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New Mother Delivers Daughter In Bathtub | Gloucester City News

Kevin Fahy Head Gloucester City High Basketball Coach | Gloucester City News

By Anne Forline

Gloucester City News


After returning from executive session January 10, the Gloucester City Board of Education (BOE) voted to suspend Kevin Hagan as Gloucester High’s head boys’ basketball coach for the rest of the season. His salary will be pro-rated from the time he served as basketball coach up until his suspension. In a subsequent motion, the BOE voted to approve Kevin Fahy as head basketball coach and Ed Malone as junior varsity coach, with their salaries being pro-rated as well.

Over the Christmas holiday, Hagan was involved in an automobile accident hitting two parked vehicles parked in the 400 block of Bergen Street. He was arrested by police and charged with DWI and careless driving. There were no reported injuries. 


In other School Board business, members approved the following motions:

To approve administrative reports, student action items (specifically homebound students), five student action items, and workshops and field trips – namely the fourth grade trip to Drumthwacket, the official residence of the governor.

The Board also approved financial action items, grant action items and facilities’ usage.

Board President Louisa Llewellyn read from a recent letter she received from Terri Lewis of the NJ School Boards Association, and said Ms. Lewis will be holding a public meeting at Cold Springs School on January 23 at 7 p.m.

  At that meeting, Ms. Lewis will meet with school staff, administration and parents concerning the search for the new superintendent.

During committee reports, Board Member Gina Levins said the Success for All reading program will be eliminated and a new reading series will be implemented.

Mrs. Levins also discussed the High School Proficiency Assessment (HSPA) where the then junior class (now seniors) scored 100 percent passing in Language Arts, 90 percent Math (general education), 75 percent overall and 25 percent special education.

Student representatives from Gloucester City High, Mary Ethel Costello and Cold Springs schools all addressed the Board.

Senior Zach Cooper is involved in many activities, including National Honor Society, Student Council, Class Secretary and mentor. He plans to attend college and major in education.

He said that in his six years of walking the halls of the high school, he has found that clubs, sports and activities are what make Gloucester High more of a family than its just being a building full of teachers and students.

Zach stated that the mentor-mentee program at the high school is going well. He said that the 52 mentors, who have achieved academic success, meet twice a month with the 45 mentees who may need guidance in academics.

Zach also announced the upcoming “great drama production” of “High School Reunion 2012: Murder in Outer Space” will take place on January 27 and 28 at 7 p.m. at GHS.

Several performers were in attendance to showcase some of the costumes designed and made by Ms. Beverly Palaia.

Zach promised the performance “will be a show for all and will make everyone laugh.” Zach also said that on March 29, 30 and 31 “Beauty and the Beast” will be performed.

Representing Mary Ethel Costello School was fifth grader, Karlee Fleckenstein. Instead of announcing events and activities at the school, Principal William O’Kane asked Karlee to present her essay, “Waiting for Justin Bieber,” that she had written in November for the Standards Solution Test.

Mr. O’Kane and the rest of the staff were so impressed with Karlee’s essay that she was asked to read it during the school spirit assembly and also for parents.


  Mr. O’Kane stated that Karlee produced her essay in response to a writing prompt where she was asked to describe an event that she had to wait for and then elaborate on what it felt like to wait, finally, how she responded when the event arrived.

  From Cold Springs School, third grader Mi-kayla Angelini said that in social studies, she and her classmates are learning about the president and his responsibilities. In math, they are reviewing place value.

  In her gifted and talented class, students learned to create their own board games. Mikayla also stated that in mid-December, half of the third grade class performed in “A Bug’s Christmas.”

  During the public portion of the meeting, Mr. Ralph Douglass traveled from Bensalem, PA, to visit the meeting and to address the Board.

  He said that back in the 1950s, his mother, Laura E. Douglass, was the first woman to serve on the Gloucester City Board of Education.

  Mr. Douglass stated that during the election, his mother received all votes, except for one, and she always wondered who that one person was.


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