NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

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November 2011

Congress, Can You Spare a Dime?

Image via Wikipedia Dear Concerned Taxpayer, Do you remember or have you ever heard the song, "Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?" Drawn from the 1932 musical New Americana, it became known as the “anthem of the Great Depression.” Now, to avert a double-dip recession or potentially worse if we don’t get our nation’s finances in order, we urgently need all Americans to ask: “Congress, Can You Spare a Dime?” If Congress would cut spending by just 10 percent, or a dime for every dollar the government spends, it would slam the brakes on our nation’s dangerously mounting debt and pave the way to a balanced budget. Help us demonstrate an overwhelming outpouring of public support for a 10 percent across-the-board cut in federal spending by signing onto our “Congress, Can You Spare a Dime?” Citizen’s Demand today! Let’s face it, Concerned Taxpayer. Washington is in gridlock. Individual cuts in... Read more →

Weekly Basket: Writing Waste

Volume XVI No. 46: November 18, 2011 Finally! It's been two years since the last spending bills were considered in (semi) regular order. It wasn't procedurally perfect---three bills jammed together nearly two months after the start of fiscal year 2012---but hey, you have to start somewhere. That means there are nine more spending bills to go. So Congress needs to pick up the pace. Most of the year was dithered away by Congress as they jockeyed for position on the debt ceiling increase and the great budgetary spectacle that is the Super Committee (aka Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction). Tasked with finding at least $1.2 trillion in deficit reduction, next week we'll know whether they pulled a rabbit out of a hat or laid a turkey on the American taxpayer. Believe it or not, the Super Committee is largely irrelevant to the deliberations on this fiscal year's spending bills.... Read more →

Obituary: Irene C. Palmer, of Gloucester City, age 91

On November 19, 2011. Age 91. Of Gloucester City. Loving wife of the late Charles H. Palmer. Loving mother of Jimmy, Clifford, Carol, Cassie, Robert and Robin. Also survived by many cherished grandchildren, great grandchildren and great-great grandchildren. Relatives and friends are invited to her viewing on Wednesday afternoon from 3 to 5 PM at the McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME: 851 Monmouth Street, Gloucester City. Catholic Funeral Service will begin at 5 PM in the funeral home. Cremation will be private. Condolences and Memories may be shared at under the obituary of Irene C. Palmer. Funeral Arrangements and Inquiries may be made through: McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME : 851 Monmouth Street, Gloucester City. PH: 856-456-1142 Read more →


New Jersey Republican Party Press Release In campaign tabs, U.S. Rep. Andrews forgets us Gloucester County Times November 22, 2011 Arrogance. That word quickly comes to mind in light of a report from our sister paper, The Star-Ledger of Newark, that U.S. Rep. Rob Andrews tapped into his congressional campaign account to finance a $9,000 trip for himself and his family to Edinburgh, Scotland, and $10,000 for a celebration at his Haddon Heights home marking 20 years in Congress. - - - It may pass a legal sniff test — that’s up to the Election Commission. But, does it pass a moral test? We think not. The congressman need not be reminded that his congressional district — while one of the state’s safest for a Democrat — is not exactly teeming with wealth. The First Congressional District is home to Camden — one of the nation’s poorest locales. The district... Read more →

Penn State Live - A Message from President Rodney Erickson: Moving Forward

In the last two painful weeks, Penn State has been shaken to our foundation. But we are moving forward, and with every decision we’re committed to doing the right thing for the victims, their families, and the Penn State community. You have all played a role in helping us define a path for the future. You have inspired us with your resilience, generosity, and hope. You have given me your confidence and encouragement. In the spirit of giving thanks, I wish to share a few observations about our community. 1) We need to continue to listen to one another. I‘ve been contacted by countless students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends, and I’ve tried to visit as many classrooms, organizations and campus gatherings as possible. Everyone has openly shared their grief, anger, suggestions and hopes for the future of Penn State. I’ve listened and I’ve learned. 2) Penn Staters care. I’ve... Read more →


Special Sneak Peak Event Planned The Delaware River Waterfront Corporation is proud to continue to present a wintertime tradition in Philadelphia, the 18th anniversary season of the Blue Cross RiverRink at Penn’s Landing. It’s time to “Think Rink,” as the Blue Cross RiverRink located on Columbus Boulevard and Market Street, is the perfect way to enjoy the great outdoors and fresh air fun for everyone! Featuring an outdoor regulation size rink overlooking the Delaware River and an indoor heated facility with a snack bar, game room and more, the Blue Cross RiverRink re-opens officially at 12 noon on Friday, November 25, 2011 with the first skating session of the season. But there will be a specialSNEAK PREVIEW event especially for SportsRadio 94 WIP Listeners on Wednesday November 23, 2011. From 1:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m., WIP’s Anthony Gargano and Glen Macnow will broadcast live from the Blue Cross RiverRink and offer free... Read more →

Meandering w/ Mark Matthews: Bellmawr Bottom Dollar Foods is ON!

