Bellmawr Residents will have a Choice in Upcoming Election
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
(Editor’s note: In the Bellmawr Democratic Primary, Steven B. Hagerty and Stephen M. Sauter defeated Robert P. Mortka and Louis P. Di Angelo for two seats on Bellmawr Borough Council).
Based off June's primary election results, Bellmawr residents will have an opportunity to elect a new member on November 6. It is great to see another person being afforded an opportunity to serve on Borough Council.
Hopefully, such continued, serious change will occur. Current incumbent Council members need to understand the importance of reducing expenses: thereby, lowering property taxes and not increasing taxes as they previously announced at April and May's Council meetings.
Since I have attended each Council meeting this year, no presentation was provided to residents as to why a tax increase was occurring. As a result, Council Meetings should be posted on line for residents, cost cents per dollar information should also be listed with total accumulated savings listed front and center on Borough website.
Bellmawr’s elected officials are spending over $12 million each year, not just thousands of dollars, but millions of Bellmawr residents taxpayer dollars. Therefore, based upon their overall performance and results, they should be held to strict accountability.
In my view, if they cannot make the difficult decisions in cutting, freezing or eliminating expenses, then they should be voted out of office, or step aside to allow someone else to serve on Council or within the Mayor's office in providing such necessary leadership.
Finally, to quote Winston Churchill, “There is nothing wrong with change, if it is in the right direction.”
Mark Sharp, Bellmawr