Letter: Parish Choir Singer Upset
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
This is an open letter to the people of Sacred Heart Church (Emmanus Parish), and Most Holy Maternity, Mt. Ephraim.
Dear friends it has been a blessing and my profound joy to have been your leader of song for these 20 or more years. Matt and I love our parish and have always given the best of ourselves to sustain it. So it is with a heavy heart I write this letter. Unfortunately, due to the current management, things have changed. I no longer feel welcome at my beloved church. I’m sure you’ve noticed, but one by one our family has been diminishing.
If you want to save our parish then please write a letter to Bishop Galanti and send a copy to his superior Archbishop John J. Meyer. I’m not sure your letter will make a difference, but we need help before it is too late.
I have provided the addresses. In the meantime, I will keep all of you in my prayers and hope that soon, once again, I will be leading you in song. I feel as thought I’ve lost my home, my heart is truly broken!
Bishop Joseph Galanti Arch Bishop John J. Meyer
631 Market Street 171 Clifton Ave. PO Box 9500
Camden, NJ 08102 Newark, NJ 07104-0500
Mrs. Diane M. Wojtkowiak, Gloucester City