( reported in several media outlets, the Bellmawr Bottom Dollar Foods store construction had been stalled because of a lawsuit filed against the town and Bottom Dollar foods. The website posted on 11/17 that the judge has ruled on the lawsuit, and construction can start again! From Bellmawr.Com: Judge Orlando issued his ruling today in favor of Bottom Dollar and the Borough of Bellmawr. Mayor Filipek has been in contact with representatives of Bottom Dollar and are discussing when construction will restart on the Bellmawr location at 150 West Browning Road. Bottom Dollar is excited that they can now focus on completing their new store and attract additional business to the other rental spaces that will be built at this location. Read more →

Cherry Hill Achieves Sustainable Jersey Silver

Nov. 15, 2011 Mayor's Office Cherry Hill has met the rigorous requirements to achieve silver-level certification from Sustainable Jersey, the highest level of recognition from the statewide organization, Mayor Bernie Platt announced Tuesday. Cherry Hill is one of only 96 New Jersey towns that are Sustainable Jersey certified, and one of just eight to reach silver certification. The Township was first certified by Sustainable Jersey, at the bronze level, in November 2009 – its first year in the program. Township officials accepted the award at the annual Sustainable Jersey luncheon on Tuesday at the New Jersey League of Municipalities conference in Atlantic City. “Cherry Hill was one of the first towns to sign onto the Sustainable Jersey program back in 2008, and today we remain a leader in municipal sustainability by becoming one of just a handful of towns certified at the highest level,” Platt said. “I’m proud of what... Read more → Sign Petition...Tell Congress They Must Stop Accepting Taxpayer Funded Healthcare

By Michael Morrill To be delivered to: The United States House of Representatives If you voted to cut Medicare and Medicaid, you must stop accepting taxpayer-funded healthcare for yourself and your family. In April, the Republican-controlled House of Representatives has voted to cut Medicare and Medicaid. And now even Democrats on the so-called Super Committee are talking about cuts to Medicare and Medicaid. Essentially Congress is telling senior citizens and the poor that tax cuts for billionaires and millionaires are more important that providing a health care safety net for our most vulnerable. But did you know that members of Congress get great taxpayer funded healthcare? In fact, they get one of the best health care plans in the world. It strikes us as the height of hypocrisy to be accepting government-provided, taxpayer-subsidized health insurance while denying seniors, the disabled and the poor the basic coverage that Medicare and Medicaid... Read more →

Paff v. Runnemede school board: Motion hearing December 16th

Readers may recall that attorney Walter M. Luers and I filed a lawsuit in June against the Runnemede (Camden County) Board of Education in an attempt to learn exactly why the board gave former Business Administrator Kelly Brazelton a leave of absence from September 23, 2010 through April 15, 2011 while paying her a $99,465 annual salary. According to media reports at the time, the arrangement was made in order to stave off a lawsuit that Brazelton had apparently threatened to file. Brazelton has since been hired as assistant business administrator in the Deptford (Gloucester County) School District. The lawsuit is on-line at The school board's and Brazelton's answer to the suit is on-line at Walter and I recently moved for summary judgment on the first count of our lawsuit. Summary judgment can be entered by a court when there are no serious factual disputes and that all that... Read more →


Returning Visits - Based purely on a cookie, if this person is returning to your website for another visit an hour or more later First Time Visits - Based purely on a cookie, if this person has no cookie then this is considered their first time at your website. Unique Visitor - Based purely on a cookie, this is the total of the returning visits and first time visits - all your visitors. Page Load - The number of times your page has been visited. Weekly Stats Report: 14 Nov - 20 Nov 2011 Project: URL: Summary Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Total Avg Pageloads 4,270 3,963 3,895 3,759 3,550 2,578 2,957 24,972 3,567 Unique Visits 1,861 1,638 1,751 1,527 1,527 1,226 1,428 10,958 1,565 First Time Visits 1,539 1,286 1,406 1,187 1,201 1,006 1,152 8,777 1,254 Returning Visits 322 352 345 340 326 220 276... Read more →

Gloucester City News Headlines for Nov. 24 issue

Mount Ephraim School District Brings Back Full-Day Kindergarten Gloucester City Mayor William James Thanks Residents For Cooperation Gloucester City Students Report To School Board About Upcoming Events Gloucester School Board Signs Up For Robotics Program Mount Ephraim Residents Upset About Speeding Vehicles Related articles Video (s): $25 Million Spent on EPA Cleanup of Johnson Blvd. Sports Complex, Gloucester City ( Bellmawr, Mount Ephraim Buy Trash Truck Together ( Danmark Arrives, Gcba Meeting, New Trash Contract for City ( FREEDOM PIER DEDICATION SEPT. ( New Council Member, The Vikings Are Coming, El Wingador, Vote for ( Rail Line, GCBA Meeting, What to do with Millions, Another Recession ( Tips and Snippets: 8-point Buck Visits Lane Avenue Playground ( Tips and Snippets: 1960's Gloucester High Gridiron Coach to be Enshrined in College Football Hall of Fame ( Read more →

