NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia
Imagine all the people living life in Peace, You may say Im a dreamer but I am not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one. ~John Lennon
« July 2012 |
| September 2012 »
HOBOKEN, N.J. (August 30, 2012) – On the wake of the first meet of the 2012 season, the Stevens Institute of Technology cross country programs have spent the past two weeks preparing for the opening race of the year under the guidance of brand new head coach Justin Wood. Both Ducks teams will compete at the Harry Lang Invitational hosted by Colgate University on September 1 to kick off their 12-week schedule. Wood, formerly the head coach at SUNY Delhi, is a National Junior College Athletic Association Hall of Famer after competing for the Broncos for two seniors as an undergraduate. He then obtained his bachelor’s degree from Seton Hall University and his master’s from Southern Connecticut State University before returning to Delhi as a head coach. Wood led Delhi to back-to-back National Championships in 2009 and 2010. Wood brings a coaching philosophy that focuses on long term development through...
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August 30, 2012 The NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife has recently confirmed Epizootic Hemorrhagic Disease (EHD) serotype 2 virus as the cause of death in a deer in Salem County. Other possible cases have been reported in Cape May, Gloucester and Camden counties, although these have not been confirmed by laboratory testing. EHD is not a public health issue. It cannot be transmitted to people, and humans are not at risk by handling infected deer, being bitten by infected midges, or eating infected deer meat; however, the Division of Fish and Wildlife strongly advises against consuming meat from any game animal that appears ill. Although livestock can be infected with EHD, the disease is relatively benign in livestock and is likely to go unnoticed, with no health effects. EHD is a common viral disease in deer that is contracted from the bite of a species of midge known as...
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St. Jude Medical has recalled its Eon and Eon Mini Pain Management implants because of issues with their batteries. According to a report from Mass Device, at least three patients suffered 1st or 2nd degree burns when batteries overheated while recharging. Apparently, hundreds of people have had the St. Jude Eon and Eon Pain Management devices removed for either recharging problems, or because the batteries failed early. According to Mass Device, the problems have already spawned a personal injury lawsuit filed by a patient alleging that the battery in her Eon Mini model 3788 was defective. In that case, the implant was surgically removed when the battery failed after just six months. St. Jude said it had received 214 reports as of June 30 that its Eon Mini model 3788 “lost the ability to communicate or recharge” because of cracked welds in the batteries, “resulting in loss of pain relief...
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Nederlands: Public Health Image Library PHIL ID# 1573 Title: Herpes simplex lesion of lower lip, second day after onset. Content Provider(s): CDC/Dr. Herrmann Creation Date: (1964) Description: Herpes simplex lesion of lower lip, second day after onset. HSV, cold sore. Source Library: PHIL (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Released: 8/24/2012 10:00 AM EDT Source: Johns Hopkins Medicine -But most cases are mild, short-lived, Johns Hopkins Children’s Center dermatologists say Your child goes to bed in perfect health. The next morning she wakes up with high fever, malaise and bright red blisters erupting all over her body. Johns Hopkins Children’s Center dermatologists say the disturbing scenario has become quite common in the last few months, sending scared parents to their pediatrician’s office or straight to the emergency room. Bernard Cohen, M.D., director of pediatric dermatology at Johns Hopkins Children’s Center, and colleague Kate Puttgen, M.D., have seen or consulted on close to...
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BY CNBNEWS STAFF Yesterday the City of Gloucester City announced it was planning to build three new single family Architect sketch of proposed single family homes homes on property it owns at Market and 4th Streets. The property extends from Market Street to Powell Street. Years ago the site was the home of Gannon Jewelry and Furniture Store. Later it was home for Smith Appliances. The announcement has set off a flurry of comments from people who oppose the idea. For example City resident Mike Stanton writes, In light of there being so many houses for sale why would the city add to the stock now? Three additional houses added to the current stock of unsold houses will drive prices down...economics 101. In light of the Meadowbrook Mews debacle, why would the city continue to be a developer? On Sept 1, we will have incurred costs of over $527k in...
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GLOUCESTER CITY NJ – Gloucester Catholic Junior Senior High School has announced key back-to-school dates with the opening of classes in early September. Please note the following events and dates: Wednesday, September 5 Junior High Orientation and Picnic, 7:55 a.m. Sophomore Orientation, 7:55 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Thursday, September 6 Junior Orientation, 7:55 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Friday, September 7 Senior Orientation, 7:55 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. Monday, September 10 Freshmen Orientation, 7:55 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Tuesday, September 11 First Full Day of Classes For additional information, please contact the Main Office at (856) 456-4400. Related articles Gloucester Catholic Junior Senior High School News ( Gloucester Catholic Junior High Confers 22 Diplomas During Inaugural Ceremony | ( Gloucester Catholic Junior High's First Year Successful | GCN (
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The Lions open up the 2012 football season in grand fashion, hosting Ursinus College under the lights on Friday night at Lions’ Stadium. The game is scheduled for a 7:30 p.m. kickoff. It is the first of four Friday night games for TCNJ this season, three of which will be played on their home turf. Eric Hamilton enters his 36th season as the Lions head coach. Coming off a strong 2011 campaign that saw his squad post a 7-3 overall mark, the veteran coach is pleased with the energy this preseason, and feels their success will be determined by minimizing mistakes. “Playing at home last year was a big plus and with all the new faces this year, it is important to gain confidence as a team against an out of confer- ence opponent before the NJAC wars begin,” note Hamilton. “Without a scrimmage, this will be the first time...
