and every game means something. Although all eyes will be on the SEC Championship game between Alabama and Georgia, there is a midweek Big East battle that deserves some attention. On Thursday night the Rutgers Scarlet Knights and the Louisville Cardinals play with BCS implications on the line. Last week Rutgers laid an egg against Pittsburgh and fell flat in an embarrassing 27-6 defeat. That loss set the Scarlet Knights back in the race for the Big East title and knocked them out of the AP Top 25 college football rankings. Luckily for Rutgers, another Big East contender suffered a unforgivable loss. The Louisville Cardinals managed to go to overtime against the inferior UConn Huskies, but still left with a loss. That loss knocked the Cardinals from the college football rankings, but the focus of the defeat is an injury to... Read more →

Tyreek Duren Named Philadelphia Big 5 Player of the Week

Explorer hit game-tying and game-winning shots in OT win vs. Villanova PHILADELPHIA – La Salle junior guard Tyreek Duren (Philadelphia, Pa. / Neumann-Goretti) has been named the Philadelphia Big 5 Player of the Week, it was announced today. Duren averaged 19.0 ppg. in a pair of Explorer wins last week, including a 77-74 overtime victory over Villanova. Against the Wildcats, Duren scored 19 of his 23 points after halftime. His three-pointer with seven seconds remaining in regulation tied the game at 67-67. In overtime, his lay-up with 18 seconds left gave La Salle its first lead since late in the first half. His 23 points against Nova were one short of a career-high set last year against the Wildcats. Duren also led the team in scoring with 15 points in a 64-51 win at Hartford on Tuesday. He leads the team in scoring at 15.5 ppg. and assists with 3.0... Read more →

Ralph J. Williams Jr., of Brooklawn, Korean War Army Veteran, Retired PSE&G Employee |

Surrounded by his loving family, on November 25, 2012. Age 81. Of Brooklawn. Loving husband of Bobbie A. Williams (nee Gugel). Cherished step-father of Roberta Ripp and Donna Sewell. Cherished Pop-Pop Rox of Sara, Emily, Madison and Anthony. Predeceased by his parents Ralph J. Williams Sr. and Margaret (nee Weise). Ralph proudly served our country in the U.S. Army during the Korean War. He retired as an accountant from PSE&G after 23 years of employment. Ralph enjoyed taking walks and traveling and was passionate about the Phillies, Eagles and Penn State. At his request, funeral services will be private. Condolences and Memories may be shared at under the obituary of Ralph J. Williams, Jr. Funeral Arrangements and Inquiries may be made through: McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME: 851 Monmouth Street, Gloucester City. PH: 856-456-1142 Related articles Barbara Ann Pollander, Gloucester City High School Alumnus Class of '76 | Stephen R.... Read more →

Jamie Foxx’s Epiphany

“First of all, give an honor to God and our Lord and Savior Barack Obama, Barack Obama.” ~Jamie Foxx November 26, 2012 CATHOLIC LEAGUE'S representative Bill Donohue released the following remarks today: Thanks to Noel Sheppard at Newsbusters [click here], we learned today of the comments that aired last night on BET by Jamie Foxx at the previously recorded Soul Train Awards. Foxx greeted the crowd by saying, “First of all, give an honor to God and our Lord and Savior Barack Obama, Barack Obama.” A YouTube video posted on December 21, 2011 [click here] shows Foxx being asked, “What does God mean to you?” His response, “What does God mean to me? I don’t know.” Foxx’s epiphany is startling. It just goes to show that even though Obama did not succeed in stopping the oceans from rising (as he promised to do in 2008), he did succeed in convincing... Read more →

RGA Statement on Gov. Christie Decision to Seek Re-Election

Governor of New Jersey at a town hall in Hillsborough, NJ 3/2/11 (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Republican Governors Association Chairman Bobby Jindal issued the following statement today on New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s decision to seek a second term: “Chris Christie exemplifies the type of results-oriented leadership New Jersey residents expect from their governor. Before Governor Christie took office, Trenton was broken and state government was in disarray. Now, the New Jersey comeback is underway because Governor Christie has shown an ability to achieve major reforms and get things done in a bipartisan manner. He’s closed an $11 billion deficit without a tax hike, capped property taxes and enacted historic education and pension reforms. Thanks to his bold leadership, Governor Christie is well-positioned to secure a second term and continue the progress New Jersey has made since he took office.” Related articles Christie Formally Announces, Files for Reelection Bid Gov. Christie... Read more →

