NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Legal Experts: HHS Contraception Edict Likely to be Ruled Unconstitutional i

Maybe Ice Skating on the Pier, Cleanup Continues, Inducting Coach Radano, Remember Coach DiPatri, Rams Reunion, No Excuse


by Bill Cleary


ICE SKATING RINK IN GLOUCESTER CITY?-Representatives from a company that installs synthetic


ice gave a demonstration last week in Gloucester City inside the former Ragen Warehouse near Freedom Pier. The company was pitching an ice skating rink using synthetic ice to Don Bigley and Jeff Lucas, who have signed a contract with the City to build a restaurant on Freedom Pier. The restaurant will be known as Ott’s on the Waterfront. The two men own five restaurants in the South Jersey area.  Bob Bevan, aide to Mayor William James, said the restauranteurs were looking at the ice skating rink as an added attraction. 

 “If they decide to proceed with the ice rink they will pay for it”, said Bevan.  You’re talking about a regulation size hockey rink which is 200 feet long by 85 feet wide. The cost could go as high as $250,000. Their idea is to keep people coming back to the pier not just in the summer months but also in the winter.” 

THORIUM CLEANUP-Employees of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) are continuing to remove radioactive thorium from the Gloucester City softball field complex on Johnson Blvd. Workers excavate the contaminated soil and building materials and ship it to an off-site disposal area. The holes are backfilled with clean soil. 


CNBNEWS.NET PHOTO-The Gloucester City Softball Field Complex, Johnson Blvd.  

The use of radioactive thorium in the manufacture of gas lamps at the former Welsbach Company in Gloucester City and the General Gas Mantle facility in Camden caused the contamination of numerous properties in both cities.  Since November 2000, EPA has invested more than $200 million in the cleanup of the Welsbach/ General Gas Mantle facilities and surrounding properties.


 To date, EPA has removed more than 200,000 cubic yards of radiologically contaminated soil and building materials from more than 140 properties in the Gloucester City and Camden areas and has investigated more than 900 properties.


The Gloucester City Girls Softball League will still be having the 2012 season even with the lost of the softball complex on Johnson Blvd. The teams will be sharing the new fields at the north end of Johnson Blvd with the Gloucester City Little League. They will also use the playing fields at Gloucester City High School.

LEGENDARY RAMS BASEBALL COACH AL RADANO will be among the 13 new members inducted to the Gloucester County Sports Hall of Fame on Tuesday evening, March 27 at Auletto Caterers in Deptford. Tickets are available for the banquet by calling 856-435-3367. Besides Gloucester Catholic’s Radano, this year’s inductees include:  Michael Pensabene (Pitman); Barry Davis (Gloucester County College);  Joe Alexander (Delsea);  John Jengehino (Williamstown);  Mike Reynolds  (Williamstown);  Paulette Reilley-Cwik  (Paulsboro);  Bernard Bunn (Glassboro);  Frank Zinni (Clayton); Cindy Ogbin (Deptford); John Cobb (West Deptford); Sean Silver (Woodbury Heights); and  Arnita Green-Stanford (Delsea).  See website: 


REMEMBERING COACH DIPATRI-The late Art DiPatri was honored at ceremonies held recently at Paul VI high School.  DiPatri, a South Jersey basketball Hall of Famer and winner of more than 300 games and two state titles died suddenly last January at the age of 70. He won state titles in 1980 and 1983 at Paul VI. He also coached at Gloucester Catholic, Woodrow Wilson and Gloucester City High School. 


Dipatri was a 1958 Gloucester Catholic graduate and a star Rams basketball player. He graduated from St. John's University and began his teaching and coaching career at St. Joseph's High School in Camden. 

DiPatri was a long-time member of the faculty at Gloucester City High School. He started as an English teacher in 1969, and retired as director of guidance in 2002.

RAMS ON THE LINKS sponsored by the Gloucester Catholic Alumni Association at Bogey’s Club and Cafe will be held at the Pitman Country Club, 501 Pitman Road, Sewell NJ on Saturday, February 25 from 7 pm to midnight. The cost is $35 and includes buffet, beer, soda, coffee and tea.

CALL ME AN OLD FUDDY DUDDY-One of my biggest pet peeves is seeing trash laying around a residential or commercial property. There is no excuse for it. Recently a family who was renting a bungalow in the Riverview Heights section of Gloucester City packed up and moved away in the still of the night. They left behind piles of trash, on the front lawn and on the side of the house. The mess includes old TV’s, a broken lawnmower, gas can, broken toys, empty bottles, a large above ground pool, and assorted garbage. The people who live on either side of the property along with those who resided in the area have been looking at this dump for over a year. Yes that is right. Even when the house was occupied by this family the property looked like a pig pen. Hopefully before the next tenant moves in our City Housing Authority will make the landlord clean the property.  


There are over 1900 rental properties in Gloucester City. Most of the people who live in these rental homes and apartments care a great deal about our City and take pride in where they live. It is unfortunate that there are a select few who are simply passing through and could care less about the appearance of the property they are living in. Our City Fathers are aware of the problem and have been trying to rectify it. But until a solution is found the blight caused by people like the family mentioned above will continue to drag our community downward. ~ Bill Cleary

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