NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

Black Conservatives Demand Apolgy
"The amazing reality we await in Advent," Bishop Galante's message

Remember When: Gloucester City Colts 120 lb Football Team (1956)

Photo Colts Football team

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The Gloucester City Colts 120 lb. team from 1956. The team was undefeated, untied and unscored upon. The identities as I remember are:

Back Row (l. to r.) Coach McKinney, Coach McKeever, Rich Huff, Jim Bennett, Alan Mester, Dick Wright, Unknown, George Thorpe, Tom Early, Rich Devine, Rick Sherrer, Coach Houser, Unknown.

Middle Row (l. to r.) Coach Mester, Jim Saxameyer, Unknown, Tom Baals, John McCormick, Skip Murphy, Woody Dooley, Jim DiCicco, Harry Ahern, Jack McKeever, Mike Flynn, Coach Hoover.

Front Row (l. to r.) Mike McKinney, Unknown, Fran Janette, Bill Elenbark, Herb Houser, Jim Newcomb, Ray Sherry, Mike Clemens, Bill Hoover.

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