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Go Online to Get Your Pet Adoption Started in Gloucester County


(Clayton, NJ) – Freeholder Director Robert M. Damminger and Freeholder Adam J. Taliaferro announced today that people interested in adopting a pet from the Gloucester County Animal Shelter can now go online and complete their pre-adoption application electronically via the county’s website. 


“We are always looking for new ways to make the pet adoption process easier and now people can electronically submit their pre-adoption application online so that when they are ready to adopt they can already be pre-approved by the Shelter,” stated Freeholder Director Robert M. Damminger. 


The pre-adoption application must be completed before any individual can interact with an animal at the Gloucester County Animal Shelter.  The pre-adoption process usually takes three to four days before it is completed.


“We are trying to educate the public that the process of adopting a pet from our shelter is a little more in-depth than walking in and picking out a puppy or cat.  There are many factors that go into making a successful adoption experience, and by going online to fill out the pre-adoption application one step is made a little simpler,” Director Damminger said.


Freeholder Adam J. Taliaferro said that the Gloucester County Animal Shelter has a great track record for successful adoptions due to the work they put into the process.  “Our shelter staff is professional and has a lot of experience and knowledge.  It is very upsetting for all parties involved if an animal has to come back to the shelter, which is why everyone works so hard to get it right.”


Taliaferro said that in addition to completing the pre-adoption application online, pets that are available for adoption can also be viewed online.  “People can search online for certain breeds or learn if an animal they may be interested in adopting is good with children or other animals,” said Taliaferro, who serves as the liaison to the Gloucester County Animal Shelter.


To complete your pre-adoption application online visit and the online form can be found at ‘How do I’, ‘County Services’ or Departments, or by going directly to


Links to view animals for adoption can be found at or Gloucester County Animals on
