NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia
Imagine all the people living life in Peace, You may say Im a dreamer but I am not the only one. I hope someday you'll join us, and the world will be as one. ~John Lennon
« January 2012 |
| March 2012 »
This is an open letter to the people of Sacred Heart Church (Emmanus Parish), and Most Holy Maternity, Mt. Ephraim. Dear friends it has been a blessing and my profound joy to have been your leader of song for these 20 or more years. Matt and I love our parish and have always given the best of ourselves to sustain it. So it is with a heavy heart I write this letter. Unfortunately, due to the current management, things have changed. I no longer feel welcome at my beloved church. I’m sure you’ve noticed, but one by one our family has been diminishing. If you want to save our parish then please write a letter to Bishop Galanti and send a copy to his superior Archbishop John J. Meyer. I’m not sure your letter will make a difference, but we need help before it is too late. I have provided...
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Volume XVII No. 8: February 24, 2012 As technology advances, more and more Americans expect easy access to information. They want to look behind the curtains and see how government is working. What they're finding is sometimes the curtains are drawn, revealing previously hidden mechanisms and machinations, but in other cases they are denied access by a set of freshly closed blinds. Congress and the Administration have to continue to make the window clearer and information accessible, usable, and understandable. Strides have been made. Most committees now webcast their hearings so taxpayers anywhere in the country can watch the "action." Even one of the most arcane, but powerful, committees -- House Rules -- has started streaming their proceedings. This committee decides who gets to offer what amendment on the floor, how a bill will be considered, even how long Congress will debate. Before, if you didn't get one of the...
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Thomas F. Costello of Audubon, NJ age 90 passed away on Sunday, February 26, 2010. Tom had been a lifelong resident of Audubon. He was a US Navy Seabee, receiving his honorable discharge as a Shipfitter Third Class (USNR) in 1945. Tom worked for United Engineers in Phila. as a mechanical engineer retiring in 1986 after 30 years of employment. He was an active member of Murray Troutt American Legion Post 262, Audubon and the Audubon Young at Heart. Tom is predeceased by his son Thomas J. Costello. He is lovingly survived by his wife of 64 years Grace E. Costello (nee Morrill); his children Barbara J. DiCiano (Joe) of Audubon, Carol L. DeFeo (Mark) of Haddonfield & James Costello of Audubon; 5 grandchildren: Joseph DiCiano, Nicole Weston, Michael DiCiano, Mark DeFeo & Ryan DeFeo; also 4 great grandchildren Sara, Maryellen, Julia & Lilly and a sister Anna Costello. Relatives...
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By Publisher Albert J. Countryman Jr. After wondering for seven years if the proposed new middle school in Gloucester City would ever be built, Governor Chris Christie announced last week that it will, in fact, be built. The demolition of 68 homes and two businesses by the state through eminent domain in 2005 had cut a hole in the City, bounded by Jersey Avenue, Market Street, and Fifth and Sixth streets. This created a lot of heartache among those who had to move, and the loss of tax ratables hurt Gloucester City. Now, the cost to the state, including environmental clean-up already completed, plans already drawn up, the cost of buying the homes, their demolition, new plans and the actual construction, could approach $100 million. Many people still question whether a school that big is needed, and if students from other districts will attend. Many citizens and business leaders in...
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Shortly after roll call, Engine 52 (utilized due to Squrt 51B Platoon committed to previous incident) & Tower Ladder 24 were alerted to a motor vehicle accident at Route 38 & Chapel Avenue. Police reported a vehicle fire as a result of the accident. Companies extinguished the vehicle fire and assessed the passengers for injuries. After wrapping up and returning to quarters, Tower Ladder 24 was dispatched to the area of 2310 Route 70 West for a vehicle fire. Fire was observed throughout a motorhome upon arrival and Squrt 51 was dispatched to assist the Ladder Company. Route 38 & Chapel Ave Route 38 & Chapel Ave 2310 Route 70 West via
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Paul Joseph Watson Prison Friday, February 24, 2012 Imagine if Ron Paul announced a national campaign called ‘Whites for Ron Paul’ – he’d be vilified as a racist. And yet Barack Obama has done the equivalent of precisely that with his launch of ‘African Americans for Obama’. The program urges black Americans to volunteer their time by making calls, organizing events and going door to door in their neighborhoods encouraging other African Americans to vote for Obama. Not only is Obama playing the race card in an attempt to pressure black Americans into voting for him, he is also violating the separation between church and state. In the video promo for the campaign, Obama urges black people to pressure churches into supporting his administration by getting his message out via “the faith community”. He also calls on voters to become “congregation captains”. read via
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Turner, Gusciora & Watson Coleman: Governor’s New Funding Formula Puts Students, Abbott Districts at a Further Disadvantage (TRENTON) – Senator Shirley K. Turner and Assembly members Reed Gusciora and Bonnie Watson Coleman (all D-Mercer/Hunterdon) on Monday criticized the Governor’s proposed changes to the school funding formula in New Jersey, which disproportionately affects Abbott districts like Trenton by further reducing their funding. The administration’s new formula negatively impacts the Abbott districts by working outside the already established statute that bases school funding on student enrollment and “weights” for certain populations. "Money is not going to solve all the issues in Trenton's public schools, but we cannot even begin to make progress unless our classrooms are given the proper resources," said Turner. "At-risk students require greater funding because of socio-economic factors and extraordinary educational needs. Trenton's students finally scored a huge victory last week when they received approval for funding for building...
