NEWS, SPORTS, COMMENTARY, POLITICS for Gloucester City and the Surrounding Areas of South Jersey and Philadelphia

MAAC and ESPN Announce 6 Year
Heroes To Hero 5K Run/Walk Oct. 15

Sevier Tea Party: Affordable Broccoli-CNBNEWS.NET

           The protesters on Wall Street have been getting a lot of media attention this week. Their complaints have ranged from the banking system, to unemployment, to----affordable broccoli?!? Yes, that's right--affordable broccoli!  When Nancy Pelosi was asked what she thought of these protesters, she said "God bless them" and praised the "young-spontaneous and effective protesters."  By contrast, she said of the Tea Party protesters in Washington they are "dangerous" and "violent," etc. 

           The contrast she draws between the two diametrically opposed groups exemplifies her views of the American people; those who want to controlWashington are the enemy, while those who want government to control the people, and who want more government regulations, are to be held in high honor

          From the time Obama was a candidate for president to present, the main stream media has denied their viewers the truth concerning Obama. Yet the American people DO know the truth. His approval numbers have been falling since he and the Democrat controlled congress began ramming their agenda down our throats. The American people gathered together inWashington to peacefully show their objection to their agenda.

Fact check: The headline for Oct 7, 2011 reads “Video Exposing How ‘Occupy Wall Street’ Was Organized from Day One by SEIU / ACORN Front – The Working Family Party, and How They All Tie to the Obama Administration, DNC, Democratic Socialists of America, Tides and George Soros.”         

 Fact check: When the Tea Party Express organized 732 individual Tea Parties from across the nation for a rally, not one attendee was arrested. Last week, 700 Wall Street protesters were arrested.

          Obama and his buddies had to pay all but a few of the protesters to show up for the Wall Street protest. By STARK contrast, the Tea Party rallies were attended by the loosely knit, concerned, working class and retirees, young and old.

WE and our forefathers made this country great.

 WE know this country's value system is worth fighting for.

 WE are in the overwhelming majority.

 Keep that in mind as you go through your day.

 Stay encouraged.  Stay positive.  Stay involved.  Stay active in your Tea Party.

          We ARE winning this battle of ideas. While Washington continues in their efforts to create a European socialist state in America, we the people continue to grow and say "no!" Otherwise, the opposition wouldn't have to pay people to show up at a protest.

          Obama does not have it in his DNA to lead the greatest nation in the history of the world to prosperity. He cut his teeth by rallying the entitlement class to complain, complain and complain that they aren't getting enough ofyour money. The silent majority is now the vocal majority, and he is still trying to rally the entitlement class to oppose us. He's losing that battle. He's counting on us to get tired and go away. That ain't gonna happen!

 The Sevier County Tea Party ...WE  THE  PEOPLE

 The Price of Freedom is Eternal Vigilance

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