Police Need Assistance in finding Ramon Rodriguez

Endangered Missing Person from 15th Police District November 21, 2011 On Sunday, November 20, 2011, Ramon Rodriguez was last seen at approximately 7:26pm at his residences on the 4300 block of Penn Street. Rodriguez suffers from Schizophrenia. Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Ramon Rodriguez please contact Northeast Detective Division at 215-686-3153 or call 911. NAME Ramon Rodriguez AGE 44 HEIGHT 5’2” WEIGHT 150 lbs EYES Hazel HAIR Black, short cut He was last seen wearing blue pants, a plaid fleece shirt, white/blue sneakers, silver framed glasses with blue tinted lenses and a blue baseball cap. CONTACT Office of Media Relations Philadelphia Police Department 215.686.3388/3389 [email protected] Read more →

NJ GOP: Andrews and Pallone Favor Tax and Spend Policies of Obama

press release November 18 TRENTON – Today the U.S House of Representatives voted on a balanced-budget amendment to the Constitution that would make it tougher for Congress to increase taxes and our nation’s debt. Unfortunately Congressmen Rob Andrews and Frank Pallone reversed their previous support and embraced the tax-and-spend policies of President Barack Obama. The New Jersey Republican Party released the following statement regarding Congressmen Andrews (photo, right) and Pallone’s (photo, left) lack of conviction: “This week our nation’s debt passed $15 trillion but this historic fiscal failure did not dissuade Congressmen Rob Andrews and Frank Pallone from reversing their previous support of a balanced-budget amendment. Andrews and Pallone are creatures of Washington D.C. and have turned their backs on the taxpayers of New Jersey time and time again and in November, voters will have their chance to voice their strong disappointment with their reckless fiscal policies that are bankrupting... Read more →

Andrews Announces $1.46 Million for Veterans’ Bus Services/High Tech Jobs

press release Haddon Heights, NJ – Today, Congressman Andrews (photo) announced that the United States Department of Transportation has awarded a $1.46 million grant to New Jersey Transit to better serve South Jersey Veterans’ transportation needs and create high-tech jobs. The money will be used to modernize the Camden Travel Management and Coordination Center (TMCC) with new in-vehicle technology, including cameras and computers that will help drivers locate passengers. The installation of this new technology will create an immediate demand for skilled electricians and IT workers in South Jersey, which is significant given our current job crisis. Our veterans have sacrificed so much through their service and supporting their needs here at home needs to be a top priority. With that in mind, Congressman Andrews voted for transportation legislation in 2005 that boosted federal aid for the Veterans Transportation and Community Living Initiative Program, which is designed to improve transportation... Read more →

LETTERS: Who's In Charge

Camden has room for only one mayor. In the event the mayor is not available, then the business administrator shall make the necessary decisions, not the appointed mayor’s assistant. This city government must abide by the intention of the elected mayor and not some aide. I noted that the sign-in log is missing from the mayor’s office. It was put in place under the Alfred Pierce administration in the 1960s so reporters could see who the mayor entertained that day and if a story was in the making. Now it’s gone. By whose orders? It has been noticed that the unity pledge is falling apart from within. Could it be from the aide in the mayor’s office, Novella Hinson? I find that it is difficult to gain the opportunity to speak to the mayor by phone due to the interference of the aide. Unity is being destroyed from within. Why?... Read more →

Video: Gloucester Catholic High School...The Secret

Gloucester Catholic School The Secret Formula You are invited to view the student produced video that captures the "secret formula" of Gloucester Catholic. To view click on the link below. Feel free to visit our face book page to register your review. Go Rams! Related articles GCHS Alumni Communion ( Hail to the King, Show Your Support, Rams Sign, What Would You ( Gloucester Catholic Alumni ( Read more →

Obituary: Howard A. Dickson Jr., GHS Alumni Class of 58, Marine Corp Veteran, Member of Presidential Honor Guard, Loved Wildwood

On November 19, 2011, born and raised in Gloucester City NJ, age 71 years. Howard is the beloved father of Howard A. Dickson III, Veronica King (Bill) and stepson Kenneth Matz, cherised grandfather of 8 grandchildren and dear brother William Dickson Sr. (Pat) and Judy Robertson (Ronald). Howard was a 1958 graduate of Gloucester High School where he was an All South Jersey Tackle and recipient of the Bob Weiss Memorial Trophy. He was a proud veteran of the US Marine Corp where he served in the 8th&I Unit as a Presidential Honor Guard guarding President Eisenhower and President Kennedy. Howard worked for over 29 years at Atlantic Aviation in Phila. In his later years Howard has loved spending time on his boat and enjoying the company of friends at the Firehouse Tavern in Wildwood. Relatives and friends are invited to meet Wednesday morning from 10:00am to 12:00 noon at... Read more →

Lawmakers Concede Budget Talks Are Close to Failure

Breaking News Alert The New York Times Sunday, November 20, 2011 -- 1:25 PM EST ----- Conceding that talks on a grand budget deal are near failure, Congressional leaders on Sunday pointed fingers at each other as they tried to deflect blame for their inability to figure out a way to lower the federal deficit without having to rely on automated cuts. The testy exchanges — which dominated the Sunday talk shows — made clear that leaders in both parties now see the so-called “sequester,” a term meaning an automatic spending cut, as the most likely solution to reduce the federal deficit by $1.2 trillion over 10 years, instead of the negotiated package of spending reductions and tax increases they have been unable to achieve over the last 10 weeks. Democrats blamed the Republicans for their unwillingness to walk away from a no-new-taxes pact they signed at the request of... Read more →