Red Cross Spotlight on Volunteer Mike Hoplight |

Written by Robert W. Wallace Mike Hoplight is a super volunteer for the American Red Cross. So far this year he has been deployed for duty away from his Sanborn, New York, home for a total of 159 days. Currently, he is the Site Manager for the large distribution center on Long Island that provides bulk supplies for persons affected by Hurricane Sandy. He has been in charge of this site for the past 29 days, having arrived well in advance of the storm to receive and be ready to supply needed items for the storm victims. “I’ve been deploying all my life for various operations, and I’ll be here until this operation is done,” said Hoplight, “but I would like to get home to be with my wife and daughters for Christmas.” Hoplight is retired from the United States Army and volunteers extensively for the Red Cross: He serves... Read more →

Top Republicans Prepare to Cave On Taxes/ Selling Out Once Again!

Today, multiple high-ranking Republicans announced that they were willing to raise taxes as part of a deal to avoid the “fiscal cliff,” breaking the pledges they had made to Grover Norquist’s Americans for Tax Reform. Said Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-SC) on ABC’s This Week with George Stephanopoulos: I agree with Grover, we shouldn’t raise rates, but I think Grover is wrong when it comes to we can’t cap deductions and buy down debt. What do you do with the money? I want to buy down debt and cut rates to create jobs, but I will violate the pledge, long story short, for the good of the country, only if Democrats will do entitlement reform. Graham did say he would not vote to raise tax rates, but that he would vote to cap deductions. “If you cap deductions around the $30,000, $40,000 range, you can raise $1 trillion in revenue, and... Read more →

CNBNews Hunting and Fishing: Walking Catfish Have Invaded the United States

Walking catfish The Walking catfish, Clarias batrachus, also known as the Magur or Pla Duk Dam, is a species of air breathing catfish with the ability to “walk” out of the water and across land. Its “walk” is more like a sort of wriggling motion with snakelike movements, as well as using its pectoral fins as “legs”. This fish normally lives in slow-moving and often stagnant waters in ponds, swamps, streams and rivers (Mekong and Chao Phraya basins), flooded rice paddies or temporary pools which may dry up. When this happens, its “walking” skill comes in handy for moving to other sources of water. In Tamil it is known as keluthi or keluthu. Walking catfish are around 11.81 in (30 cm) in length and have an elongated body shape. This catfish has long-based dorsal and anal fins as well as several pairs of sensory barbels. The skin is scaleless but... Read more →

Giants rout Packers, 49ers sink Saints/

NEW ORLEANS (AFP) November 26, 2012, 1:11:38 AM EST Stacy Revere/Getty Images/AFP Colin Kaepernick of the San Francisco 49ers drops back to pass while under pressure against the New Orleans Saints at the Mercedes-Benz Superdome on November 25, in New Orleans, Louisiana. The 49ers beat New Orleans 31-21 Colin Kaepernick, who was making his second career start in place of Alex Smith, ran for one touchdown and threw for another as the San Francisco 49ers beat New Orleans 31-21 on Sunday. Ahmad Brooks and Donte Whitner each returned aninterception for a score for the 49ers, who had cleared Smith to play but decided to go with Kaepernick as theirquarterback instead. Smith suffered a concussion during the 49ers' 24-24 tie against the St. Louis Rams two weeks ago. Kaepernick completed 16-of-25 passes for 231 yards on Sunday. "Coach said he's going to go with who has the hot hand, so now... Read more →

Pope Appoints Six New Non-European Cardinals /cnbnews

November 24, 2012, 11:13:00 PM EST Pope Benedict XVI highlights diversity in the elevation of six to the mostly-European College of Cardinals. This article, Pope Appoints Six New Non-European Cardinals, is syndicated fromNewsLook and is reposted here with permission. Repost.Us has millions more stories to embed. Find your story NewsLook ( Read more →