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by Daniel Webber Costlier gasoline hits seniors particularly hard by limiting their mobility and their ability to afford such basics as food - BOHEMIA, NY, Aug 24 – “We’re going nowhere, fast,” said Dan Weber, president of the Association of Mature American Citizens in response to “yet another round of skyrocketing gas prices. What we need is realistic relief, namely new refineries and new drilling projects unfettered by outdated EPA scrutiny.” Weber added that modern refining and drilling technologies focus on clean production as “a matter of good business sense. By encumbering domestic producers with overregulation only serves to increase prices at the pump. It also increases our dependence on foreign sources.” He pointed out that pump prices have been spiking for nearly two months and that costlier gasoline hits seniors particularly hard by limiting their mobility and their ability to afford such basics as food, which gets more expensive...
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Ewing, NJ … Andrew Mason’ 10 is a former offensive lineman for The College of New Jersey football team. He wore #64 for the Lions, playing through the 2010 season when he earned the Earl H. Dean Scholar-Leader-Athlete award. Mason is also a graduate of TCNJ’s U.S. Army ROTC program and graduated with a degree in criminal justice with a 3.37 overall cumulative average. Mason is currently serving in the United States Military and stationed in Afghanistan. He recently reached out to head coach Eric Hamilton via email. For purposes of security, details of his location, platoon, and mission have been removed. “Just wanted to drop a line and wish you and the guys luck this year. Hope camp is going well. Wish I was out there with you guys instead of in this place. You really don't realize how much you miss it until the opportunity to play is...
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HOBOKEN, N.J. (August 30, 2012) – The Stevens Institute of Technology women’s volleyball team begins its 2012 season on August 31 against SUNY Geneseo at the New York University Tournament for a two-day event and will play four matches on the opening weekend. The Ducks are coming off a 15-23 (5-2 E8) record last year, its only sub-.500 record since 2001, and looks to rebound in a strong way with a core group of returning upperclassmen and a brand new head coach at the helm. Stevens will be led into the 33-match grind by first year head coach Glenn DeHaven. DeHaven joins the Castle Point community after spending two seasons as an assistant at Transylvania University in Lexington, Ky. where the Pioneers posted a 45-19 overall record. DeHaven becomes the fourth women’s volleyball coach at Stevens in the program’s 26-year history. Before his stint at Transylvania, DeHaven coached for three...
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Mr. Miller with his wife Keiko by CNBNEWS STAFF Harry Miller Jr., of Kitakyushu City, Japan died August 19, 2012 from lung cancer. He was 75 years old. A former resident of Gloucester City NJ, Hank was the author of the semi-weekly CNBNEWS column When East Meets West which featured stories about the customs of Japan. He began writing the column for CNBNews in 2007 and continued to write it until two months before he died. He was also the founder of Miller English School of Japan. Mr. Miller graduated from St. Mary’s Grammar School and was a member of St. Mary’s Parish, both in Gloucester City. Hank joined the Navy at age 17 when the the Korean War started. According to his sister Roni Arrera after being discharged from the Navy he worked as an advisor for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in Vietnam. He is survived by his...
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By Leigh Anne Hubbs Gloucester City News Beginning this school year, Mary Bray School will offer brown bagged breakfasts to students to be consumed during homeroom. The “Grab and Go” breakfasts, a pilot program, will be incompliance with new federal nutrition regulations and will be prepared by Nutriserve. During the August 13 Mount Ephraim Board of Education meeting, Business Administrator Melissa Raywood explained that parents will pre-order their child’s breakfast each week. The regular price for breakfast will be $1.55. The reduced price will be 30 cents, and some children will be eligible for a free breakfast. Board Member Joan Greenwood said studies have shown that eating breakfast improves concentration in students, and that hungry children tend to be pre-occupied with what they will be eating for lunch instead of focusing on their schoolwork. Ms. Raywood said another advantage to having breakfast during homeroom rather than in the cafeteria before...
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Program promotes dense, mixed-use development near transit facilities ( Trenton – The New Jersey Department of Transportation today announced that East Orange (Essex County) and Dunellen (Middlesex County) have been accepted into the Transit Village program that now includes 26 municipalities statewide. The program provides participating towns with planning expertise and grant opportunities to redevelop land near train or other transit facilities in a way that promotes economic activity and the use of public transportation. All Transit Village proposals must include residential components. “The Transit Village program promotes a desirable style of development that creates car-free opportunities for residents and visitors to walk to and from transit facilities and to and from local shopping, dining, employment and other destinations,” said NJDOT Commissioner James Simpson. “Transit Villages reduce roadway congestion, benefit the environment and help create healthful, vibrant neighborhoods.” The East Orange and Dunellen proposals include plans to promote the use...
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Philadelphia, August 24, 2012 – City of Philadelphia and SEPTA officials announced that SEPTA is preparing to add and adjust service for the upcoming Budweiser Made In America Festival, which will be held on the Parkway Saturday, September 1, and Sunday, September 2. Budweiser Made in America will be locally produced by Live Nation on the Benjamin Franklin Parkway and will benefit local United Way organizations. Mayor Michael A. Nutter urged concert-goers and visitors to the Benjamin Franklin Parkway attractions to use public transportation because SEPTA will bolster its transit schedule to get them to-and-from the show. “Philadelphia is a green, walk-able city with a world class public transportation system,” he said. “I strongly urge visitors and residents to use this great resource during Budweiser Made in America.” SEPTA officials advised that the best method for travelling to and from Budweiser Made in America is SEPTA’s subway/subway-elevated routes, the Broad...
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Trenton, NJ – Acting Governor Kim Guadagno joined state and local officials today to announce the Borough of Dunellen has become the 26th municipality to be accepted into the New Jersey Department of Transportation’s (DOT) statewide Transit Village program. The designation culminates a detailed planning process that aims to revitalize the neighborhood near Dunellen’s public transportation facilities. The redevelopment site is located in Dunellen’s central business district. “The Transit Village Initiative is a perfect example of the Christie Administration’s commitment to spurring investment, revitalization, and job creation in some of our hardest hit communities. This program establishes partnerships with communities to help them carry out local redevelopment objectives, while building infrastructure and development in areas already connected by our transit network,” said Acting Governor Guadagno. “This designation gives us the opportunity to extend these benefits to the Dunellen community and encourage the use of public transportation in a way that...
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By Anne Forline Gloucester City News The Gloucester City Board of Education (BOE) voted to deny three “Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying” (HIB) appeals after returning from Executive Session during last week’s meeting. This vote upheld the School Board’s original decision regarding the three HIB aggressors – students involved in bullying incidents. Parents of at least one of the students plan to challenge the determination through the NJ Department of Education. During the business portion of the meeting, the BOE also voted to deny an “adults only” fundraiser to benefit the senior class trip at Adelphia’s. In other matters, the Board voted to approve the implementation of the Strauss Esmay Policy and Regulations Manual. It provides electronic versions of policy and regulation manuals, which are continually updated to ensure that school districts are in compliance. The initial cost is $13,000 for the policy and regulation set-up, with an online set up...
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Health care and advocacy groups join to protect children most vulnerable to influenza A disproportionately high number of children with neurologic disorders died from influenza-related complications during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic, according to a study by scientists with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The report in the journal Pediatrics underscores the importance of influenza vaccination to protect children with neurologic disorders. CDC is joining with the American Academy of Pediatrics, Families Fighting Flu and Family Voices to spread the message about the importance of influenza vaccination and treatment in these children. The Pediatrics study looked at influenza-related deaths in children during the 2009 H1N1 pandemic based on data submitted to CDC from state and local health departments. The number of pediatric deaths associated with 2009 H1N1 virus infection reported to CDC during the pandemic was more than five times the median number of pediatric deaths that were reported...
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GOV. CHRISTIE HITS PRIME-TIME TV Report by Mark Lagerkvist Posted On August 29, 2012 Move over Tony Soprano, Nucky Thompson and Snooki. New Jersey’s latest TV character has just taken a star turn in prime-time before a national audience. Gov. Chris Christie was larger than life – if that’s possible – during his keynote speech Tuesday at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla. During the first 17 minutes he didn’t even mention Mitt Romney. Instead, Christie focused on himself while auditioning for a future role in national politics. A cheering throng of GOP delegates did not seem to mind his narcissism one bit. Christie prides himself on “taking on tough issues.” Throughout the speech, he promised to talk about the “hard truths” in a “new era of truth-telling” – but one hard truth seemed to be missing from the governor’s tale of pension reform in New Jersey. “With bipartisan...
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HOBOKEN, N.J. (August 28, 2012) – As another fall quickly approaches the campus of Stevens Institute of Technology, the women’s soccer team, ranked 18th in the NSCAA preseason poll, begins their preparations for another run at the Empire 8 Conference title for the third consecutive season in 2012. The Ducks ran through last year’s conference schedule with a 6-0-1 record (first time since 2006) and a 14-3-4 overall mark en route to a First Round appearance in the NCAA Division III Tournament, running the program’s consecutive post-season streak to 11 seasons. Stevens also earned another NSCAA Team Academic Award in 2011, the eighth time since 2002. The No. 18 ranking is one of the highest ever that Stevens has received to kick off a season, but head coach Jeff Parker stressed that “the only ranking that matters is the one at the end, but if there’s a list made up...
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HARRISBURG – Pennsylvania Game Commission Wildlife Conservation Officers are Gary Devine Trail Camera photo investigating the cause of death for more than 35 white-tailed deer in Beaver and Cambria counties. Epizootic hemorrhagic disease (EHD) is suspected. Game Commission biologists recently submitted three samples for testing from deer found in Greene Township and Ohioville Borough in Beaver County (one male and one female), and Summerhill Township in Cambria County (one female) to the Southeastern Cooperative Wildlife Disease Study at the University of Georgia. The agency will continue to gather samples from other dead deer being found in other municipalities. Due to decomposition, samples must be collected within 24 hours of the animal’s death for the samples to be viable. Once the results are available, the Game Commission plans to release the findings to the public. “While we must wait for test results to confirm just what caused these deer to die,...
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BY JOHN NOLTE ***UPDATE III: Yahoo just announced they have terminated Chalian effective immediately. ***UPDATE II: Romney camp comments: "It hasn’t even been 24 hours after the primetime speech line up at the Republican National Convention last night, and you can already tell how successful and powerful of a night it really was by the complete and utter meltdown the mainstream media is experiencing today. ... Most shockingly, Yahoo! Washington Bureau Chief David Chalian got caught on an ABC webcast saying that Mitt Romney would be “happy to have a party when black people drown.” ***UPDATE: ABC News reached out to Breitbart News to name the man heard mocking the Romneys during this ABC News livecast: David Chalian (pictured) of Yahoo! News. Chalian is a formerpolitical director with ABC News, but according to ABC News has no association with the network now. The headline has been changed to reflect this...
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By Linda Boker-Angelo Gloucester City News During a brief meeting last week, members of the Gloucester City Planning/Zoning Board approved a resolution memorializing a decision reached at the June meeting, as it did not meet in July. The Board granted a variance in June allowing Walnut Avenue resident Marcella Dempsey and her husband to keep a second backyard shed, which the homeowners had installed for additional storage last November. But, board members had decided the building will have to be moved to comply with the Gloucester City ordinance. Dempsey had applied for a variance to allow the prefabricated shed to remain in its current location, next to the pre-existing shed. Both structures are positioned about one and a half feet off the rear property line, which is closer than city ordinance allows. The law states that the shed should be a minimum of five feet from the rear boundary. Also...
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HOBOKEN, N.J. (August 27, 2012) – The Stevens Institute of Technology men’s soccer program will begin its 2012 season ranked No. 7 in the nation and as the preseason favorites to win its sixth-straight Empire 8 conference title. With six all-conference selections returning – including players who scored 35 of last season’s 45 goals – this year’s Ducks are reloaded for a promising season at Castle Point. Also returning for 2012 is reigning Empire 8 Coach of the Year Devin Rensing, who led Stevens to the Regional Final of the NCAA Division III Men’s Soccer Championship in his first season at the helm of the program in 2011. “We had a great season last year, with some senior leadership that we’ll certainly miss,” said Rensing. “There are some big shoes to fill but we have a lot of confidence in the current upperclassmen and their leadership abilities.” The Ducks will...
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UCLA Seal (Trademark of the Regents of the University of California) (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Released: 8/24/2012 4:55 PM EDT Embargo expired: 8/26/2012 8:00 AM EDT Source: University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), Health Sciences Newswise — Stroke is the fourth leading cause of death and a common cause of long-term disability in the United States, but doctors have very few proven treatment methods. Now a new device that mechanically removes stroke-causing clots from the brain is being hailed as a game-changer. In a recent clinical trial, the SOLITAIRE Flow Restoration Device dramatically outperformed the standard mechanical treatment. Findings from the trial, called SOLITAIRE With the Intention for Thrombectomy (SWIFT), are published online today in the journal The Lancet and will also appear in a later print edition of the journal. SOLITAIRE, which was approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration in March, is among an entirely new generation of...
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By: Christopher G. Adamo By now, everyone has heard Vice-President Joe Biden’s outrageous and despicable August 14 assertion to a Danville Virginia audience that Republican challengers Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan intend to “put y’all back in chains,” as well as Romney’s justifiably angry response that the Obama team should “take your campaign of division and anger and hate back to Chicago.” Of course in the present media climate, with the major networks claiming to be “mainstream” and CNN touting itself as “centrist,” the entire episode has essentially been trivialized, at least for the moment. It is wholly predictable that if the Romney/Ryan ticket maintains its current momentum, the Democrat/media propaganda machine will raise the tenor of its attacks still further,, revisiting every past episode of the campaign with glaring liberal bias, the end goal being to somehow make the Republicans look bad while presenting the Obama/Biden cabal in the...