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Released: 2/27/2012 11:30 AM EST Source: Washington University in St. Louis Newswise — The current controversy over the Barack Obama administration’s birth control policy is not, contrary to some arguments, a matter of constitutional law, says Gregory P. Magarian, JD, constitutional law expert and professor of law at Washington University in St. Louis. “A 1990 Supreme Court decision makes very clear that religious believers and organizations must abide by generally applicable laws, even when those laws impede religious exercise,” he says. Constitutional principles, however, are very important for this issue, notes Magarian. “On one side, even though the administration’s policy does not violate the Constitution’s legal mandate, it may still transgress our best civic or political understanding of religious freedom,” he says. “Our society does many things that the Constitution does not require to protect the freedom of religion and conscience.” Magarian says that on the other side, the Constitution...
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February 27, 2012 Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments on a new video by President Barack Obama that was cut to launch his “African Americans for Obama” campaign: It is hardly newsworthy for President Obama to beckon African Americans to support his presidential campaign, but his clarion call to black churches to get on board represents a break with presidential politics: it is a deliberate challenge to the IRS stricture governing the role of religion in politics. In the video [click here], President Obama explicitly calls on African Americans to go “to your faith community” to get the word out about his campaign. He even goes so far as to say that “congregation captains” should be organized to accomplish this goal. This is good news. It means that the IRS harness on the clergy is officially off. Priests can now appoint “congregation captains” who will inform the faithful about attempts...
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Gloucester City Council Welcomes Two New Police Officers Merry Ploughboys Begin St. Patrick’s Celebration With Show Sunday, March 4 Gloucester City High’s Lisa Marron Wins Countywide Art Contest Train Runs Over Man Snoozing On Tracks Related articles Puppy Found in Gloucester City ( ( CNBNEWS Tips and Snippets: Spotlight on 'Radical' John (inc. video),Thank You Joe & Public Works ( Letters: Remembering Our Dad, Steve Roche and his Love for Gloucester City | ( CNBNEWS TIPS AND SNIPPETS: Ouch! and A Heated Billboard Debate (
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Back on August 10, 2010, I attended a meeting of the Bridgeton (Cumberland County) Board of Education. A few days later, I remarked on my blog that "I have rarely witnessed more cavalier and imperious public officials than the members of the Bridgeton Board of Education. I look forward to working with them to improve their compliance with both the letter and the spirit of the Open Public Meetings Act." See After a year elapsed, I made an Open Public Records Act request to the school board to see if its Meetings Act compliance had improved. After reviewing the documents, I filed a pro se lawsuit against the board on October 24, 2011. Today, I filed a motion for summary judgment and asked for a hearing to be scheduled on Friday, April 27, 2012. My motion, with all exhibits, including my lawsuit and the Board's answer, are on-line here:
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by Phyllis Schlafly February 22, 2012 Welcome to the real ObamaCare, whereby a handful of leftists in D.C. impose the views of their big-money donors on more than 300 million Americans. If the Obama mandate for contraception remains intact, then liberals will next demand that Americans pay for other objectionable items that are not really medical care. We can expect future mandates, under the guise of "health care," to include sex-change operations, late-term abortions, embryonic stem-cell use, and a variety of other procedures that many Americans do not support and certainly do not want to be compelled to foot the bill for. Obama’s mandate for abortifacient drugs opens a slippery slope that would erode the moral authority of religious institutions in America. Obama and the liberals have overplayed their hand. By baring their teeth, these lackeys for the Left have awakened Democratic voters to the real contempt that liberals hold...
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Lincoln, Neb., Feb 23, 2012 / 07:04 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- President Obama's contraception mandate is facing its biggest legal challenge yet, in a lawsuit brought by seven state attorneys general, a school, two women, a charitable group, and a major Catholic insurer. In their lawsuit filed Feb. 23 against the federal government, the 12 plaintiffs challenge the rule they say “would coerce religious organizations … to directly subsidize contraception, abortifacients, sterilization, and related services in contravention with their religious beliefs.” They maintain that the administration's rule, requiring insurance coverage of the controversial drugs and devices, is an “unprecedented invasion” of their “First Amendment rights to free speech, free exercise of religion, and free association.” “This case illustrates that the federal government's rule punishes people of faith in all situations, just because they want to make decisions according to their own religious beliefs,” Alliance Defense Fund Legal Counsel Matt Bowman told...