AMAC: Cholesterol Jumps With Menopause

Posted 11/21/2012 | Health & Fitness Doctors have known for years that a woman’s risk of developing heart disease rises after menopause, but they weren’t exactly sure why. It wasn’t clear whether the increased risk is due to the hormonal changes associated with menopause, to aging itself, or to some combination of the two. Now, we have at least part of the answer: A new study shows beyond a doubt that menopause, not the natural aging process, is responsible for a sharp increase in cholesterol levels. This seems to be true of all women, regardless of ethnicity, according to the study, which will be published in next week’s Journal of the American College of Cardiology. “As they approach menopause, many, many women show a very striking increase in cholesterol levels, which in turn increases risk for later heart disease,” says the lead author of the study, Karen A. Matthews, Ph.D.,... Read more →

Patrick J. Rowan Jr. of Oaklyn Succumbs, Administrator/Teacher at Paul VI High School

( November 23, 2012. Age 64. Of Oaklyn. Formerly of Gloucester City. Cherished son of the late Patrick J. Rowan, Sr. and the late Marion B. Rowan (nee Bignell) Dear brother of Thomas E. Rowan, Kathleen M. Rowan and Maryann (William) Hook. Cherished uncle of Patricia Hook. Beloved nephew of Claire (Henry) Murphy and Margaret Keenan. Also survived by many cousins. Patrick was a graduate of Gloucester Catholic High School class of 1966. He received his Bachelor’s degree from Villanova University in 1970 and his Master’s Degree from Glassboro State in 1976. Patrick was a Teacher / Administrator for 41 years at Paul VI High School in Haddon Township. Patrick enjoyed fishing in Cape May and was a longtime member of the Cape May Marlin and Tuna Club. Relatives, friends, Paul VI High School administration, faculty, staff, students and all alumni are kindly invited to attend his viewing on Tuesday... Read more →

Potty training Chinese style: With a diaper-free child, look for potted plants

Potty training Chinese style is also known as "elimination training," or getting Junior to "go" on command, sans diapers. Here, a Chinese baby cools off in Beijing.(Courtesy of Casey Hynes) Lucy Hornsby lives life on the edge. She recently took her 18-month-old son, Oliver, out to lunch. And he wasn’t wearing a diaper. “There was a bush nearby. I felt like we had an escape hatch,” says the Beijing-based Reuters reporter. That’s because Ms. Hornsby and her husband have been using an ancient Chinese method of toilet training, with some success. Called “elimination training” or “elimination communication,” the practice encourages babies and toddlers to use the toilet on demand while a caregiver is making whistling or shushing noises. Eventually, the baby learns the cue to "go" on cue and becomes diaper-free. Move over, Sigmund Freud. Using slit-bottom pants called kaidangku, Chinese children have traditionally used very few diapers. Instead, they’re... Read more →

La Salle Women Soccer Wins Atlantic 10 Championship |

November 4, 2012 \ Box Score KINGSTON, RI - La Salle women's soccer wins its first-ever Atlantic 10 Championship title en route to head coach Paul Royal's 100th win with a 2-1 overtime win against VCU. Junior Renee Washington scored both goals for the Explorers (17-4-1), who advance to the NCAA Tournament for the second straight season. The pairings will be announced on Monday at 4:30 PM on A watch party that begins at 4:15 PM at the Rodden Theatre is open to the public. Free food and drinks will be available as well as an opportunity to congratulate the team. La Salle has won the A-10 regular season championship the past two seasons and has a combined 32-6-4 record in the past two seasons. “I think this is huge,” said Royal. “This is a great victory for the La Salle community. Our girls have worked so hard, setting... Read more →

VIDEO: Alexander Tsiaras: Conception to birth -- visualized |

Uploaded by TEDtalksDirector on Nov 14, 2011 Image-maker Alexander Tsiaras shares a powerful medical visualization, showing human development from conception to birth and beyond. (Some graphic images.) LINK SUBMITTED TO CNBNEWS.NET BY JOHN BRANIN/FLORIDA Related articles The Magic and the Miracle That is Us 'Big Ben' welcomes little Ben to family | Comment Restrictions Happy Leftovers Day | Cape May-Lewes Ferry Vessels Moored at Holt Marine Terminal | Read more →

