Bellmawr Officers Lauded For Mutual Aid Assistance | GCN
Thursday, February 09, 2012
By Chris Concannon
Gloucester City News
A thank you letter was read from the Chief of the Barrington Police Department during last week’s Council meeting, thanking the Bellmawr Police for their assistance during a recent shooting.
Several police officers from Barrington and surrounding departments, including Bellmawr, had responded to a reported shooting at the Roadhouse on Clements Bridge Road.
In his letter, the Barrington Chief noted that officers exchanged fire with the alleged suspect about a mile away, with the suspect being struck three times by police weapons.
The suspect and the original shooting victim both survived their wounds.
Another letter was read from the Merrulla family of Bellmawr, thanking the Recreation Department for their recent upgrade to the Scott Merrulla Playground on Creek Road.
In Council reports, Public Safety Director John Bollinger commented further on the shooting in Barrington.
Public Works Director Jim D’Angelo said the Sewer Department was able to repair a recent break in a large main without the need to outsource the work, further saving vital tax dollars.
Steve Sauter said Council continues to work hard on the new budget, despite cuts in aid from the State.
Lou Di Angelo commented on the upcoming Community Development Block Grant of just over $40,000, which is down approximately $10,000 from last year’s award.
Resident Diane Shearer began an eye-opening discussion with her concerns for the continuing parking problems at Ethel M. Burke School.
Armed with a hand-drawn layout of the affected area, Shearer pointed out how dangerous it was for students to be let out of cars, only to run across the street (namely Linden and Walnut avenues) unescorted.
She further cited ongoing issues with parents pulling into the “loop” inside the parking lot itself, and instead of moving on after they pick up/drop off their children, choose to park.
Mr. Bollinger suggested the possibility of placing an officer at the school in the morning hours (8. to 8:30 a.m), to help with keeping cars flowing normally.
He went on to suggest that the Bellmawr Board of Education may need to re-think their pick up/drop off setup there.
In response to Shearer’s suggestion of placing a four-way stop sign in the area, Bollinger informed her that there are several steps involved in gaining approval from the State DOT, which would include an engineering study.
Mayor Frank Filipek added that the Borough cannot intervene in matters within School District property.
Business owner Bill Nordt (Nordt Engraving) then asked for updates on both the landfill redevelopment and former IGA sites.
The Mayor stated that both are ongoing, with the landfill still needing to finish being capped. Then, it will be sealed.
Filipek then pointed out to Mr. Nordt, that construction is in full swing on West Browning Road, as a new Bottom Dollar Food Market goes up brick by brick.
A recent judge’s ruling cleared the way for work to resume, which, according to the Mayor, should be completed sometime in May 2012.
Resident Sarah Cranston asked when the playground equipment would be upgraded at Charles J. Sauter Jr. Memorial Park on Park Drive.
Filipek said the equipment is constantly destroyed, but that future installation of security cameras in the affected area should help with keeping vandalism to a minimum.
An unidentified resident then asked when he would receive relief from the Borough’s sewer bill, to which the Mayor informed him that Bellmawr is “the only town with 24-hour service.”
All business on the evening’s agenda was unanimously approved, including three ordinances read for the first time:
Ordinances #01:01-12 and #01:02-12, which involve changes to the Borough traffic code for snow emergency routes; and Ordinance #01:03-12, reimbursing the Borough for services rendered by Bellmawr EMS.
The next Borough Council meeting is Thursday, February 23, at 7 p.m.
For information or questions, contact Borough Hall, at (856) 933-1313, or at: