Two months-no fatals; keep it going during holidays
Friday, November 25, 2011
press release
Gloucester County’s last fatal motor vehicle crash in 2011 was Sept. 17, and law enforcement officials want to see that continue through the joyous but dangerous time between Thanksgiving and the new year, weeks that typically claim 2,000 lives on the nation’s roads.
Especially during the month of December, a fast-paced time with celebrations and stress, often made more hazardous by sleet and snow, “we want to urge everyone to drive sober, safe and focused on the road,” said Gloucester County Prosecutor Sean F. Dalton. “Traffic in many places will be heavy and distractions can be many. Do your best to drive responsibly this holiday season.”
As indicated by last year’s holiday period in Gloucester County, it is possible to get through the month without becoming a statistic. There were no motor vehicle fatalities in 2010 after October.
Some reminders:
- Designated driver- if drinking, arrange for one in advance.
- If you’re with an impaired drinker, take their keys and help them get home.
- Eat as well as drink. Balance booze intake with high-protein foods.
- Medication-takers: remember interactions with alcohol.
- Party hosts: stop serving alcoholic drinks well before the party’s over.
Since 2003, the Gloucester County Prosecutor’s Office has overseen the Gloucester County Highway Task Force, dedicated to reducing the number of fatal accidents on our roadways. It is made up of residents and businesses working to make our roadways safer. If you are interested in participating, please e-mail the Task Force at [email protected] or call (856) 384-5635.