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Environment, Labor, Faith Groups, and Other Stakeholders Unite

press release

Behind Offshore Wind Farms in the Atlantic Ocean

(Trenton) -- Today, 217 environmental groups, conservationists, labor organizations, clean energy advocates, businesses, faith leaders, and local and state officials from up and down the Atlantic Coast united to call for bold action to accelerate offshore wind development along the Atlantic seaboard. The coalition released a letter to the Obama Administration in an effort to show strong support for efforts made to date and to urge continued strong action to develop offshore wind resources along the Atlantic.

“There are vast untapped reserves of wind energy off our coast that we can capture to reduce pollution and ramp up the clean energy economy.  This letter demonstrates the broad agreement among environmental groups and a diversity of other stakeholders that our state and national leaders should act to steadily ramp up efforts to tap into this important resource,” said Matt Elliott, Clean Energy Advocate at Environment New Jersey.

The letter notes the need for federal leadership to move away from fossil fuels that threaten our environment, public health and national security.  It applauds the Obama Administration for its efforts over the last year, specifically the actions of Secretary Salazar and the Department of the Interior for its “Smart from the Start” initiative.  “Smart from the Start” designates appropriate areas for wind development in federal waters off the coast of six Atlantic states — New Jersey, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Maryland, Delaware and Virginia.

“Wind mills are not just for Don Quixote anymore. Not only is wind a reality it is the most cost effective, reliable form of renewable energy. What we have off our coast is the Saudi Arabia of wind. We have enough potential energy out there to power New Jersey,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club.  “In order to make wind a reality we need President Obama to work with the coastal states. This will help to create thousands of jobs and make us energy independent, while reducing pollution and greenhouse gases.” 

The New Jersey Work Environment Council, a coalition of labor and environmental groups, echoed the jobs argument.  “When it comes to offshore wind, the economy and the environment go hand in hand,” said Rick Engler, Executive Director of the Work Environment Council.  “By accelerating offshore wind development, we will keep more of our energy dollars here in New Jersey, create good-paying jobs, and significantly reduce pollution. It’s a win-win scenario for both jobs and the environment.”

While much as been done along the Atlantic Coast, the coalition of groups argue that it is critical to build on the momentum of the last year and continue to prioritize environmentally sound development of our offshore wind energy resources.  The coalition today called on the Obama Administration to:

·         Support federal financial investments to spur offshore wind development;

·         Set a bold goal for offshore wind in the Atlantic;

·         Ensure that offshore wind projects are sited, constructed and operated responsibly;

·         Provide DOI and the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management with sufficient staff and resources; and

·         Prioritize coordination to secure a market for offshore wind power.

“We stand together and ready to work with the Obama Administration and state officials to advance offshore wind as part of a comprehensive plan to put America on a path to a truly clean energy future,” said Elliott of Environment New Jersey.

In addition to environmentalists, laborers, business, and political leaders, faith-based groups weighed in as well.  Sister Miriam MacGillis from New Jersey’s Genesis Farm added:

“New Jersey’s coast is blessed with such wind capacity.  Our political leaders have wasted, utterly wasted thirty some years since this nation received two wake-up calls:  the first was the depletion and futility of depending on fossil fuels and the second was the warning already coming in about green house gases and the ecological consequences of burning carbon.”

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