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CNBNEWS OPINION: Damaged Playground Fence Should Have Been Repaired Weeks Ago






UPDATE-Happy to report that two city employees from the Highway Department repaired the fence today, Friday.


GLOUCESTER CITY NJ-On September 27 there was a traffic accident at the intersection of Lane and Thompson Avenues involving a SUV and a compact car. The force of the collision pushed the compact car up on the sidewalk and into the fence that surrounds the nearby playground. The car just missed hitting a pedestrian and his dog. There were no serious injuries.


Three sections of the cyclone fence were damaged.  Fifty-two days after the accident the fence has yet to be repaired.  An estimated guess on the cost of repairing the fence would be under $1000, according to one fence contractor who looked at the photos of the damaged fence.


Steve Ciachetti, supervisor for the Gloucester City Highway Department was asked recently when will the fence be repaired?  He said the operator of the vehicle didn’t have insurance. “Now we have to take the driver into court.”


We all know how slow the courts work. At the present pace it could be spring before the work begins and the fence is fixed. 


With the cost of the repairs being under $1000 you would think the City would have the work done immediately; worry about getting reimbursed later. You would 6a00d8341bf7d953ef014e8bdba189970d-500wialso think those in charge would be concerned about a child running into the fence rail that is sticking out by the entrance to the playground. 


Since the playground is just blocks away from where Jay Brophy, the Third Ward councilman lives, we reached out to him to see if something couldn’t be done right way.  In an email message Brophy writes, "I agree I will get right on it, give me about one week and it will be done."


Sometimes it just takes a little push to get the wheels of government moving.

~Bill Cleary


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