Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Philadelphia, October 25, 2012– The City of Philadelphia, in partnership with the Mayor’s Commission on Aging and the Philadelphia Corporation for Aging, has released a resource guide for older Philadelphians to reduce senior hunger across the Greater Philadelphia area. The resource guide was created with support from the Mayor’s Commission on Aging Senior Hunger Task Force, which formed in January 2012.
The guide features details about SNAP benefits (formerly known as Food Stamps), home-delivered meals, congregate meals served in community and senior centers, free food boxes, grocery deliveries and discounts on fresh foods. The guide will be available online and in hard copy at senior centers, community organizations, career development centers, neighborhood energy centers and other City sites. It is available in English, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, Russian, Vietnamese and Korean.
“The creation of this guide is a reflection of our partners’ commitment to ensure that seniors, caregivers and service providers have access to critical information about available resources,” said Lydia Hernández Vélez, Deputy Managing Director, Mayor’s Commission on Aging. “Our shared goal of keeping seniors safe and engaged is well served by this effort. I would like to thank the Task Force members for their hard work and dedication to the senior community.”
Holly Lange, Senior Vice President, Philadelphia Corporation for Aging added, “Every day, we work to improve the lives of older adults. Part of this challenge is to connect older Philadelphians with the information they need about available services, resources and contacts. My hope is that this food guide will bridge availability and knowledge for seniors in our community. We will continue to work with the City, the Commission and serve on the Senior Hunger Task Force to create sustainable solutions to challenges of the senior community.”