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ACA Invites Community Members to Add Their Voice to Upcoming Marketing Campaign ATLANTIC CITY (February 27, 2012) — The Atlantic City Alliance (ACA), in partnership with the Atlantic City Hospitality & Lodging Association, Greater Atlantic City Chamber and Longport Media, announced that it will hold a Community Forum entitled “Do AC Proud”. The event is part of the ACA’s planned media campaign to promote Atlantic City as a great place to shop, dine, and play. The Community Forum will allow community leaders, business leaders and the general public to contribute to the ACA’s marketing program that will launch this spring. As part of the process, the ACA is inviting interested parties in the community to add their ideas and personal stories about what makes Atlantic City a special place to visit. The Community Forum will be held on March 1, 2012, from 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. ET at the...
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Taliban response By Elaine Sanchez American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, Feb. 25, 2012 - President Barack Obama called the commander of the International Security Assistance Force today to offer condolences for the "tragic killing of U.S. troops" in Kabul and to discuss the ongoing violence in Afghanistan. "On behalf of the American people, the president expressed his condolences to [Marine Corps Gen. John R. Allen] and to the families who lost loved ones," White House officials said in a statement today. Initial reports indicate that an individual turned his weapon against ISAF service members in Kabul City today, killing two service members, according to an ISAF Joint Command statement. In Kabul, Allen made the decision to protect forces by instituting the recall of ISAF-Afghanistan personnel working in ministries in and around Kabul. "I condemn today's attack at the Afghan Ministry of Interior that killed two of our coalition officers, and...
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for Immediate Release During the week of Feb 27th – March 2nd, the Camden Children’s Garden staff, volunteers, youth employees and students, will build their exhibit using food gardening techniques utilized through the CCGC’s Community Gardening Program, which boasts more than 116 community gardens throughout the City of Camden. In addition to sharing with visitors, the fun and imagination of the Camden Children’s Garden, this exhibit will address food security and sustainability. The Flower Show display will educate Flower Show visitors about how easy it can be to grow their own produce and motivate families to prepare fresh, locally grown fruits and vegetables to enjoy these meals together. At a time when greening our lives, eating healthy natural food, and saving money, are very relevant issues; it is apparent that vegetable and community gardening are viable food resources. For almost 3 decades, the CCGC has helped to grow and feed...
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related meandering with mark matthews ( a lengthy delay, many skeptics in Bellmawr didn't think it was going to happen. But after a legal case involving a zoning issue was resolved... construction seems to be really moving fast! The warm, no snow weather has probably helped move things along quickly. So just a short post... to share some pics that I took Today.. a bright and sunny Sunday. From what I remember, the location will include the Bottom Dollar Foods store, and 5 other stores will be available for rent. Looking for a job? Do a google search on: Bottom Dollar Foods Bellmawr There seems to be a lot of postings...
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By Benjamin Mann Washington D.C., Feb 23, 2012 / 03:45 pm (CNA/EWTN News).- President Obama's contraception mandate may only be the beginning of a historic attack on religious freedom, Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan warned his fellow U.S. bishops in a Feb. 22 letter. “If the government can, for example, tell Catholics that they cannot be in the insurance business today without violating their religious convictions, where does it end?” asked the cardinal, addressing the U.S. episcopate in a letter coauthored with the bishops' religious freedom chair Bishop William E. Lori. The Health and Human Services’ contraception mandate “violates the constitutional limits on our government, and the basic rights upon which our country was founded,” wrote the cardinal and bishop. They noted that religious liberty “does not depend on the benevolence of who is regulating us.” The dispute with the administration is “not about Republicans or Democrats, conservatives or liberals,” and...
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THURSDAY, 16 FEBRUARY 2012 12:10 WRITTEN BY PETER G. SÅNCHEZ Photo by James A. McBride Joe Ranoia, long-time basketball coach at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School, Berlin, speaks at a surprise event held in his honor in the school gym on Feb. 3. On Friday, Feb. 3, in Berlin, the long-time Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School boys’ basketball coach, Joe Ranoia, was honored by family, friends, community leaders and current and past players. The event was a surprise for a man who customarily tries not to draw attention to his own achievements, and no doubt would have discouraged being the object of so much praise and admiration. Ranoia, 67, has been head coach at Our Lady of Mt. Carmel since the 1974-75 season. At the age of 28, he and his wife, Sharon, and two children, Marie and Joseph, moved from South Philadelphia to Berlin and enrolled their...
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Mayberry fires six shutout innings; Gragnani goes 4-for-4 to pace 18-hit attack CHARLOTTESVILLE, Va. - The Virginia baseball team finished off a three-game series sweep over Monmouth Sunday afternoon with a 13-1 win at Davenport Field. Whit Mayberry (Jr., Alexandria, Va.) pitched six shutout innings, and the Cavaliers (5-1-1) pounded out 18 hits to support him. Virginia outscored Monmouth (3-3) 37-6 in the series. Reed Gragnani (Jr., Richmond, Va.) went 4-for-4 for Virginia, while Brandon Downes (Fr., South Plainfield, N.J.) was 3-for-5 with a triple, two doubles, three runs and four RBI. Chris Taylor (Jr., Virginia Beach, Va.) added a three-run home run for UVa, which batted around in both the fifth and sixth innings. Mayberry, who allowed six hits and did not walk a batter, capped a strong weekend from Virginia's starting pitchers. UVa's rotation of Branden Kline (Jr., Frederick, Md.), Scott Silverstein (Sr., Olney, Md.) and Mayberry combined...