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August 28, 2012 Tampa, August 28... Candidate for U.S. Senate Senator Joe Kyrillos (R-Monmouth) released the following statement tonight regarding Governor Chris Christie's keynote speech at the 2012 Republican National Convention. "I have never been more proud to call Chris my governor and my friend. Governor Christie represented the people of New Jersey with honor and distinction, and America saw why he is one of the most effective governors in the country. He did something that has become rare in our current political climate: he talked openly and honestly to the American people about the challenges we face. Just as important, he offered a path forward. “Governor Christie is a model of leadership, willing to work with members of both parties to reform government and make it more accountable. As he said tonight, we are now demanding that our leaders stop tearing each other down, but work together to find...
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The Kyrillos campaign today announces the release of its first 30-second television commercial called "I'm Joe." The ad introduces Joe to New Jersey voters with a bipartisan call to fix our economy and renew the promise of America through strong leadership and less finger pointing. The ad will begin airing Monday, August 27th on cable television markets throughout New Jersey during the Republican National Convention when people are paying closer attention to politics and the issues of the day ensuring maximum viewership.
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Courtesy: Athletics Media Relations Release: 08/24/2012 TOWSON, Md. – Quarterback Joe Brennan, who appeared in six games at the University of Wisconsin last season, has transferred to Towson University and will play for the Tigers this season, it has been announced by Coach Rob Ambrose. A native of Audubon, N.J. and a graduate of Camden Catholic High School, Brennan has three years of eligibility remaining. “We are thrilled to have a player of Joe’s potential join our family,” said Coach Ambrose, who led the Tigers to a 9-3 record and the Colonial Athletic Association championship last year. “He is a quality young man who understands what it means to be a Tiger and he is excited about our future here.” Rated as the top high school quarterback in New Jersey as a senior, Brennan was a two-time All-South Jersey selection. In 2009, he led Camden Catholic to a 9-2 record...
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Hurricane Survival Guide Available Online with Valuable Information (Woodbury, NJ) – As hurricane season gets into full swing around this time of year Gloucester County residents can go online and download the Office of Emergency Management’s Hurricane Survival Guide announced Freeholder Director Robert Damminger and Freeholder Deputy Director Giuseppe (Joe) Chila. “With the July el derecho storm and recent quick moving thunderstorms, Gloucester County is no stranger to extreme weather. Preparedness is the best tool our residents can have in any emergency situation so we urge our residents to take a few minutes and read the guide and get their plans in place,” said Freeholder Director Robert M. Damminger. English: illustration of the cycle of preparedness activities for emergency management (Photo credit: Wikipedia) Freeholder Deputy Director Chila said that by creating a family preparedness plan and an emergency kit can take a lot of the anxiety out of an urgent...
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"The transformation of this tiny shard of land amounts to a small miracle... Every Philadelphia neighborhood should have a park as good as Sister Cities." - Inga Saffron, The Philadelphia Inquirer NOTE: The Children’s Discovery Garden, boat pond and Sister Cities fountain will be closed Monday, August 27 and Tuesday, August 28 for maintenance. NEW: You can adopt a bench at Sister Cities Park! Here's how! From Urban Engineers: "Sustainability, Sailboats, Science, Seasonal Fare" Explore our garden, sail a boat in our pond or grab a bite to eat. Sister Cities Park provides something for everyone. Children’s Discovery Garden Explore nature in an urban setting in the Children’s Discovery Garden. Inspired by Philadelphia’s Wissahickon Valley, the garden’s winding pathways and meandering stream provide a setting for discovery and imaginative play. Children can hike the trail, summit the “mountain” and enjoy the view, while connecting with the natural and man-made environments...
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source Accuracy in Media A writer for the Communist Party USA says that “…re-electing Obama is absolutely essential,” and warns that “divisions among Democrats and a potential wave of bad economic news can combine to threaten President Obama’s reelection.” Marxist John Case, who writes for various CPUSA publications, has written a piece, “The danger of a Romney election,” for the party publication People’s World, which warns that “Re-electing Obama is not sufficient to bring economic recovery or even relief to our people. Only a different class configuration in political power can do necessary minimum reforms to give us a chance. But re-electing Obama is absolutely essential. Now is not the time for hand washing the complexities and tactics away—or failing to triage the most critical questions from those that are less critical. We cannot win everything at once!” In reality, the CPUSA’s endorsement of Obama for a second term is...