Navy's YouTube Video Warns Against 'Spice' Drug

By Donna Miles American Forces Press Service WASHINGTON, Nov. 17, 2011 - A new YouTube video developed by the Navy warns service members about the synthetic marijuana known as spice, and how use of the designer drug can negatively impact their health and military careers. Every military service bans the use of spice, which is comprised of organic leaves coated with synthetic chemicals. Spice is marketed as a safe way to get high while avoiding detection during drug tests. Officials emphasized in the video that both spice selling points are false. "The damage these drugs do to your mind, body and career is permanent," said Navy Rear Adm. Michael H. Anderson, medical officer to the Marine Corps. "It's not legal. It's not healthy. It's not worth it." The Drug Enforcement Administration issued a decision in March making spice illegal nationwide for at least a year. According to the DEA's website,... Read more →

Top MuckReads: Infant Mortality, Sandusky’s Charity, Guns for Felons

by Daniel Victor ProPublica, Nov. 18, 2011, 11:06 a.m Here are this week's top must-read stories from #MuckReads, ProPublica's ongoing collection of the best watchdog journalism. Anyone can contribute by tweeting a link to a story and just including the hashtag #MuckReads or by sending an email [email protected]. The best submissions are selected by ProPublica's editors and reporters and then featured on our site and @ProPublica. Where city factories, and now babies, die, Milwaukee Journal Sentinel As local economies suffer, so do the chances of babies making it through the first year of their lives. The Journal Sentinel reports that the U.S. has dropped in worldwide infant mortality rankings, with Milwaukee impacted especially hard. Contributed by@RL_Miller Felons Finding It Easy to Regain Gun Rights, The New York Times People with felony convictions forfeit their right to own guns, but thousands of felons, including those with violent histories, are finding those... Read more →

Dooley sparks Bentley to nationals-NCAA.COM

Freshman never ran competitively before, named NE-10 ROY Amy Farnum, Last Updated - November 16, 2011 1:18 GMT Bentley Athletics Bentley Athletics Dooley earned the Northeast-10 Rookie of the Week award three times this season. Just a few months ago, running was something Bentley freshman Tara Dooley did while playing soccer or lacrosse or basketball. Today, she is one of the top distance runners in Division II. While growing up in Lee, Mass., she never competed in cross country or track during her high school career, but her soccer coach -- a former runner - sensed Dooley might have the talent to run in college. She had competed with her father in the Josh Billings Runaground since the age of 13, running the 10K leg of the annual triathlon in Western Massachusetts with some pretty decent success. While Dooley was just having fun with her dad, her times turned... Read more →

Hunting and Fishing: Black Bear Permits on Sale Monday; Feral Hogs Permit; Barn Owl Discovered in PA

The NJDEP Division of Fish and Wildlife is reminding hunters that over-the-counter sale of leftover and unclaimed black bear hunting permits will begin at 10 a.m. on Monday, November 21. Hunters can possess two permits each for a different zone - but the bag limit is still one bear. The numbers of permits which will be available when the OTC sale begins are as follows: Bear Hunting Area 1: 328 Bear Hunting Area 2: 1,729 Bear Hunting Area 3: 1,817 Bear Hunting Area 4: 1,286 The permit availability chart will be updated continually in real time after Monday's sale opening. The chart can be viewed at . A current, valid NJ Firearm or All-around Hunting License is required to purchase a permit. Sales will continue until the season ends or the permit quota is reached. There is a non-refundable processing fee of $2.00 per permit. Permits can be purchased... Read more →

"The amazing reality we await in Advent," Bishop Galante's message

Have among yourselves the same attitude that is also yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not regard equality with God something to be grasped. Rather, he emptied himself, taking the form of a slave, coming in human likeness and found human in appearance, becoming obedient to death, even death on a cross. (Philippians 2: 5-8) Advent is the time when the church awaits and ponders Christianity’s amazing teaching that God became Man through Jesus. The Church prays about how the Word became flesh and dwelt among us. Do we realize this familiar phrase sums up a powerful truth that Jesus, by taking on our humanity, has allowed himself to become vulnerable? This is a startling reality. Jesus, the second person of the Blessed Trinity, son of God, becomes a son of Mary and truly our brother. What does it mean that Jesus... Read more →

Remember When: Gloucester City Colts 120 lb Football Team (1956)

submitted by John photo to enlarge The Gloucester City Colts 120 lb. team from 1956. The team was undefeated, untied and unscored upon. The identities as I remember are: Back Row (l. to r.) Coach McKinney, Coach McKeever, Rich Huff, Jim Bennett, Alan Mester, Dick Wright, Unknown, George Thorpe, Tom Early, Rich Devine, Rick Sherrer, Coach Houser, Unknown. Middle Row (l. to r.) Coach Mester, Jim Saxameyer, Unknown, Tom Baals, John McCormick, Skip Murphy, Woody Dooley, Jim DiCicco, Harry Ahern, Jack McKeever, Mike Flynn, Coach Hoover. Front Row (l. to r.) Mike McKinney, Unknown, Fran Janette, Bill Elenbark, Herb Houser, Jim Newcomb, Ray Sherry, Mike Clemens, Bill Hoover. Read more →

