NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Gen. Boykin: Boy Scouts 'Should be Applauded for Standing up for Traditional Values'

Final Round of Towns to Begin Revaluations

Franklin, Greenwich and Woolwich are scheduled for inspections


(Franklin Twp., NJ) – Residents in Franklin Township, Greenwich and Woolwich should expect a visit from representatives Appraisal Systems, Inc. (ASI) over the next few months, as the final group of municipalities to undergo revaluations begins.


The first step in the revaluation process is the inspection of all properties. Representatives from ASI will be measuring the exterior of all improvements and conducting an interior inspection of homes.   An Appraisal Systems, Inc. (ASI) photographer will also be visiting each property to photograph the front and rear of all buildings. 


“Notification letters from ASI will go out early next week to Franklin, Greenwich, and Woolwich residents and businesses.  These inspections insure that properties are accurately and fairly assessed, “ said Freeholder Director Robert M. Damminger.


The last time a revaluation was performed in Franklin was in 1999, in Greenwich it was in 1993 and in Woolwich, 1990.


The purpose of the revaluation is to ensure uniform and equitable assessments. The county-wide assessing program is saving the municipalities $3.85 million a year in tax dollars by consolidating and streamlining the state-mandated function. 


“The result of this regionalized program has modernized outdated and costly revaluations and are saving our towns a lot of money and taking a big burden off of them,” said Freeholder Deputy Director Giuseppe ‘Joe’ Chila.  


Appraisal Systems, Inc. representatives will carry a photo identification badge and their names will be registered with the Police Department and Tax Assessor’s office of each municipality.  Please do not allow anyone to enter your home without proper identification.  A person of legal age must be present during the interior inspection.  Residents will be requested to sign the field form used by the representative to acknowledge that an interior inspection was made.   If a resident is not home they can call ASI to schedule their interior inspection. 
