Kyrillos: The Outrage of the Week Menendez Pushing NJ off Fiscal Cliff
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Middletown, July 24, 2012... The Kyrillos Campaign is introducing its first of what will be a weekly series highlighting the many outrages New Jeseryans suffer under the failed tenure of Senator Bob Menendez. Dubbed ‘Outrage of the Week,' today we focus on Senator Menendez’s inability to get our fiscal house in order, which has put America and New Jersey on the edge of a fiscal cliff threatening good paying jobs and holding the security of the country hostage.
According to an economic impact study conducted by George Mason University last week, sequestration budget cuts will cost New Jersey over $1 billion in lost revenue and kill over 70,000 jobs. The report further claims that allowing the cuts to go into effect could push the United States economy into another recession during the first half of 2013. The President’s own Defense Secretary says that these cuts “would do catastrophic damage to our military and its ability to protect out country.” Yet, despite this, Bob Menedez’s only action is inaction.
“Instead of standing up for New Jerseyans, Senator Menendez would rather play politics and push us off the fiscal cliff,” said Senator Joe Kyrillos. “We need our elected officials to do the right thing and get to work to protect our national and economic security. Bob Menendez had made it clear he wont. It’s outrageous and we deserve to know whether Bob Menendez will continue to stand with his party or whether he will stand with people of New Jersey?”