Dates and Sites for 2013 Little League World Series Tournaments Announced

Junior, Senior & Big League Baseball (Photo credit: Wikipedia) By Communications Division SOUTH WILLIAMSPORT, Pa. The dates and sites for the nine Little League World Series tournaments in 2013, have been approved by the Little League International Board of Directors, it was announced by Stephen D. Keener, President and Chief Executive Officer of Little League Baseball and Softball. The newly-created Little League Intermediate 50/70 Baseball Division World Series will play its inaugural tournament in Livermore, Calif., July 30-to-Aug. 5, at Max Baer Park, home of Granada Little League. The Big League Baseball World Series will kick off the month of championship tournaments to determine the top teams in the world in each division. Easley, S.C., will serve as the home for the Big League tournament for the 13th year as the oldest age division in baseball conducts its 46th championship, July 24-to-31. The four softball World Series tournaments open the... Read more →


NOVEMBER 23, 2012-TRENTON - The Christie Administration is making the safe removal of debris a top priority, working hard with communities to remove these materials to landfills, incinerators and recycling facilities as quickly as possible so that residents can begin to rebuild, Department of Environmental Protection Commissioner Bob Martin said today. "The scope of the devastation the storm inflicted on New Jersey is unprecedented," Commissioner Martin said. "Our number one goal is to safely remove debris from the streets of our storm-ravaged cities and towns. We are working diligently, in cooperation with cities, towns and counties, plus haulers and disposal facilities to make sure we haul away debris as quickly and efficiently as possible." The storm has left millions of cubic yards of materials that need to be hauled away. So far, the DEP has approved 100 temporary debris management areas to help ensure a steady flow of debris from... Read more →

Video: Giving Tuesday Get Out the Give | cnbnews

We have a day for giving thanks. We have two for getting deals. This year help create #GivingTuesday™, the giving season’s opening day. On Tuesday November 27, 2012 charities, families, businesses and individuals are coming together to transform the way people think about, talk about and participate in the giving season. It’s a simple idea. Find a way for your family, your community, your company or your organization to join in acts of giving. Tell everyone you can about what you are doing and why it matters. Join a national celebration of our great tradition of generosity. And together we’ll create ways to give more, give better and givesmarter. Related articles Share your favorite giving quotes for #GivingTuesday! Colorado MTN Town Events - Thanksgiving Weekend Keep holiday donations out of scammers' hands 5 Ways To Give Back During The Holiday Season Support Your Community On #GivingTuesday Read more →

Retailers To Give New Winter Coats To Columbus Elementary School Students |

PR Newswire logo (Photo credit: Wikipedia) PR Newswire Association LLC. November 23, 2012 1:30:00 PM EST COLUMBUS, Ohio, Nov. 23, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- In an effort to make the winter season warmer for children in need, the Keeping Kids Warm® program is donating new winter coats to 4 schools in Columbus. The Keeping Kids Warm program is supported by Lane Bryant and Catherines women's retail apparel brands. Columbus Coat Distributions will take place next week at Fairwood Elementary School on November 27th, East Linden Elementary School on November 28th, Oakmont Elementary School on November 29th, and Cassady Elementary School on November 30th. All events begin at 9:30 a.m. For each school, Company employees volunteer to organize coat distributions, order and pack coats, and present them in person to children in their communities. Each child at the recipient schools receives a brand new, warm winter coat! "The Keeping Kids Warm program... Read more →