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press release Feb. 26 PHILADELPHIA - With a 7-7 Atlantic 10 record, the La Salle women's basketball squad garnered the No. 8 seed in this week's 2012 Buick Atlantic 10 Championship. The Explorers will face No. 9 Xavier on Friday at 11:30 a.m. at Saint Joseph's Hagan Arena, the first of four first round games. The Explorers finished in a seventh place tie with Duquesne in the league standings, with the Dukes owning the tiebreaker for the No. 7 seed. They completed their best Atlantic 10 season since the 2006-07 squad also went 7-7. St. Bonaventure, which finished 14-0 in league play, grabbed the No. 1 seed. Temple is seeded second, followed by Dayton and Richmond. The top four seeds earn byes in the 12-team tournament. Rounding out the field are St. Joe's, Charlotte, Duquesne, La Salle, Xavier, George Washington, Saint Louis and Fordham. The Explorers earned a 63-51 win...
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Nicole Ann Christison, age 29 of West Deptford passed away after a courageous battle with cancer on Saturday, February 25th, 2012. She was a graduate of Clearview High School and earned her bachelor’s degree from Rutgers in Camden and her master’s degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University. Nicole was a preschool teacher at Cold Springs School in Gloucester City. She is survived by her mother, Elise and her step-dad Dave, her brother James, her significant other Chris, her grandmothers, Elsie Normant and Eleanor Christison. Relatives and friends may visit with the family on Thursday, March 1st. from 5 to 8 PM, and Friday, March, 2nd, from 8:30 to 10:30 at the Smith Funeral Home, 47 Main Street, Mantua where funeral services will be held at 10:30 AM. Interment will be private. In lieu of flowers contributions can be made to Holy Redeemer Hospice, 150 E. 9th St., Runnemede, NJ 08078 or...
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William R. "Bill" Cianfrani (1934 - 2012) William R. "Bill" Cianfrani AGE: 77 • Audubon Peacefully at home on February 24, 2012, of Audubon, NJ. Age 77 years. Beloved husband of 50 years to Linda Cianfrani (nee Penza). Dear father of Bill Cianfrani and Karen (Bill) Granato. Loving Poppy of Joey Granato and Elizabeth and Katherine Cianfrani. Brother of the late Leonard, Michael and Theodore Cianfrani. He is also survived by many nieces and nephews. Bill was a 25 year employee of Owens-Corning Fiberglass, Barrington, NJ. His first love was tennis but he also enjoyed hunting, fishing and generally enjoyed the outdoors. He loved time spent with family especially with his grandchildren. Relatives and friends are invited to attend his viewing Wednesday Evening 7 to 9 PM and Thursday 9:30 to 10:30 AM at the FOSTER-WARNE FUNERAL HOME, 250 White Horse Pike, Audubon, NJ. Mass of Christian Burial Thursday 11...
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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (February 22, 2012) – The Stevens Institute of Technology men’s lacrosse team, ranked No. 9 in the United States Intercollegiate Lacrosse Association (USILA) Preseason Top-20 Poll, has been chosen by the coaches for the Empire 8 Conference to claim their first ever Empire 8 Championship. Stevens received half of the possible eight first place votes from the coaches. Stevens earned a total of 46 points to claim the top spot, edging out Ithaca College, who received 43 points and two first place votes. Also receiving two votes was Nazareth College, who was chosen to finish third in the conference. The Golden Flyers were followed by St. John Fisher College in the fourth position, while Alfred University and Hartwick College tied for fifth. Elmira College and Utica College rounded out the preseason poll in seventh and eighth, respectively. On the 2012 schedule for Stevens, the Ducks have 16 regular...
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FEBRUARY 14, 2012 PHILADELPHIA, PA – Dennis Rochford, President of the Maritime Exchange for the Delaware River and Bay, today applauded the news of President Obama including the Delaware River 45' Main Channel Deepening Project in his FY13 budget to be submitted to Congress today. "Clearly, the Administration recognizes the importance of this project to both regional and national economies as related to import and export trade," said Rochford. "This project has been a true regional and bipartisan effort, supported by our delegation, to include Senators Robert Casey (D-PA), Patrick Toomey (R-PA), Tom Carper (D-DE) and Christopher Coons (D-DE), as well as Representatives Robert Brady (D-PA), Chaka Fattah (D-PA), Allyson Schwartz (D-PA), Patrick Meehan (R-PA), Michael Fitzpatrick (R-PA) and John Carney (D-DE), as well as Governors Tom Corbett (R) of Pennsylvania and Jack Markell of Delaware (D). A broad and diverse segment of business leaders and labor are equally deserving...