Black Conservatives Demand Apolgy

Pelosi, NAACP and Other Liberals Should Renounce and Apologize for Occupy Wall Street Outrageousness Washington, D.C. - With Occupy Wall Street protesters planning a mass demonstration in New York City and issuing calls for disruptions in other cities on November 17, members of the Project 21 black leadership network demand that high-profile supporters of the Occupy effort reject the violence, rudeness and hate that has come to embody the leftist protests and -- in the alleged absence of a leadership structure among Occupy protesters -- to apologize for the mobs' uncivil actions. "The behavior of the Occupy Wall Street protesters is boorish and violent, and it has no place in civil society," said Project 21 Fellow Deneen Borelli. "It's shocking that the very same people who tried and failed to tie the Tea Party movement to racism and radicalism are now embracing the Occupy mob despite the reports of widespread... Read more →

CNBNEWS HUNTING & FISHING: Deer Aging Video, Fish Are Biting, House Passes National Right to Carry Act

GAME COMMISSION POSTS DEER AGING VIDEO ON YOUTUBE ACCOUNT Agency also offers free tools to estimate deer age and weight HARRISBURG – Two things many hunters want to know about almost any deer they take are its age and weight. The Pennsylvania Game Commission, through its website, is offering some free tools to guide hunters in determining their deer’s age and weight. To help hunters learn how Game Commission biologists determine the age of a white-tailed deer, the agency has posted a link to a seven-minute and 38-second video on its “YouTube” account demonstrating the technique used to identify deer that are six months old, 18 months old and 30 months old or older. To view the video, go to the Game Commission’s website ( and click on the “YouTube” icon in the upper right-hand column of the homepage, then select the link to “Deer” “Looking at the teeth... Read more →

The Truth About Antibiotics...FDA

press release Antibiotics are drugs used for treating infections caused by bacteria. Also known as antimicrobial drugs, antibiotics have saved countless lives. Misuse and overuse of these drugs, however, have contributed to a phenomenon known as antibiotic resistance. This resistance develops when potentially harmful bacteria change in a way that reduces or eliminates the effectiveness of antibiotics. A Public Health Issue Antibiotic resistance is a growing public health concern worldwide. When a person is infected with an antibiotic-resistant bacterium, not only is treatment of that patient more difficult, but the antibiotic-resistant bacterium may spread to other people. When antibiotics don't work, the result can be longer illnesses more complicated illnesses more doctor visits the use of stronger and more expensive drugs more deaths caused by bacterial infections Examples of the types of bacteria that have become resistant to antibiotics include the species that cause skin infections, meningitis, sexually transmitted diseases... Read more → It's No Wonder a Plurality of Americans Want Obamacare Repealed

Just as the Supreme Court has decided to take up the court cases challenging the constitutionality of Obamacare, a new Gallup poll shows that the plurality of Americans–including even a plurality of independents–want to see the law repealed. Meanwhile, a new survey by the PwC Health Research Institute shows that health care and the deficit are tied as the second-most important issue in the presidential election, after jobs. Gallup reports that, “Given a choice, 47% of Americans favor repealing the 2010 Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, while 42% want it kept in place.” Breaking the numbers down by party affiliation, 80 percent of Republicans, 48 percent of independents, and 21 percent of Democrats are in favor of repealing the law. Among those who want to see it repealed, Gallup says that “66 percent of those favoring its repeal [say] it is very important that Congress take this action.” The... Read more →

CHUCKLES: Teacher - Student Comments

TEACHER: Why are you late? STUDENT: Class started before I got here. -------------------------------------------------------- TEACHER: Maria, go to the map and find North America . MARIA: Here it is. TEACHER: Correct. Now class, who discovered America ? CLASS: Maria.. ____________________________________ TEACHER: John, why are you doing your math multiplication on the floor? JOHN: You told me to do it without using tables. __________________________________________ TEACHER: Glenn, how do you spell 'crocodile?' GLENN: K-R-O-K-O-D-I-A-L' TEACHER: No, that's wrong GLENN: Maybe it is wrong, but you asked me how I spell it. (I Love this child) ____________________________________________ TEACHER: Donald, what is the chemical formula for water? DONALD: H I J K L M N O. TEACHER: What are you talking about? DONALD: Yesterday you said it's H to O. __________________________________ TEACHER: Winnie, name one important thing we have today that we didn't have ten years ago. WINNIE: Me! __________________________________________ TEACHER: Glen, why do you... Read more →

Europe Bans X-Ray Body Scanners Used at U.S. Airports

by Michael Grabell ProPublica, Nov. 15, 2011, 3:45 p.m The European Union on Monday prohibited the use of X-ray body scanners in European airports, parting ways with the U.S. Transportation Security Administration, which has deployed hundreds of the scanners as a way to screen millions of airline passengers for explosives hidden under clothing. The European Commission, which enforces common policies of the EU's 27 member countries, adopted the rule “in order not to risk jeopardizing citizens’ health and safety.” As a ProPublica/PBS NewsHour investigation detailed earlier this month, X-ray body scanners use ionizing radiation, a form of energy that has been shown to damage DNA and cause cancer. Although the amount of radiation is extremely low, equivalent to the radiation a person would receive in a few minutes of flying, several research studies have concluded that a small number of cancer cases would result from scanning hundreds of millions of... Read more →


