Letters: Step Up Public Education
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
How about this Strategic Plan for Camden Public Schools? Allow The Charters and theRenaissance Schools to have the 9-12 High Schools. Apparently Camden High is due to be a Renaissance under Katts. Let Cooper Hospital Foundation have Dr. Brimm Medical Arts High School and build them a new building. It makes sense for a Medical Arts school to be associated with Cooper to prepare for the workplace then Lanning Square Elementary. Maybe then they will allow the Creative Arts High School and her already paid design plans to finally be built on the Riverfront. I was told the school design had neon lights to glow at night.
The Camden Superintendent and the School Board whoever it maybe could concentrate on Early Childhood Development and elementary education and let the others meaning Renaissance and Charters deal with the failing H.S. Students. Magnet Schools work best in Urban Districts andCamden certainly needs a Trades School like Camden County Vocational in Camden. I have heard reports that Camden Children desiring to attend Vocational School have been sent back toCamden for small infractions. We can really step education up in Camden. I believe our children can pass the GED Test by the 8th grade and earn a College Degree in High School. Our Children can have their Masters and Doctorate work after High School. America can have free College Education if we move it in the High Schools and use the money that way.
Always from the heart
Rev. Eddie Torres, Camden