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544 ACRE SCOUT CAMP PRESERVED IN PARTNERSHIP WITH NJ CONSERVATION FOUNDATION (12/P95) TRENTON - An agreement that will permanently preserve a 544-acre tract in the Barnegat Bay watershed in Ocean County was completed today when the Department of Environmental Protection acquired a conservation easement from the Jersey Shore Boy Scout Council and the New Jersey Conservation Foundation, DEP Commissioner Bob Martin announced. The $1.1 million agreement with the Scout Council will preserve the Joseph A. Citta Boy Scout Reservation Camp in Ocean Township, which contains camping facilities used by the Boy Scouts and many other outdoor user groups. The property, which offers public hiking trails, also is environmentally important, containing Pine Barrens habitat in the headwaters of the Oyster Creek, which is a tributary to Barnegat Bay. The preserved land will link Ocean County's Wells Mill Park to other preserve land in the Forked River Mountains, an ecologically unique area...
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The Hon. Chris Christie Governor of New Jersey (Remarks as Prepared for Delivery) August 28, 2012 This stage and this moment are very improbable for me. A New Jersey Republican delivering the keynote address to our national convention, from a state with 700,000 more Democrats than Republicans. A New Jersey Republican stands before you tonight. Proud of my party, proud of my state and proud of my country. I am the son of an Irish father and a Sicilian mother. My Dad, who I am blessed to have with me here tonight, is gregarious, outgoing and loveable. My Mom, who I lost 8 years ago, was the enforcer. She made sure we all knew who set the rules. In the automobile of life, Dad was just a passenger. Mom was the driver. They both lived hard lives. Dad grew up in poverty. After returning from Army service, he worked at...
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Point guard will be eligible to compete in 2013-14 PHILADELPHIA – Khalid Lewis (Trenton, N.J. / Trenton Catholic Academy), who started all 32 games at point guard for Delaware as a freshman, has enrolled in class at La Salle University and will be a member of the men’s basketball program, head coach Dr. John Giannini announced. Lewis will be eligible to compete in 2013-14 after sitting out this season due to NCAA transfer regulations. Lewis will have three years of eligibility remaining for the Explorers. “Khalid gives us a proven player who played a lot of minutes as a freshman for a winning team,” Giannini said. “He is a very good defender and has the potential to be an outstanding player.” “I expect him to improve with a year of hard work and competing against the outstanding guards in our program,” he continued. “He will also challenge our players and...
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Red Cross Press Release WASHINGTON, Tuesday, August 28, 2012 — With Isaac poised to make landfall in the same areas of the GulfCoast struck by Hurricane Katrina seven years ago, the American Red Cross has a series of tips for families and individuals in the region that may experience anxiety about the storm and anniversary. “The combination of the approaching storm and Katrina anniversary will likely cause increased fear and unease for residents in New Orleans and along coastal communities as people relive difficult emotions,” said Rob Yin, manager of disaster mental health, American Red Cross. “It’s important that people remember to take care of themselves and make appropriate disaster preparations to stay safe which can also help to reduce stress. Don’t forget to reach out to others to offer or get help if you need it.” Across multiple states along the Gulf, the Red Cross has launched a large...
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The New Jersey State Police continue to lead the multi-agency search for a missing man whose boat was discovered approximately one mile off the Wildwood coast late yesterday morning. The 23-foot center console Nautic Star boat named Rock N Reel was reported by another boater as unoccupied and adrift shortly before 11:00 a.m. Monday morning. Fishing poles were in place, the keys were in the ignition and the engine was down in the water, but there was no sign of the owner/operator. The boat is owned by Jason Sill, 39, of Cape May Court House. Witnesses reported seeing Sill take his boat out from Pier 47 Marina around 9:30 a.m. He was alone and told others at the pier that he intended on fishing in the back bay. The U.S. Coast Guard located the boat based on the caller’s report and a State Police boat then towed it back to...
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(Woodbury, NJ) –This year’s Gloucester County Senior Citizen picnic will be held on Wednesday, September 12, 2012 (rain date 9/13/2012), from 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM at Red Bank Battlefield Park, National Park. Tickets are still available. Freeholder Director Robert M. Damminger said, “The senior picnic is a tradition that is enjoyed by 1400 of our older residents each year. Gloucester County has active seniors who enjoy participating in community events and know how to have a good time,” Damminger said. “This event allows our seniors to learn about services and programs that are available while enjoying dancing, good spirited competition and socializing with their peers,” Damminger stated. Lunch, music and entertainment and dance contests will be presented throughout the day. Freeholder Lyman Barnes, liaison to the Division of Senior Services, said, “There are health screenings, information about health and social services, and community based organizations also participate at the...
