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Michael D. Welsh, of Deptford; GHS Alumni Class of '76

Tuesdays with Jason Mattera/Obama Administration Attempts to Silence Human Events


I’m not in the least bit surprised.  This is the Chicago way, after all. The White House is in full damage control mode after HUMAN EVENTS confronted Joe Biden on his ludicrous claims that an avalanche of rapes will rock the nation if Congress doesn’t cut another $35 billion check to bailout the states.

In classic clueless Biden fashion, he initially denied that he made the rape reference, then 10 seconds later confirmed that he indeed did use a rape reference.  And sandwiched in between he contemptuously wagged his finger at me while saying, “Don’t screw around with me.”

In other words, how dare we ask Dear Leader junior a question without permission!

Now the White House wants my interview with the veep investigated. According to The Hill newspaper, “Joe Biden’s office has complained to the Senate press gallery about a confrontation the vice president had with a conservative journalist last week on Capitol Hill. Biden aides asked whether Senate rules were broken in the wake of the contentious exchange between the vice president and the reporter.”

No tough questions allowed in Obama’s America! Why, we need to give lefty politicians the questions in advance, allow them to consult their messaging teams, and accept the spin they provide as though it were spoken by the Almighty Himself. Silly us.

Read all about the Administration’s attempt to get HUMAN EVENTS silenced.  

— Jason Mattera