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By Elaine Sanchez American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, Feb. 25, 2012 - President Barack Obama called the commander of the International Security Assistance Force today to offer condolences for the "tragic killing of U.S. troops" in Kabul and to discuss the ongoing violence in Afghanistan. "On behalf of the American people, the president expressed his condolences to [Marine Corps Gen. John R. Allen] and to the families who lost loved ones," White House officials said in a statement today. Initial reports indicate that an individual turned his weapon against ISAF service members in Kabul City today, killing two service members, according to an ISAF Joint Command statement. In Kabul, Allen made the decision to protect forces by instituting the recall of ISAF-Afghanistan personnel working in ministries in and around Kabul. "I condemn today's attack at the Afghan Ministry of Interior that killed two of our coalition officers, and my thoughts...
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Whitney Houston's death, while a sad thing, was the direct result of very unwise life choices. It dominates the news. Charlie Sheen is 45 and his story is all over the news because he is a substance abuser, an adulterer, sexually promiscuous and obnoxious. Lindsay Lohan is 24 and her story is all over the news because she is a celebrity drug addict and thief. Something as frivolous as Kim Kardashian's stupid wedding [and short-lived marriage] was shoved down our throats, While........ Justin Allen 23 Brett Linley 29 Matthew Weikert 29 Justus Bartett 27 Dave Santos 21 Jesse Reed 26 Matthew Johnson 21 Zachary Fisher 24 Brandon King 23 Christopher Goeke 23 and Sheldon Tate 27... Are all Marines that gave their lives last month for you. There is no media for them; not even a mention of their names. Honor THEM by sending this on. I did, will you?...
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President Obama Doesn't Just Say We Are Producing More Oil, We Are Producing More Oil | Beat the Press The NYT did some heavy-duty he said/she said reporting on the issue of gas prices and energy production. It devoted an article to President Obama's efforts to counter Republican complaints about high gas prices. The article told readers: "The president said that the United States is producing more oil now than at any time during the last eight years, with a record number of rigs pumping." President Obama did not just say this, it also happens to be true. There are reasons that people may not be happy that the United States is producing more oil (anyone hear of global warming?), but it happens to be true. The article then went on to tell readers that: READ via link submitted by Frank Talque SO WHY ARE GAS PRICES Mark...
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When: Saturday, February 25, 2012 Time: 11:15 AM Where: 1 Amesbury Place Sicklerville, New Jersey (Winslow Township) 08081 Contact: David (Yellow Ribbon Club) 609-417-8640 Ana (Mother) 856-889-7942 Please come out to welcome home 1st Lt. Frank C. Broomell from his deployment in Afghanistan. Frank was born in Stratford, NJ and grew up in Sicklerville, NJ. Frank graduated at the top of his class from St. Augustine Prep School in 2005 and received a Presidential Scholarship to George Washington University. Frank graduated Cum Laude from George Washington University in 2009. The summer between his Junior and Senior years of college, he attended OCS (Officer Candidate School) in Quantico, Va. After graduating GWU, he was sworn in as an Officer in The USMC on July 3, 2009. Frank attended TBS (The Basic School) in Quantico in 2009. Frank’s MOS is an Officer. Frank is now returning from a 7 month deployment in...
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Kancylarz Goes 4-for-5 with Two RBI JOHNSON CITY, Tenn. – Freshman Stefan Kancylarz (Mount Laurel, N.J./Lenape) was 4-for-5 with a pair of runs batted in, but the Saint Joseph’s baseball team ultimately dropped a 12-4 result at East Tennessee State on Friday afternoon. Saint Joseph’s (1-3) scored all of its runs in the ninth inning after the Bucs used a nine-run second inning to power their way to victory. After an RBI groundout by Kerry Doane in the bottom of the first, East Tennessee State (2-2) sent 14 hitters to the plate in what proved to be a pivotal bottom of the second. The Bucs posted nine runs in the frame on 10 hits, two walks, and an error. ETSU added singletons in the fourth and fifth to pad the lead. The Hawks rallied for four runs in the top of the ninth. Anthony Cirillo (Freehold, N.J./Christian Brothers Academy) led...
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Margaret I. Brightbill, 77, a resident of Pennswood Village, Newtown, PA, died on February 9, 2012. Born in Gloucester City, NJ, she was the daughter of the late Gloucester City School Superintendent David F. and Margaret Christiansen Brightbill. She is predeceased by her sister Madeline E. Brightbill, and survived by her sister Marian B. Rowe also of Newtown, a niece Barbara Rowe of Wilmington, NC, and two nephews: Rev. David Rowe of Lawrenceville, NJ, and Steven Rowe, of Delmar, NY, as well as three great nieces and a great nephew. A graduate of Douglass College with a degree in Botany, she was an analyst for the New Jersey Department of Agriculture ending her career as department head. After her retirement, she pursued a wide variety of interests, most particularly her love of rug hooking. As a member of the Hunterdon County Rug Artisans Guild, fondly called "Hooksome and Chatmore", she...