Face of Defense: Marines Enjoy Thanksgiving Feast, Camaraderie

By Marine Corps Cpl. Timothy Lenzo Regional Command Southwest FORWARD OPERATING BASE GERONIMO, Afghanistan, Nov. 23, 2012 – Marines with 3rd Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment, Regimental Combat Team 7 were in the holiday spirit this Thanksgiving. Marines with 3rd Battalion, 9th Marine Regiment, Regimental Combat Team 7 enjoy a Thanksgiving Day meal featuring turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, stuffing and pumpkin pie in the dining facility at Forward Operating Base Geronimo, Afghanistan, Nov. 22, 2012. U.S. Marine Corps photo by Cpl. Timothy Lenzo (Click photo for screen-resolution image);high-resolution image available. Thousands of miles from their loved ones, the Marines traded gathering with their friends and families for spending time with their brothers and sisters in arms. “It’s hard for Marines to be away from home this time of year,” said Sgt. Corey Branner, logistics and supply chief with the battalion. For Thanksgiving, the dining facility at Forward Operating Base Geronimo... Read more →

Happy Leftovers Day |

By Deborah Smith, Executive Editor As much as we love celebrating Thanksgiving in our house, Leftovers Day is just as delicious and, comes with a lot less work. Yey!! This Thanksgiving in the wake of Sandy we combined two families, two turkeys and two traditions into one and it was probably our best Thanksgiving ever. As you can see in the pictures, the second turkey didn’t get cooked. We’ll be cooking that bird today and trying something a little different with this Southwestern Turkey with Garlic-Ancho Chili Paste and Gravy. The 3 heads of garlic are roasting in the oven as we speak and smell heavenly. Some standouts from yesterday’s dinner will be starring again tonight. I tried a new sweet potato recipes that was the hit of the table. I highly recommend you add this to your next holiday menu. Ree Drummond’s Soul Sweet Taters. Another experiment that turned... Read more →

Pennsylvania Firefighter Dies After Call - Firehouse

Firefighters in Chester County, Pa. are facing Thanksgiving with heavy hearts as they mourn the loss of a brother. Good Will Fire Company Capt. Chris Good, 36, was found in cardiac arrest at his home on Wednesday, according to the Daily Good had helped at a working fire on Tuesday. On Wednesday, he went to his job as a firefighter Arcelor Mittal Steel Fire Company. After attending a pre-plan exercise, he returned home. His wife later found him unresponsive. He is surivived by his wife and three children. via Related articles Firefighter dies after Chester County blaze Heart Attack Kills Pa. Firefighter Following Call | Brazen thief steals from firehouse while Bravest are out on call Chicago firefighter dies after returning from a fire call PA. Firefighter Dies After Heart Attack | LODD: Pennsylvania Firefighter Dies of Heart Attack Firefighter suffers fatal heart attack after returning... Read more →

CNBNews Hunting and Fishing Report

Pennsylvania Game Commission patch (Photo credit: Wikipedia) HUNTING LICENSES NO LONGER NEED TO BE DISPLAYED Hunters and trappers are reminded they no longer are required to display their licenses on an outer garment, said Pennsylvania Game Commission Executive Director Carl G. Roe. “The Game Commission supported legislation that was enacted last year and took effect earlier this year to remove the statutory requirement that licenses be displayed,” Roe said. “Hunters now may place their hunting license in their wallet with other ID, as they are required to have a second form of identification with them while hunting.” HUNTERS CAN CHECK ON TRAFFIC AND ROAD CONDITIONS IN ADVANCE As road conditions are sometimes “iffy” for deer seasons, hunters can check traffic and road conditions on more than 2,900 miles of roadways by simply calling “511” or logging onto the state Department of Transportation’s website ( before heading out to camp this... Read more →

Philadelphia Archbishop Chaput says Year of Faith holds solution to relativism | cnbnews

BALTIMORE, MD., November 19 (CNA/EWTN News) .- The current Year of Faith is an opportunity to counter the cultural relativism that plagues modern society and that has led many in the Church to deny Catholic teaching on important topics, said Archbishop Charles J. Chaput of Philadelphia. “The appropriate response to relativism is faith, where you no longer are the center of the universe, you are no longer the one who decides what’s true, but you commit yourself in faith to God’s truth,” he told CNA on Nov. 12. Among the biggest current challenges for the Church in the U.S. is addressing those “who say they’re Catholic but don’t believe what the Catholic Church teaches,” the archbishop stated. “The hardest thing is to convince them that they need to change.” “So many people just think they’re Catholic already and think that they have a right to decide for themselves what’s Catholic... Read more →