Daily I pass by New St. Mary’s Cemetery, Bellmawr, with thousands of small American flags, one at each veteran’s grave. To express my personal observations and thoughts, the following is dedicated to all U.S. Veterans. In Spring, after a harsh winter, flags tattered and frayed represent experiences and battles of military service… and they sleep. In Summer, gentle breezes wave flags like soldiers doing manual of arms’ with beautiful precision…and they sleep. In Fall, with gusts of wind, flags flutter briskly as soldiers marching in perfect cadence… and they sleep. In Winter, through ice and snow, flags hang motionless as soldiers at attention on command… and they sleep. Veterans rest below, above, American flags through all seasons, represent their living spirit… and they sleep. We pray, salute and remember their sacrifices for our freedom… and they sleep… also, may they rest in peace. Ernest Cipolone, Brooklawn, WWII Veteran, age 91 Read more →

The Daily Dose: 'IWV: Suspend ObamaCare Implementation Until SCOTUS Rules'

Independent Women's Voice President & CEO Heather Higgins explains why ObamaCare should not be implemented until after the Supreme Court's ruling. "With Supreme Court review of ObamaCare now imminent, all implementation should be immediately suspended until the court has rendered their ruling. With the nation now nearly $15 trillion in debt, we simply cannot afford the cost of building the bureaucracy and implementing this government take-over of private health care decisions only to have it later overturned as unconstitutional. ObamaCare was never wanted by the American people, and it has been massively unpopular from the onset. Today, it is as unpopular as ever. Last week, in what will be the last expression of popular will before the Supreme Court hears arguments on ObamaCare, the people of Ohio voted overwhelmingly to affirm that no government should have the right to mandate that American citizens purchase a government-approved health insurance product." In... Read more →

Philadelphia Mayor Signs Business Tax Bills; Will Improve City's Economic

Philadelphia, November 14, 2011 – Mayor Michael A. Nutter has signed City Council legislation that eliminates business taxes and fees for new businesses that create jobs. A second bill establishes broad tax reduction for all businesses and a new structure for computing certain business taxes that will reward businesses located in the City of Philadelphia. “Together these path-breaking bills make Philadelphia more competitive, lessening the tax burden on firms based in Philadelphia and providing a particular benefit to new businesses and small businesses. They make doing business in Philadelphia easier,” said Mayor Nutter. Reflecting on his first-term efforts to position the City for future economic growth, Mayor Nutter added, “Since taking office in 2008, this Administration and City Council have taken significant steps to reform each of our three largest taxes. We’ve lowered the resident wage tax below 4 percent for the first time in more than three decades. We’ve... Read more →

PHILADELPHIA : $50 Million Dilworth Plaza will Employ 800 Construction Workers

press release Philadelphia, November 16, 2011 – The City of Philadelphia today posted an Official Notice advising the public that the $50 million Dilworth Plaza construction project is imminent. The notice was issued following the announcement that the Center City District, the project manager, has awarded a general construction contract to Daniel J. Keating Company for the project, which will employ about 800 construction workers and is scheduled for completion in about 27 months. The Official Notice stated: “Be advised that the Permit for Demonstration on City Property issued by the City of Philadelphia effective 10/6/11 expires at the start of the Dilworth Plaza construction project. This project’s commencement is imminent. Accordingly, you should take this opportunity to vacate Dilworth Plaza and remove all of your personal belongings immediately.” Tomorrow, members of the City’s homeless outreach team, with the assistance of homeless advocacy organizations, will increase efforts to provide assistance... Read more →

CNBNEWS OPINION: Damaged Playground Fence Should Have Been Repaired Weeks Ago

by CNBNEWS UPDATE-Happy to report that two city employees from the Highway Department repaired the fence today, Friday. GLOUCESTER CITY NJ-On September 27 there was a traffic accident at the intersection of Lane and Thompson Avenues involving a SUV and a compact car. The force of the collision pushed the compact car up on the sidewalk and into the fence that surrounds the nearby playground. The car just missed hitting a pedestrian and his dog. There were no serious injuries. Three sections of the cyclone fence were damaged. Fifty-two days after the accident the fence has yet to be repaired. An estimated guess on the cost of repairing the fence would be under $1000, according to one fence contractor who looked at the photos of the damaged fence. Steve Ciachetti, supervisor for the Gloucester City Highway Department was asked recently when will the fence be repaired? He said the operator... Read more →