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press release Gloucester County libraries will join with schools and libraries across the country to celebrate Read Across America and Dr. Seuss’ Birthday. The Mullica Hill Branch will hold a party on Sunday, February 26, from 2-4 pm. Freeholder Director Robert Damminger and Freeholder Lyman Barnes will join other special guests in reading stories to the children. The event features an appearance by Mr. Malcolm (actor Chuck Bennett) presenting an inter-active performance of Dr. Seuss stories, along with crafts and refreshments. (Mr. Malcolm’s performance is funded by a grant from Target.) The Glassboro Branch will celebrate with a Dr. Seuss Birthday Party on Thursday, March 1 at 4 pm, complete with games and a birthday cake. The Swedesboro Library will hold a celebration on March 1st at 6:30 pm. Visitors will enjoy a puppet show presented by the library’s Teen Advisory Board, along with stories and light refreshments. A party...
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( – In the wake of President Barack Obama sending a three-page letter to Afghan President Hamid Kharzai, apologizing for U.S. forces having mistakenly burned some Qur'ans at a U.S. air base in Afghanistan, the Taliban is calling on Muslims to kill Americans or beat them and take them as prisoners. The call for violence against U.S. troops in Afghanistan came as Muslims in South Asia and elsewhere prepared for Friday prayers--a potentially volatile time. Islamist groups in Pakistan, meanwhile, drummed up protests against the burning of the Qur’ans, with some leaders appealing for jihad against the United States. Echoing incendiary calls by the Taliban for Muslims to react violently to the mishandling of the religious texts, militant leaders charged that the incident was a deliberate plot against Muslims. Two U.S. troops and at least seven Afghans have been killed in three days of rioting in Afghanistan. via By...
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for immediate release According to the USDA Food Desert Locator, Camden, NJ, was found as one of the Top 9 American Food Deserts. Incredibly, the entire city of Camden, NJ with 80,000 residents, has only one full-service supermarket and is missing an adequate transportation system. Due to Camden’s extreme situation as an impoverished “food desert”, the Camden City Garden Club has immensely expanded their community gardening program (tripling the number of community gardens throughout the city in last 3 years). The University of Pennsylvania’s Center for Public Health Initiatives (CPHI) funded a research study of urban community gardens, finding “Camden, NJ has perhaps the fastest growing community gardens program in the country”. All these gardens are administered by CCGC/CCG and since this study was completed, Camden has added more than 50 community gardens. The University Penn Study Report found that “community gardening is a viable food security strategy in the...
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press release February 23, 2012 (PHILADELPHIA) – Debbie Giaquinto wanted to anything in her power to help her husband Danny after his first transplanted kidney began to fail. But Debbie wasn’t a match and couldn’t donate one of her healthy kidneys to her high-school sweetheart and husband of 41 years. photo Debbie and Danny Giaquinto So when the kidney he received from his sister six years ago deteriorated, Danny Giaquinto returned to the constant cycle of dialysis as he waited for a new donor match. With more than 90,000 people on the waiting list for a kidney, it often takes four or five years for people in need to get one. That’s when the team at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital’s Kidney Transplant Program suggested a different approach, that Danny and Debbie join a donation chain coordinated in conjunction with the National Kidney Registry. “With 90,000 kidneys needed every year and...
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REHRIG, Edith H. (nee Rowley), 90 years of Mt. Ephraim, NJ, entered into the Kingdom of God on February 18, 2012 surrounded by her loving family. Legacy A true lady, Edith had all of these qualities and more…loving, kind, beautiful, inside and out. She believed in giving, rather than receiving and never had a bad word for anyone. Edith was a lady of great faith and devoted to the Word of God. You would often find Edith sharing her love of music by playing, the piano, guitar, organ and even the harmonica. Edith, her wonderful ways and her cooking and baking will be sadly missed by all that knew and loved her. Family Beloved wife to the late Clarence A., Jr.; Devoted mother of Edward John, Sr. (Marlene), Clarence A. III (Barbara), Edith H. (Thomas, Sr.) Gillis, Jed S. (Carmen), Roy W. and Evelyn May (Geraldo); Loving grandmother of Lori,...
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Ewing, NJ – Two seniors from The College of New Jersey women’s basketball team rounded out their careers by being honored by the New Jersey Athletic Conference. Guard Jessica Imhof (Flemington, NJ/Hunterdon Central) was named All-NJAC First Team, while classmate Hannah Tait (Staten Island, NY/Staten Island) earned honorable mention. Imhof led the Lions in scoring this season scoring at a clip of 12.7 points a contest, which ranked 10th in the conference. She recorded double figures in scoring in 11 of the team’s 13 conference games and also boasted a pair of double-doubles. Imhof made the most of her chances as she ranked third in the conference in free-throw shooting at 86 percent, making 104-of-121 attempts. She was also second in 3-point field goal percentage at 33.8 percent sinking 31-of-80 from long range. Tait finished second on the team in scoring averaging 9.5 points a game and ranked among the...
