Janet A. Davidson age 71 of Brooklawn | cnbnews.net
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
On September 22, 2012, (nee Runner), of Brooklawn, NJ, age 71 yrs. She was the beloved wife of the late John F. Davidson, loving mother of John and Michael Davidson, dear sister of William and Richard Runner, Carol Stango, Ginny Coombs Joann Davis, Douglas Runner and Lisa Clanet and cherished grandmother of 8 grandchildren.
Janet loved going to the Casinos, hanging out with friends. She loved visiting her sister in Fla., going to the Shore and bowling,but above all loved and cherished the time spent with her grandchildren.
Relatives and friends are invited to meet Wednesday from 9:00am to 11:00 AM at the ETHERINGTON-CRERAN FUNERAL HOME, 700 POWELL ST., GLOUCESTER CITY, NJ. A Celebration of Janet's life will begin 11:00am at the Funeral Home. Interment to follow Eglington Cemetery, Clarksboro. There will be no evening viewing. www.etheringtonfh.com