10th GCPO summer intern group
Wednesday, July 25, 2012
The 25 high school students participating in the Gloucester County Prosecutor’s Office’s 10th annual summer intern program tomorrow (7/26) will be shown how crime scene and arson/bomb investigations are conducted as part of their month-long introduction to the law enforcement and criminal justice systems.
Thursday’s day-long session will be held at the Gloucester County Fire Academy in Clarksboro NJ. The intern schedule for tomorrow and the remainder of the program is attached to this e-mail. Members of the news media are invited to attend any of the events scheduled.
Students from Deptford, Glassboro, Monroe Township, Paulsboro and Woodbury started their internships with two weeks at the Gloucester County Police Academy in Deptford NJ, where they experienced much of the training that new police recruits receive. In their final two weeks, detectives and prosecuting attorneys will show them how investigations and courtroom proceedings are handled. This will culminate in a mock trial on Thursday, Aug. 2 at the Gloucester County Justice Complex in Woodbury.
“We are proud to be graduating our tenth class of summer interns,” said Gloucester County Prosecutor Sean F. Dalton. “Over the years, we’ve had about 250 Gloucester County students participate and learn about the complete spectrum
Of the criminal justice system, from the police officers on the street to the prosecutors in court. It has been a positive experience, not only for the students, but for our staff as well.”
Field trips to the U.S. Constitution Center and Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia, the Simon Weisenthal Tolerance Center in New York City and the Cooper Medical Center trauma unit in Camden are also part of this summer’s program.