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press release Feb. 24 (12/P16) TRENTON -- A large spill from an oil tank at the Paulsboro Refining Company facility in Gloucester County is not expected to impact the Delaware River or local water supplies. Air monitoring also indicates there should be no health effects from odors caused by the spill. The Department of Environmental Protection in cooperation with various state and local agencies is monitoring the cleanup of crude oil that has been leaking from the storage tank since this afternoon. Petroleum odors have been reported in a number of surrounding communities as a result of the leak that developed in the base of the storage tank. Initial air monitoring by the Gloucester County Health Department and by refinery personnel do not indicate any health hazards from the odors. However, sensitive populations such as the elderly or people with respiratory conditions may consider staying indoors until odors subside. Petroleum...
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Released: 2/8/2012 1:00 PM EST Embargo expired: 2/16/2012 4:00 PM EST Source: American Academy of Neurology (AAN) Newswise — NEW ORLEANS – New research suggests weight training for two years significantly improves the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s disease compared to other forms of exercise such as stretching and balance exercises. The clinical trial, which compared two forms of exercise for Parkinson’s disease, was released today and will be presented at the American Academy of Neurology’s 64th Annual Meeting in New Orleans April 21 to April 28, 2012. “While we have known that many different types of exercise can benefit Parkinson’s patients over short time periods, we did not know whether exercise improves the motor symptoms of Parkinson’s over the long term,” said study author Daniel Corcos, PhD, with the University of Illinois at Chicago. For the study, 48 people with Parkinson’s disease were randomized to progressive resistance exercise, known as...
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Middletown – February 21… Today, Joe Kyrillos applauded Governor Chris Christie’s third straight balanced budget as a blueprint for America’s future. “Bob Menendez and his colleagues in the Senate could learn something from the tough choices we’re making to fix New Jersey’s finances,” Senator Joe Kyrillos said. “It’s been over 1,000 days since the U.S. Senate has passed a budget. And, while we balance our budget here in New Jersey, Washington gives us trillion dollar plus deficits - kicking the can down the road spending money on the backs of our children and grandchildren. That kind of record is unacceptable and it needs to change.” Governor Christie and his allies, including Senator Kyrillos, have led the fight to cap property taxes, reduce spending and reform New Jersey’s broken pension system – the very same issues that are going unaddressed in Washington and contributing to our growing $15.3 trillion in national...
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By Anne Forline Gloucester City News Mount Ephraim resident Brandon Libby competed on “Jeopardy” for three shows in January and won a total of $32,600. During the recent Commissioners’ meeting, Mayor Joseph Wolk presented Brandon with a Proclamation in recognition of his accomplishment. Brandon shared his experiences with the Gloucester City News (GCN) about competing on his favorite television game show. GCN: How and when did you audition? BL: It was a long process. I’ve been trying to get on Jeopardy for years. It’s always been a dream of mine. For the past six years, I’ve been taking the on-line test, which is the only way to get on. They only have it once a year. So I was taking it and taking it. It was really difficult. Last January, 2011, I took the test again. When I finished it, I thought, “That one was really tough.” So I just...
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February 23, 2012 2:50:01 PM EST The Gloucester Township Police Department has been receiving several inquiries about the odor of a petroleum product in the the air. It has been confirmed by Gloucester County Communications that the source of the odor is from the Mobile Gas Refinery in Paulsboro, NJ. The situation is currently being investigated by Gloucester County and we were informed that at this time, it poses no immediate threat. Related articles Gloucester County Prosecutors Office: Cases Heard Feb. 21st ( SHARED SERVICE COMPUTERIZED TRAFFIC TICKET SYSTEM (includes video) ( Two Gloucester County Men Charged With Attempted Murder ( Gloucester County Receives $166,100 Grant for Recycling Efforts (
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see Chris Freind col. press release Feb. 17, 2012 HIGH SCHOOL DECISION DELAYED DUE TO NEW PROPOSALS The Archdiocese of Philadelphia announced today that Archbishop Charles Chaput, O.F.M. Cap., has reviewed and accepted the recommendations regarding elementary schools from the Review Committees assigned to hear appeals to the school restructuring outlined by the Blue Ribbon Commission. The recommendations regarding the high schools will be delayed approximately one week. The postponement is due to recently received information regarding potential donors that has to be explored before any decision is made. Archbishop Charles Chaput, O.F.M. Cap, Archbishop of Philadelphia, said, "I recognize how anxious all of those affected by this decision are to hear the final outcome. I want to see this resolved too but this decision is too important to be made without considering absolutely every fact and all serious, substantive proposals even if they don't fit the time frame originally...
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press release (With Video) CHESTERTOWN, MD – With all four All-Centennial Conference players from 2011 back in the fold, a deeper pitching staff and a more versatile squad, the Washington College baseball team is hoping to return to the Centennial Conference Tournament for the second time in three years this spring as the Shoremen Nine seek to improve on a 17-18 overall and 8-10 conference record from a year ago in what will be the final season for head coach Al Streelman. Streelman announced in September that his 15th season would be his final season at the helm of the Shoremen. Streelman, who guided the team to the conference tournament in 2010, talked about this club and is excited about the prospects for the 2012 squad. "(There is) so much versatility on the team (this year). I never have had a team as versatile (as this one). This is as...