Philadelphia: Happenings

Through January 1 CSI: The Experience The Franklin Institute 222 North 20th Street 215.448.1200 Through January 8 The King and I Walnut Street Theatre 825 Walnut Street 215.574.3550 November 16-20 Fall Series 2011 BalletX Wilma Theater 265 South Broad Street 215.546.7824 November 16-27 Billy Elliot the Musical Academy of Music Broad & Locust Streets 215.893.1999 November 17-20 Faust by Charles Gounod Curtis Opera Theatre The Curtis Institute of Music 1726 Locust Street 215.893.7902 November 17 Adam Gopnik The Table Comes First: Family, France, and the Meaning of Food Free Library of Philadelphia 1901 Vine Street 215.567.4341 November 24 Thanksgiving Day Parade 20th & JFK Boulevard to Ben Franklin Parkway November 25 Santa Express The Gallery at Market East 9th & Market Streets 215.625.49621 November 26 Center City District Shopping Saturdays Various Locations Around Center City November 29 & December 3, 10,... Read more →


Amy Brehm and the Gothic Knights are projected to finish fourth of 10 teams in the Northeast Conference during the 2011-12 season. 11/12/2011 12:36:00 PM SOMERSET, NJ ( | For the second year in a row, the New Jersey City University women's bowling team has been selected to finish fourth in the Northeast Conference (NEC) in a vote of the league's 10 head coaches announced recently. The Gothic Knights, the 2009-10 NEC regular season champions, placed third in the 2010-11 final regular season standings after being in first place for much of the season. But in each of the first two seasons as an associate member of the Division I conference, NJCU has not replicated that regular-season success, twice having its title hopes dashed in the third round of the NEC double-elimination championship tournament. “Our goal is certainly to win the conference championship,” said 12th-year head coachFRANK PARISI. “We've won... Read more →

John Paff: OPMA Lawsuit against Camden City school

A new lawsuit was filed yesterday in Camden County Superior Court that seeks answers to the following questions: 1. How promptly must a public body publicly disclose the nonexempt portions of its nonpublic (i.e. "closed or executive") meeting minutes? 2. Can a public body validly claim that it must first "approve" its nonpublic meeting minutes prior to publicly disclosing even redacted versions of them? 3. Must a public body pass a separate, free-standing resolution in order to authorize a nonpublic session (as required by N.J.S.A. 10:4-13) or is it sufficient for it to pass a motion, which is recorded in the regular meeting minutes? 4. In its N.J.S.A. 10:4-13 motions or resolutions, how specifically must a public body describe the topics it plans to discuss during its nonpublic meetings? 5. In its N.J.S.A. 10:4-13 motions or resolutions, how precisely must a public body state the time when and the circumstances... Read more →

Grass Fire Nation: Tea Partiers must ACT NOW to Stop the Progressives Takeover of the Internet!

by Darla Dawald Dear Patriot, On November 20, 2011, the Federal government will officially take control of the Internet through the Federal Communications Commission’s Net Neutrality regulations. The cowardice of our Senate was on full display during Thursday’s vote to allow Obama’s illegal power-grab to stand, by a vote of 46-52. This latest, lawless act by this administration is particularly heinous because the takeover was prompted in part because of widespread Tea Party success... Certainly you can’t expect the liberal media to tell the truth. The fact is, they are praising the move, eagerly parroting administration talking points, and wagging an accusatory finger at us for trying to stop the fed infiltration! The truth is Net Neutrality will be used as a weapon to silence both conservatives and Tea Party Americans -- the last remaining obstacles to the Left's implementation of their socialist agenda. + + Official Citizen Protest of... Read more →

CNBNEWS Hunting and Fishing: Countdown, Antler Restrictions, Must See, Show Compassion

COUNTDOWN TO DEER SEASON HAS BEGUN HARRISBURG – Pennsylvania’s only unofficial holiday - the Monday after Thanksgiving –marks the opening day of the two-week general deer season, and will feature nearly 750,000 individuals sporting fluorescent orange throughout Penn’s Woods, according to Pennsylvania Game Commission Executive Director Carl G. Roe. New antler restrictions are in place this year for the five Wildlife Management Units (WMUs) in western Pennsylvania previously designated as a four-point on one side area. Under the new antler restrictions, which represent the first change since 2002, hunters in WMUs 1A, 1B, 2A, 2B and 2D need to identify three antler points, not including the brow tine, which is the point immediately above the antler burr. (Please see second article for details.) Also, WMUs 2A, 2F and 3B have been added to the split-season structure, in which the first five days are open for antlered deer only and the... Read more →

Obituary: Michael Lee "Birdman" Burdick, of Gloucester City, GHS Class of '79 Alumni

Suddenly, On November 13, 2011. Age 51. Of Gloucester City. Cherished Son of the late Doris Burdick. Beloved Husband of 28 years to Jacqueline P. “Jackie” Burdick (nee Simero). Devoted Father of Jennifer LaScala (Frank), Kelly Burdick and Jacqueline M. Burdick. Loving Grandfather of Kira, Joseph, Peyton and A.J. Dear Brother of Richard Burdick (Tracey) and Mildred Hemsley. Survived by 3 nieces and 1 nephew. Michael was known to all as “Birdman” and was a 1979 Graduate of Gloucester City High School. He loved to watch the Philadelphia Eagles, Philadelphia Phillies and enjoyed Fantasy Football with friends. Michael enjoyed listening to classic rock, Van Halen and Guns N Roses. He enjoyed a great barbeque with friends and family. Relatives and friends are kindly invited to attend his visitation on Saturday from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM at the McCANN-HEALEY FUNERAL HOME: 851 Monmouth Street, (at Brown Street) Gloucester City. Catholic... Read more →


