NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

James E. Gallagher, of Cherry HIll, 50 Year Member of American Legion Post 372
Cherry Hill Firefighters Act Quickly to Contain Possible Dwelling Fire

No School Tax Increase for Brooklawn Residents; No School Tax Increase in 10 Years


Brooklawn School Board Press Release March 23, 2012


 The Brooklawn Board of Education held a public hearing and then approved the district’s 2012-2013 budget of $5,783,926 at the meeting of the Board on March 22. There will be no tax increase. The district remains at the state minimum tax levy, which means that state law will not permit the Board to reduce taxes below this amount. The school tax has not been increased in Brooklawn for almost ten years.

The VIPER 2012 district virtual program will be expanded for the 2012-2103 school year. Additional smart boards, laptops, I-pads, and other technologies will be installed or located in classrooms. Funds have been allocated for the possible purchase of an additional building and the establishment of a self-contained special education classroom.

The district plans to continue to provide services not only for families who have children who attend school in the district, but for the entire community as well. The Shop Rite of Brooklawn Center and the Flowers Library and Media Center will be open evenings and some weekends. Programs will be planned for residents of all ages. The district before and after school latchkey program will remain open. In addition, the district will continue to offer a fullday pre-kindergarten program.

Board of Education President Bruce Darrow said, “The entire Board should be commended for their hard work in putting together the 2012-2013 budget. We look out for our students, as well as our taxpayers. Our students continue to do well academically, and the district cost per pupil is among the lowest in the state. In the past several years, we have added staff and programs, made significant improvements in technology, and made numerous other improvements to educational programs and the physical plant—all without a tax increase. The Board remains committed to working with the entire community, including Mayor and Council, to find innovative ways to continue the success of the school district for the benefit of not only the students but all the residents of Brooklawn.”