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Lonely Gloucester City Post Office Monday Morning Woman Charged With Murder Of Husband’s Grandmother Using Antifreeze As Poison Gloucester City Council Opposes Sending Police On Calls To Camden City Bellmawr Borough Council Promotes And Hires Police Officers Brooklawn Borough Swears In New Councilman Patrick MacAdams Related articles BREAKING NEWS: BROOKLAWN WOMAN CHARGED WITH TRYING TO KILL A RELATIVE | cnbnews ( Gloucester City News Headlines for Sept. 30 issue ( Brooklawn Clerk Barbara Lewis Retires | Gloucester City News ( Change on the Horizon for Post Offices in the South Jersey Area | ( Gloucester City Mayor and Council Ban Fishing at Freedom; Signs Are Up Already Even Though the Public Hearing Hasn't Been Held! (
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PHILADELPHIA – La Salle women's soccer is ranked No. 22 in this week's Soccer America National Poll and No. 1 in the National Soccer Coaches Association of America (NSCAA) Mid-Atlantic Regional Poll. This is the second consecutive week that the Explorers have earned the NSCAA Regional honor. “It's real nice for our ladies to receive the respect they deserve,” said head coach Paul Royal. “However, at the same time our girls are staying focused on improving each day so that we're more prepared for our A-10 season.” The Explorers, who were unranked in the Soccer America poll last week, defeated Iona in their home opener, 2-0, on Friday to improve to 2-0 on the season. Behind La Salle in the NSCAA Mid-Atlantic Poll are cross-town rivals Saint Joseph's (No. 9) and Pennsylvania (No. 10) in addition to conference foe Dayton (No. 2). Last season, La Salle was ranked as high...
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New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, right, is surrounded by media at the Republican National Convention on Aug. 27, 2012. A story citing anonymous sources in the New York Post said that Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney demanded that Christie agree to resign the governorship if he was offered the vice president spot on the GOP ticket. (Stan Honda/AFP/GettyImages) by Jake Bernstein ProPublica, Aug. 27, 2012, 7:07 Share Aug. 28: This post has been corrected. New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie's allies seemed to give a big old raspberry to presidential aspirant Mitt Romney on thefront page of the New York Post today. Anonymous sources told the paper that Romney demanded Christie agree to resign the governorship if he was offered vice president on the GOP ticket. Christie was said to have declined since he didn't think Romney would win. Interactive Features How Some Nonprofit Groups Funnel Dark Money Into Campaigns...
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When Mohammad Ghandehari got the call from the Red Cross asking to see if he would help manage a hurricane evacuation center, he didn’t hesitate to say yes. Within hours the retired 68-year-old chemist and grandfather of three, left his San Jose, California home and flew over 2,000 miles to volunteer and help the people of South Florida weather TS Isaac. “That is what the Red Cross is all about – helping others,” said the shelter manager at Dr. Michael Krop Senior High School in Miami, FL. As shelter manager, Mo, as he likes to be called, oversees the operations at the shelter. Prior to opening the doors, Mo and his team inspect the facility, then makes sure that registration is smooth, confirms that everything is set for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and tends to the needs of his shelter residents. That includes the medical needs of the elderly and...
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(cnbnews.Net)Before you tune in to Chris Christie's keynote address at the Republican National Convention, I wanted to share with you a column I wrote for Chris Christie 2012 RNC: There is no ‘New Jersey comeback’ Many tennis buffs probably remember the early ‘90s Andre Agassi camera ads, with the slogan “Image is everything.” It’s not hard to compare this to New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who has let it be known that he hopes to “change people’s image of our state” when he delivers the keynote address at the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Fla. If he can do that, he maintains, he’ll “have accomplished a heck of a lot.” Unfortunately for New Jersey residents, image won’t address ballooning unemployment, an anemic economy and a stagnant revenue outlook. Tuesday night, many Americans are due to get their first taste of the carefully constructed Christie image — a brash, tough-talking...
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08/24/2012 05:32 PM CDT Air Force Airman 1st Class Brooke Goosen welds a Y-stand for holding munitions on Dyess Air Force Base, Texas, Aug. 14, 2012. Goosen, the only woman out of 28 airmen in the Dyess metal shop, is assigned to the 7th Equipment Maintenance Squadron and has more than seven years of experience in welding. Related articles Face of Defense: Airmen Save Drowning Man ( Face of Defense: Airman Saves Little Girl at Beach ( First Lady Mary Pat Christie Announces Ten Recipients of New Jersey Heroes Heart of a Hero Scholarship ( American Heroes: Airman 1st Class Austin H. Gates Benson, 19, of Hellertown, Pa; Sgt. Anthony O. Magee, 29, of Hattiesburg, Miss ( American Hero: Airman Matthew R. Courtois, 22, of Lucas, Texas ( Face of Defense: TROPHY TEAM (
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Off-field bonds help crew members with game management Jerry Trickie, Last Updated - August 24, 2012 5:16 GMT Contact | Archive | RSS Eric Steen has plenty to take care of each day during his full-time job. And then there’s his paying job and his moonlighting job on top of that, each requiring plenty of time and attention. Steen is a single dad with two boys, ages 12 and 6. They have to get to school, eat dinner, head off to extra-curricular activities — martial arts now, but football isn’t far off either — and church. Steen plays drums there, giving him a little respite from the busy life he has during the day driving a HVAC delivery truck. And then there’s homework, not just for the kids but for him as well with his weekend gig which this year will include officiating football games for Conference USA. “You...