November 15, 2011 Catholic League president Bill Donohue comments as follows: Everyone and his brother is comparing the Penn State sexual abuse scandal to the Catholic Church's own problems, and in many respects, such an analogy is unfortunately warranted. But some correctives are in order, and some analogies not being discussed need to be made. No institution where adults regularly mix with youngsters is immune to this problem. In the case of the Catholic Church, most of the problem took place between the mid-1960s and the mid-1980s; almost all of the allegations being reported today extend back decades. Therefore, the popular Penn State-Catholic Church analogy seems a bit dated. Why not discuss Penn State's most salient rival, namely, the public schools? That's where "passing the trash"—moving molesting teachers to new school districts—is still a major problem. Planned Parenthood is notorious for covering up cases of statutory rape, yet no one... Read more →

Collingswood Mayor Maley: Moody’s admits mistake, maintains Borough’s status

As you may have read, Moody’s has re-released a statement that maintains Collingswood’s Ba1 status. We are strongly opposed to this status as the Borough has accomplished each financial goal Moody’s claimed it would not. We have restructured the LumberYard project to weather the world economic issues while bringing new vibrancy to our downtown and never jeopardizing our community. No matter what hoops we jump through, Moody’s will maintain their original decision to avoid admitting they are wrong. The real story here is the lack of professionalism from what is supposed to be a major credit agency. We don’t fit the ‘junk’ matrix, we’ve achieved all their earmarks and yet they continue to smear the Borough with no repercussions. We’re confident Collingswood’s ordeal will shine a light on the mismanagement of these agencies. We’ll continue to fight back. To see how they’ve changed the rules to justify their incorrect results,... Read more →


Looks Forward to Working in a Bi-Partisan Manner to Move East Greenwich Forward (EAST GREENWICH, NJ) – Following the Gloucester County Board of Elections certification of last Tuesday’s election results, Committeeman-elect Tom Decker today expressed how humbled he was by the show of support from his community and reinforced the importance of bi-partisan government. “I’m humbled by the amount of support I received from the voters,” said Tom Decker. “From day one, the campaign was focused on leadership that listens to all residents’ needs, not dictating them. Clearly, they responded to this message.” The official vote totals have Sam Giordano and Tom Decker as the two top vote getters, with 1,268 and 1,202, respectively. James Philbin came in third with 1,196 and James Watson came in fourth with 1,191. “I look forward to working with my committee colleagues in a bi-partisan fashion to establish sustainable solutions while preserving the rural... Read more →

OBITUARY: Doris Dot Meersand, of Cherry Hill, formerly of Gloucester City and Voohees


Large Crowd Attends Bellmawr Fall Festival

By Chris Concannon Gloucester City News As a light, cool breeze filtered over the Bellmawr Rec Centre October 22, hundreds of area residents turned out in droves for the town’s first Fall Festival. Heavily promoted in bulletins, on the Borough website ( as well as word-of-mouth, the event, which will be an annual function, featured something for all ages, such as rides, games, pumpkin and face painting for children, as well as a paintball booth for older youth. Dozens of food and craft vendors carpeted the outfield fences of the Bell Road and Garden State ball fields, including a classic and custom car show which featured a 1926 Ford Model T, as well as a fully restored fire truck, owned by Bellmawr’s Paul Jr. and Frank Sr. Sandrock. Among the vendors on hand was Len Landi of the 65 year-old Bellmawr Tigers, who are currently holding basketball registrations, Saturday from... Read more →

Gloucester City News Headlines for Nov. 17th issue

Gloucester City Council Will Extend Sunday Bar Hours, Change Ward System, As Voters Approve Questions Bellmawr Students Compose, Sing Song Against Bullying In Schools Westville Lions Club Supports Local Food Bank U.S. Marine Corporal Marc Ryan Memorial 5K Run This Saturday Westville To Receive $31,974 Check For Workplace Safety Related articles Gloucester City Business Association Urges Voters to Ok New Sunday Tavern Hours ( Gloucester City Council Lends Support To Passenger Rail Line ( Bellmawr Council Honors Softball Teams ( GCBA Urges Residents to Vote Yes to Municipal Question 2 for Extended Sunday Hours ( Read more →

Bellmawr, Mount Ephraim Buy Trash Truck Together

By Chris Concannon Gloucester City News Under the banner “We Care-We Share,” the boroughs of Bellmawr and Mt. Ephraim unveiled their newest addition October 25 at Bellmawr’s Municipal Complex. A number of officials from each town were on hand to present the 2011 Twenty-Yard trash truck. Purchased jointly, the vehicle, lettered similarly on both sides reflecting each municipality, saves approximately $78.6 thousand in taxpayer funds for both, said Joe Ciano, Bellmawr’s Public Works Superintendent. Information provided by Ciano indicates the basis of their Shared Services program is to work together to better serve their respective communities, while simultaneously saving tax dollars. Under the terms of the agreement, Mt. Ephraim has already changed their trash collection schedule, which coincides with Bellmawr’s, to the extent that neither schedule conflicts with the other. With both boroughs in desperate need of a new collection truck, they were able to come together to purchase the... Read more →