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New University Center at GCC Will Be Ready for Incoming Students


(Sewell, NJ) – A ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the opening of the new University Center on the campus Gloucester County College was held today.  The 30,000 square foot facility located on the main campus holds 18 ‘smart’ classrooms to meet the demands of both the expanding GCC enrollment and the four-year universities that offer collegiate BA and MAS, MSN programs on site.


Freeholder Director Robert Damminger, Deputy Director Giuseppe ‘Joe’ Chila and Freeholder Lyman Barnes toured the new building that was constructed at with no new net cost to the county with NJ Senate President Steve Sweeney, GCC President Fred Keating, Rowan University President Dr. Ali Houshmand, and representatives from other four-year universities that offer advanced degree programs at GCC.


“GCC has the lowest tuition and the highest graduation rate in New Jersey.  Now our students can also receive a four-year or master’s degree at the lowest possible cost,” Freeholder Director Damminger said.  “This construction allows for an expanded number of programs and opportunities for our residents to earn their advanced degrees without having to pay for many of the expensive fees associated with a four year degree,” Director Damminger stated.


Freeholder Deputy Director Giuseppe ‘Joe’ Chila said that the project that community college continues to be one of the best values in education today.


Chila said, “We have taken a University Center that was previously located on the second floor of a small building and given it a place where students can thrive.  In today’s economy we must be better at providing our traditional and non-traditional students with the tools they need to succeed at a price they can afford.  This University Center helps accomplish both those missions and it was done without asking for more from the taxpayers.”


Freeholder Lyman Barnes said that the enrollment at GCC has continually grown with this year’s fall enrollment expected to exceed 2011’s of 6829.  The official enrollment numbers does not include students taking non-credit courses through the College’s Division of Continuing Education.


“This building will be used around the clock.  When it is not being used by the BA and MA partners, it will be used for traditional GCC classrooms.  With the partnerships of the universities, the dual enrollment agreement between GCC and Rowan, and GCC’s program affiliations with more than 30 top name institutions from across the country, this building will help be a bridge to the future,” said Freeholder Lyman Barnes, Liaison to Education. 


“In December 2010, we gathered at this site to break ground for a University Center building.  Today, we are here to officially open Gloucester County College’s newest building,” said College President Frederick Keating.  “The Gloucester County Board of Chosen Freeholders, Gloucester County College Board of Trustees and the college community had a vision – a vision to enhance learning opportunities for GCC students while expanding educational partnerships with four-year universities within the south Jersey area.  The vision is now a reality.”


The University Center was constructed at no new net cost to the county.  The $6.5 million project was funded through a combination of $3 million reprogrammed from the under budget expansion of Academy High at GCIT. GCC will repay the county $3.5 million utilizing the funding they receive from their university partners.   GCC Foundation funded $250,000 toward the project. 

