NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Children: Keep Writing Letters To Santa Claus
Cherry Hill FD: Vehicle Crashes into Private Residence

Gloucester School Districts Extends Christmas Vacation to Jan.3

( night the Gloucester City Board of Education extended the upcoming Christmas break to include Monday January 2, 2012. Monday January 2, 2013 is the legal holiday since January 1st falls on Sunday. The students and staff will return on Tuesday January 3.  After a briefing by the New Jersey School Boards representative on the current Superintendant search for a replacement for current Superintendant Paul Spaventa who’s contract expires on June 30, 2013 the local board entered into the regularly scheduled meeting.


The Board heard current and upcoming events from young representatives from all the Districts schools. Each student presented the strengths of each school as well as many of the projects in their respective school.


The students were followed by a formal meeting chaired by President Louisa Llewellyn with 9 of the 10 members in attendance, the Board by a 9 -0 vote approved all committee, Superintendant and Board Secretary reports after some discussion. 


Board Member Vice - President Ed Hubbs made a Motion to approve the advertising in the Star Ledger for the Superintendant Search and the Motion passed 6 - 3 with Members Kathy Mc Hugh, Pat Hagan and Adam Baker tallying the NO votes.


The Superintendant briefed the members about the many out of District students the Board is financially responsible for to other Districts as well as displaced families now attending the Gloucester School District from other District who compensate Gloucester for educating their displaced students.


Also, new hires, leave of absences and school fieldtrips were heard and approved by a 9 - 0 vote. Included in this vote was the change and extension of the Christmas Break. The missed day will be made up at the end of the school year.


The Board also voted 9 - 0 on the Board Secretary’s report, which included payment of bills and expenditures and contracts.


Under New Business on the Agenda, Board Member Jackie Borger asked if the BOE was aware of a minor bus accident and wanted to if there was anyway the waiting parents could be alerted in the future.


Jackie Borger and member Kathy Mc Hugh engaged in conversation concerning how disruptive the Month of November is to student instruction and that the new calendar for the 2012 -2013 school year should consider this disruption.


Member Bruce Darrow asked about the busing of students and whether child seats are available on the buses for Highland Park School. Highland Park Principal Ms Ernst stated that the District provided the bus company with the safety seats required.    


