NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Welcome Home Sgt. Jake Newcomb
Catholic Student Group Leaving Vanderbilt University over Controversial School Policy

Arianna Huffington: Obama Vs. Obama, Part 2: Of 'Grand Bargains' and Lost Hope

A few days before the piece came out, I made the case that the 2012 election has two tracks: Obama vs. Mitt Romney (assuming he'll be the GOP nominee) and Obama vs. Obama. This second track pits the soaring, audacious, hope-generating, change-seeking Campaigning Obama against the cautious, compromising, status-quo-maintaining Governing Obama. Campaign Obama came to Washington promising to change the way the system works, but in many instances he let himself become captive to the most destructive and entrenched Washington shibboleths.

One of these is the very notion of a big, bipartisan "Grand Bargain" in which the Very Serious Wise Elders of Washington finally have the courage to do the right thing about entitlements and the budget, and bravely stand up to seniors, the middle class, students, the disabled, the working poor, and children (whose influence, according to the Grand Bargain theory, dominates our political system), and tell them the party is over.

And it's never questioned why this courageously-doing-the-right-thing-bipartisan-Grand-Bargain somehow always means screwing the middle class and working people. It's just assumed,

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link submitted by Jack Heath
