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Meandering w/ Mark Matthews: Cheers to the Bellmawr Website: Lots of Information!

BellmawrOnline( my morning coffee and reading the news online... I headed over to check out the website.   The site has been steadily improving, and I find that I am learning more and more about the town news and current events by checking out the site regularly.

I know someone will point out another town's site which they feel is better, but you can't deny has improved over the most recent year(s) with the redesign and updated information.  I appreciate a good-looking web site, and not that our site is lacking in design... what I like most about is someone seems to be putting in a lot of effort to put current and relevant information on the site.

I know that Bill Walsh, our Chief of Police, has been the driving force for the website and redesign.   Not sure if Chief Walsh is the one keeping up with posting the updated info, or keeping the Council Meeting minutes, but when I find out  I will update this post.

July has been very busy for the site updaters.  I could have taken any of the News items, or information captured in the Meeting Minutes, and turned them into individual posts here at Cleary's... but seeing the amount of information posted recently, I thought it was more important to focus on the improved web site and the work that people are putting in to it.

Looking at this morning I see the following topics.  Head over the the website for more details on these topics!

  • Council Meeting is tonight (Thurs July 26, 2012)
  • Community Calendar, which currently highlights having your Cat spayed or neutered
  • News!
    • Bellmawr Resident saves a life!   A short story about  resident Ryan McColligan who took the Bellmawr Fire Department's CPR class in June, and just a few short weeks later saved a person's life at the Pub restaurant!
    • Volunteer Fireman needed!  Includes the recruitment video.
    • July 4th Parade pictures online
    • Information on who to contact to relocate or expand your business in Bellmawr
    • Road Closure:  West Browning Road at Schoolhouse Lane (Near Andy's Steaks) will be closed for 2-3 days!
    • National Night Out:  August 7th
    • Brick Walkway Project: Memorialize a family or loved with the Borough Hall paver program

Another section of interest is the Online Documents, which include a variety of information:

Meeting Minutes: Reading the most recent Meeting Minutes for June, someone took very detailed notes of what was discussed.   And just as surprising, ELEVEN resident discussions are chronicled, with topics including taxes, crime, and businesses in the town.   It's been a while since I've attended a meeting myself and when I did, I'm not sure an entire year's worth of resident's comments totaled 11, let alone in one night.  This is the direct link to the June Meeting Minutes...  give it a 5 minute read while drinking your morning coffee.

Budgets:  A comment I've read all too often "Where is the budget?".   Well the last 4 budgets are online.

Newsletters:   The March 2012 Bellmawr Newsletter is available as a PDF

Ordinances: New ordinances from 2011 and 2012 are available

Public Works:  Information on water safety reports, and other.

Police:  Firearm purchase applications and other press releases.

Codes and Inspections:  Common forms and news.


There is more to the site... but I just wanted to highlight some of the more dynamic features that it is providing residents.  Things that make visiting a worthwhile weekly visit.

Thanks go out to those who are keeping the site and Council meeting notes up to date.

Also... the July council meeting is TONIGHT, July 26.  Why not check it out?

