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Denver archbishop defends Paul Ryan in budget battle


.- Amid criticism of Paul Ryan’s policy proposals, Archbishop Samuel J. Aquila of Denver has written a column calling for more constructive discussion.

“I cannot, nor would I, endorse him or any other candidate,” Archbishop Aquila wrote in a column published Aug. 20 on CNA. “But claims that Paul Ryan’s plan run deeply counter to Catholic social teaching are unfounded and unreasonable.”

In order to protect future generations from even greater amounts of debt than they already face, voters and politicians should approach the topic of fiscal policy with stewardship or “a Christian sense of responsibility,” the archbishop said.

“Christian stewardship cares for the poor by prudently planning-responsibly spending what is in the realm of the possible, while recognizing the limitations of our resources,” he wrote.

Therefore, everyone should consider the topic of public policy with an emphasis on how current decisions will impact the future of America, he said.

“We should have a serious debate about whether Paul Ryan’s plans- and those of his political opponents- serve our national purpose. We should discuss seriously whether they utilize just means. But we should also discuss whether his plans, and those of his opponents, prudently steward the resources we have.”

To read the full column, visit

