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CNBNews Weekly Stat Report March 12 through March 18

March 19, 2012

Weekly Stats Report: 12 Mar - 18 Mar 2012

Returning Visits - Based purely on a cookie, if this person is returning to your website for another visit an hour or more later

First Time Visits - Based purely on a cookie, if this person has no cookie then this is considered their first time at your website.

Unique Visitor - Based purely on a cookie, this is the total of the returning visits and first time visits - all your visitors.

Page Load - The number of times your page has been visited.

data compiled by



  Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Total Avg
Pageloads 4,329 4,381 4,430 4,081 3,604 2,472 3,017 26,314 3,759
Unique Visits 1,884 1,956 1,840 1,805 1,609 1,196 1,403 11,693 1,670
First Time Visits 1,520 1,573 1,487 1,452 1,268 974 1,175 9,449 1,350
Returning Visits 364 383 353 353 341 222 228 2,244 321