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By Leigh Anne Hubbs Gloucester City News Last month Governor Christie signed a law that allows School Boards to move their annual election to the General Election in November and raise the tax levy portion of the budget up to 2 percent without the need for voter approval. Any increase in excess of 2 percent would still be up to the voters, and the decision can be reversed after four years. During February’s Board of Education (BOE) meeting, Board President Dominick Cipolone along with Board Members Patricia Blaylock, Michael Gaglianone, David McDonough and Rocco Vespe (Joan Greenwood and James Pacetti were not present) voted in favor of the resolution, citing that more voters turn out for the General Election. Board Vice President Nicholas Salamone, Jr. and Board Member Carl Ingram voted against the resolution. Salamone said the School Budget is already the largest portion of property taxes, and that it...
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Released: 2/15/2012 8:00 AM EST Source: Glendon Association The latest data reported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) shows that the rate of U.S. suicide has been increasing since 2000, with 2009 marking the highest number of suicides in 15 years. Newswise — Feb. 7, 2012 - Santa Barbara, CA – The CDC report showed that between 2008 and 2009, the suicide rate increased 2.4 percent, with 36,909 suicide deaths reported nationally. In August 2011, a report from the CDC showed that in 2008, 13.4 percent of people who committed suicide had experienced job and financial problems. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, an emergency crisis hotline reported a 14 percent increase in call volume between 2010 and 2011. The CDC’s thus recommended increasing counseling, job placement and financial services that can help reduce the mental distress that can increase suicide risk. “The recent increase in suicide, whether...
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press release Ewing, NJ – The season has yet to start for The College of New Jersey softball team, but the Lions are already in a tight mix in the New Jersey Athletic Conference. The conference’s preseason poll was announced with TCNJ falling into the second slot, while Rowan University was picked as the favorite. The poll was exceptionally tight at the top with four teams receiving at least two first-place votes. Rowan garnered two of those votes and TCNJ landed three. In third place, Kean University received two votes for first place and Montclair State University earned three, despite dropping to fourth. The Lions appear poised for another strong tournament run as they return a host of all-conference honorees. Two of those players return in the outfield as senior Crystal Lee (Rockaway, NJ/Morris Knolls) was an All-NJAC First Team selection and junior Liz Huttner (Princeton Junction, NJ/West Windsor-Plainsboro South)...
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CNBNEWS TIPS AND SNIPPETS: by Bill Cleary Gloucester City's John Schmidt, a self-proclaimed open government activist, is in the news again. MyFoxPhilly featured him recently (The Parking Vigilante) for taking Runnemede school parents to task who are parking in the yellow zone outside of two schools in that community. photo: Schmidt at Gov. Christie's Town Rally in Gloucester Township In an interview with he said, "It's yellow for the protection of the kids”. (see video below). Schmidt has taken it upon himself to write down the license plate numbers of the violators. He was told by Capt. Paul Dailey of the Runnemede Police Department that he would have to sign the complaints and he would have to testify in court. So far, he hasn't. Schmidt says he's not trying to target parents. But many of them don't buy it. "What kind of satisfaction could anybody get from doing...
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Volume XVII No. 7: February 17, 2012 This week was poised to be a highlight for transportation dreamers, with a reauthorization proposal in the President's budget and votes in the House and the Senate. Instead it's become a nightmare for taxpayers, with politicians using fake savings to justify real spending. The whole process is a highway to nowhere. We knew from the start that the road to a transportation bill would have plenty of potholes. The last transportation bill -- which Rep. Don Young (R-AK) proudly proclaimed he stuffed like a turkey -- was reminiscent of the last decadent days of Rome. It was filled with earmarks, jaw-dropping sums for powerful lawmakers, the Bridge to Nowhere, and perhaps its "greatest" legacy: bankrupting thehighway trust fund. The 18.4 cents per gallon federal gas tax hasn't been increased since 1993. A confluence of factors (inflation, better fuel efficiency, fewer miles traveled) means...
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press release PRESENTED BY HORIZON BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD OF NEW JERSEY Camden, NJ -The 2012 Atlantic League All-Star Baseball Game, presented by Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey, will be hosted by the Camden Riversharks at Campbell’s Field on July 11 at 7:05 p.m. Fifty of the top professional baseball players from both the Freedom and Liberty Divisions will be selected by managers, pitching staff and personnel from all eight Atlantic League teams and showcase their talent at this prestigious event. “We are very excited to partner with Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey,” said Riversharks General Manager Adam Lorber. “They are committed to community involvement and are offering unique opportunities for the fans to play an active role in this year’s festivities.” The Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield of New Jersey “Community All-Star” will be nominated by fans via the Riversharks’ website, Nominees must...
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