MEMORIES of Gloucester City NJ
Tuesday, June 05, 2012
Low tide Delaware River (Photo credit: CNBNEWS.NET)
In 1939, John Chamberlin began forming the Sea Scouts in Gloucester City. My father also took interest, by going to Mr. Chad Chesseman of Water Street. Mr. Cheeseman had previously built a river tow boat for my Dad, as a gift to my brother James.
Without using works to describe a river row boat and one that should not be on the river compared to the boat pictured with two men in it and what appears to be a skiff, a man standing poling it along. A dangerous boat on the river I can say the boat with the two men in it is Chad Cheeseman river row boat. It is similar to ours only smaller.
In 1940, John Chamberlin asked the man whom builds the memorial flower boats of the Sea Scout could row the memorial boat to med stream and release it. The gentleman agreed because the tide was receding.
The four Sea Scouts who towed this beautiful adorned craft to midstream, as the band on the shore played Anchors Aweigh. At the oars were Ott Helm, Harry Chamberlin, Johns brothers Jimmy Hoyle and John Taylor.
The Sea Scout could not find a Gloucester organization to back us as required by the Sea Scout headquarters, I believe in Boston. We disbanded. Gave our uniforms to Hurleys scout manager of sales to be given to another city where Sea Scouts were thriving.
John Carrigan Taylor, Orlando FL
born Aug. 7, 1922, Gloucester City