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A new way to keep Camden County clean and green

Seal of Camden County, New JerseySeal of Camden County, New Jersey (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

The Freeholder Board would like your assistance in making Camden County a better place to live. We have instituted a new interactive program through our Department of Public Works to address areas of concern throughout our 400 miles of highway. Residents are our best eyes on roadways as we endeavor to address problems with weeds, potholes, trash and line striping in our roadway network from the Delaware River to the County line.

We invite you to visit or call the Highway Department at (856) 566-2980 to report an issue. Within a short period of time DPW personnel will come out to the identified areas. Trash will be cleaned up through a combination of seasonal employment and the County Supplemental Labor Service Program (CSLS), in which the Department of Corrections has the ability to put non-violent offenders to work cleaning area roadways.

As a Board, we are always looking at ways to create more access and engagement with the public. These specific features provide a direct link to a significant department with a core mission of keeping cars on the roads and our region moving. Working together, we can identify the areas in need of improvements.

The Freeholders are also ensuring all forms of social media are being utilized to address areas in need along County roadways. As a Freeholder, I believe it is imperative to offer our services through digital formats so I urge residents to use social media to contact DPW for this program as well. You can follow Camden County on Facebook and Twitter and we will respond.

Additionally, residents may also identify concerns on a non-county road, and the request will be routed to the proper municipality or the New Jersey Department of Transportation. These new interactive constituent features are in addition to more than $40 million worth of investments the Freeholder Board is making into the county’s overall infrastructure this construction season.

For more information, contact the Camden County Department of Public Works at (856) 566-2980 or visit
Ian Leonard

liaison to the Department of Public Works

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