Top Political Scandals of 2011
Friday, December 23, 2011
Washington, D.C. – Lecherous lawmakers, a deadbeat dad, and absentee agencies made Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington’s (CREW) annual list of the year’s top political scandals.
For the first time, CREW is giving the public the chance to vote on the year’s biggest scandal. Click here to vote.
“With actions ranging from the moronic to the outright illegal, it’s hard to argue with any entry on this year’s list,” said CREW Executive Director Melanie Sloan. “It’s easy to see why Americans harbor such a dim view of Washington.”
CREW’s Top Scandals of 2011:
- Sexy & I Know It: Members of Congress behaving badly
- Deadbeat Congressman: Rep. Joe Walsh (R-IL) stiffs his kids
- Eric Cantor (R-Wall Street): Republican leader shills for his puppet masters
- Cash For Clunker: The Solyndra debacle
- Shred Everything Commission: Accountability is optional at the SEC
- Big Ruppert is Watching You: News Corp. spies on you
- PACs Americana: Citizens United’s effect on our elections
- Investigating the Investigators: Dysfunction at the House Ethics Committee
- The Little Agency that Can’t: The broken Federal Election Commission
- Rolling in the Dough: Herman Cain’s outrageous presidential campaign
- Indecent Disclosure: The shady financial dealings of Reps. Greg Meeks(D- NY) and David Rivera (R-FL)
- The House (and Senate) Always Wins: Insider trading in Congress
- Scott Walker: Whatcha gonna do when he comes for you?: Strong-arm tactics by Wisconsin’s governor
Click here to read the full report.