NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Thought for the Day: All European Life Died in Auschwitz
Winners of the 2011 Skillful Angler Awards Program

AMAC: Cut Spending, Cut Taxes and Cut the Deficit – ‘It’s been done before and we can do it again.’ | AMAC, Inc.

Weber said he believes the uncertainty created by President Obama’s aim to hike taxes has had a detrimental effect on our economy.  “The threat that taxes will go up if he wins another term is keeping us in a slump.  Small business owners are afraid to grow their businesses.  Entrepreneurs are afraid to start up new businesses.  Investors, both foreign and domestic, are afraid to back new projects.”

The AMAC chief said: “You can cut spending, cut taxes and cut the deficit at the same time.  It’s been done before and we can do it again.  But it’s not fashionable among the liberal elite to think such things lest the ‘Occupy Wall Street’ crowd takes offense.”

Weber’s comment was a reference to the Reagan era “when they took Economist Art Laffer’s advice and balanced the budget over and over again, building up huge surpluses instead of deficits.”

This time around, Laffer is in favor of the establishment of a low, flat income tax for individuals, a steep reduction in corporate income tax rates, and an end to capital gains and death taxes.

“This along with strategic spending cuts, the elimination of Federal government redundancies, including a couple of cabinet departments, and the slashing of the Federal payrolls is perhaps the fastest way of putting us back on the road to prosperity,” Weber concluded.


The Association of Mature American Citizens [] is a vibrant, vital and conservative alternative to those traditional organizations, such as AARP, that dominate the choices for mature Americans who want a say in the future of the nation.  Where those other organizations may boast of their power to set the agendas for their memberships, AMAC takes its marching orders from its members.  We act and speak on their behalf, protecting their interests, and offering a conservative insight on how to best solve the problems they face today.