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A new Washington Post poll shows a whopping 74 percent of Americans believe photo identification should be required to cast a ballot in U.S. elections. A controversy over voter ID laws is a prominent backdrop to this year’s election, with courtroom showdowns in Pennsylvania, Texas and elsewhere over voting rights and otherwise mundane election procedures. Overall, there is high, strong and cross-party support for such laws, even though a slim majority of Americans say they have heard “not much” or “nothing” about the issue. Support dips among those who say they have heard more about new photo identification requirements but remains the majority position. About half of those polled see voter fraud — people voting who are not eligible to do so or voters casting multiple ballots — as a “major problem” in presidential elections. One in three see it as a “minor problem.” The numbers are nearly as high...
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Posted: 24 Aug 2012 10:53 PM PDT This story is written by Red Cross worker Jennifer Ramieh. Tampa, Florida – For Peter Warchal, this is only his second assignment as a Disaster Mental Health volunteer for the American Red Cross but the Reading, PA native is happy to be called upon for service. Peter is a licensed professional counselor and spent the last 35 years as a high school guidance counselor. He always tried to instill community involvement and volunteering with his students. But it was more than just speaking the words, Peter wanted to be a role model. So when his daughter married a member of the military special forces, he and his wife, Judy, were drawn to the American Red Cross Service to Armed Forces program. It was that interest that led the both of them to put their professional training to help disaster victims . Judy is...
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A SINCERE THANK YOU On June 20 at 12:30 a.m. my father, Joseph Sabatini passed. He was living in California with me, my husband and daughter. My first phone call back east to New Jersey, where our family is from and where my parents had made their final arrangements was to McCann-Healey Funeral Home. It was 3:30 a.m. there and my first contact was with Rosemary Healey. From that point on all necessary details from arranging to have my father’s body picked up, prepared and ready for transport was laid out and executed through McCann-Healey. John and Patrick Healey navigated me through the details of California law for the release of my father’s body to be transported to New Jersey, all for all the necessary certificates to be expedited and signed. They arranged to allow me to visit my father during the days it took for this process to be...
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Hamilton Township, NJ - The South Jersey Transportation Authority (SJTA), owner and operator of the Atlantic City Expressway (ACE) and the Atlantic City International Airport (ACY) today announced that obsolete call boxes installed in the mid 1980's will be removed in a 90 day project that began today, Monday August 27, 2012. "The safety of the motoring public using our Expressway is the main factor that went into the decision to remove the call boxes," said Sam Donelson, Acting Executive Director of the SJTA. "The older technology that powers these call boxes is obsolete and may give an individual the impression that there is actually a telephone there when there is not. We will erect new signs at various locations that will be visible to motorists with a telephone number to call for assistance. In an emergency, 9-1-1 remains the number to call." The current roadside call box unit is...
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Horseshoe Crab Sculpture Deployment Rescheduled for Thursday, August 30, 2012 August 27, 2012 The NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife has announced that the deployment of a 47-foot sculpture of a horseshoe crab constructed from concrete, originally scheduled for July, has been rescheduled for Thursday, August 30, 2012, on the Axel Carlson Reef. The sculpture is being deployed under the supervision of the DEP as part of the Division's Artificial Reef Program. Click to enlarge The sculpture, created by scuba instructor and marine biologist Chris Wojcik, will provide habitat for more than 150 species of marine life, a fishing ground for anglers and a unique area for scuba divers to explore. The immense structure, once deployed, will also be recognized by Guinness World Records as the largest underwater sculpture in the world. The target location for the deployment on the reef is: 73 59.300' 40 01.700' Commercial fishers who have...
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Veterans Outreach Program The Freeholder Board’s Office of Veterans Affairs is going on the road to provide greater access to services. Veterans and their families are invited to American Legion Post 372, 1532 Martin Avenue in Cherry Hill on Wednesday, August 29 from 12:30 to 3:30 p.m. Representatives from federal, state and county government will join numerous local Veterans services organizations to assist members of the Armed Forces. Hotdogs and soda will be served. Cherry Hill resident has place in history Freeholder Director Louis Cappelli, Jr. was in attendance on August 20 as Cherry Hill resident Arthur Carmichael was presented with the Congressional Gold Medal for his historic role as one of the original Montford Point Marines, the trailblazing African American recruits that trained in a segregated facility between 1942 and 1949. The medal is the highest honor bestowed to a civilian by Congress. For his contributions to the United...
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